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Is PvP only warzones for you people..?


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The way I see it world - pvp utterly died with KOTFE...

Teleport everywhere!? On some H2 missions u land right outside of the instance where the H2 objectives are, and once you make it safely inside behind the forcefield then you are untouchable. That must be the flirt of the decade to the PvE community that pesters the PvP servers!!

Shadow of Revan offered tons of opportunities to hunt for other players while they spended time "questing" (I have to wash my mouth after saying that faul word...) on both Yavin 4 and Rishi (Yavin 4 was the best place though). Me and my mates used to have tons of fun especially on Yavin 4. The ultimate satisfaction was when the enemy players got tired of beeing killed and started to team up to counter our havoc on the land! A bonus satisfaction was also when we killed a player that used Say to express his frustration over beeing killed while he "quested" (eeeuuww.. said that word again.. where did I lay the soap..?) because then we knew that we had prolly killed a fullfledged PvE player that had been foolish enough to choose a PvP server as playground! =)


Well, as it stands now, it seems as my time of pestering PvE players soon will reach an end. I've managed to drag 3 of my 12 chars thrue the story in KOTFE and I'm already fed up with the story. I'll admit that it was somewhat entertaining the first time I played it, but that's it... After that I yelled to myself SKIP everytime a cutscene started and I've almost worned out my space bar after all the pressing on it. It doesn't take that long time from start to finish, but I get so freaking tired that I must split up the experience in small doses to be able to handle it... In short from now on only pain awaits me if I'm gonna level the 9 chars I have left to 65.


Warzones for me is more like a nessesary evil to get the gear that I want. Now and then I experience an even game where the outcome isnt written in stone. Those times are actually fun and I gladly accept a loss if it was an even match because it offered me the excitement of participating in such a match. Sadly those times are rather rare. About 1 out of 5 warzone rounds offers this experience...


I suspect that KOTFE has set the bar for how SWTOR will be for a copple of years to come. I'll try to keep my interest floating in order to see if there will be any changes in the future but the fun level has dropped horribly since KOTFE.

Everything feels as plastic as it felt when WoW killed the world PvP in their game by enabling teleports to everything... The fun game experience has turned into a grindexperience where you (like in WoW) look back on the days when it took you weeks to fully level up a character. Those days are now gone it seems...

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I get fights all the time. Of course, I go out and LOOK for fights. A lot of people never go anywhere or try to find them then cry that there is none. You point out that it ACTUALLY happens and is fun, people say I get no reward, QQ... Give me a freaking break. It is fun! The slicing nerf did kill one area of WPvP that actually gives a reward, though... :(
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BW has been systemically removing owpvp with each new large patch, so it's really of no surprise.


Not like many people care anyway, with the lack of pvp updates, and over all interest.


I still think they should at least get rid of planetary scaling for the outlaw's den and gree event, at the very least, but alas...


Currently, the only place where no bolster, or scaling takes place, is strongholds and rakghoul tunnels. What was great about Outlaw's den and the Gree event (before the pvp area/planetary scaling change) was that in each place, you could use WZ medpacs/adrenals as well.

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BW has been systemically removing owpvp with each new large patch, so it's really of no surprise.


Not like many people care anyway, with the lack of pvp updates, and over all interest.


I still think they should at least get rid of planetary scaling for the outlaw's den and gree event, at the very least, but alas...


Currently, the only place where no bolster, or scaling takes place, is strongholds and rakghoul tunnels. What was great about Outlaw's den and the Gree event (before the pvp area/planetary scaling change) was that in each place, you could use WZ medpacs/adrenals as well.


Yes, world PvP is the best because there is no bolster interference! Just raw skill and power! ;)

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Yes, world PvP is the best because there is no bolster interference! Just raw skill and power! ;)


Yes, for sure.


Fighting against enemies of equal numbers, boosted upto at least basic level of stats required, isn't PvP. Ambushing players in PvE questzones that are 5~10 levels under yourself while they are on leveling up quests... now that's PvP. :rolleyes:


*snicker* ...and they wonder why OPvP is dead....

Edited by kweassa
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Yes, for sure.


Fighting against enemies of equal numbers, boosted upto at least basic level of stats required, isn't PvP. Ambushing players in PvE questzones that are 5~10 levels under yourself while they are on leveling up quests... now that's PvP. :rolleyes:


*snicker* ...and they wonder why OPvP is dead....


I like that aswell, but the best experience for me are the even fights. We never stick around to gank. No sport in that.. ;)

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I like that aswell, but the best experience for me are the even fights. We never stick around to gank. No sport in that.. ;)


...er, that was supposed to be cynicism, not endorsement.


OPvP had its day in the early days of MMO gaming, but its ultimately a failed concept. The only thing game developers have found out with numerous OPvP experiments is that it is detrimental to the gameplay on a large scale, due to the fact that it is inherently impossible to balance it in any meaning of the word.


Hence, people are forced to fend for themselves in any way they can.


Personally, I don't mind because I've been 'baptized with fire' since my initial MMO experience was with Ultima Online back in '96 or '98, before they did that Felucca/Trammel split. Friggin' "murderors" everywhere in that game. But back then, I was in my 20's, and fiery and temperamental with PvP fights. I was ready to defend myself on demand, and as much kill people on demand whenever I saw them.


But in those days, I've never given thought about how others might feel. Many people would not mind maybe a fight or two, or a death every now and then, but PvPers know no limits. You can't enforce any kind of morality in OPvP, and there is no way to restrict people from just plain wrecking the everyday experience of other people who are timid and not so battle-hardened.


Why do so many people populate PvE servers, and why are the numbers in PvP servers dwindling? Isn't it obvious that people don't enjoy being targeted and 'hunted down' so frequently? The age of OPvP is over. Things have moved on to consensual PvP where people fight under equal circumstances, or not at all.



If there's one thing PvPers suck at, its seeing things beyond their own egos and cocky demeanor. Many people don't realize just how much abuse there exists in those "clever tactics to always win". That's why they don't realize why OPvP doesn't work, and that's why they do foolish and stupid shi* like premades in casual queues, that does nothing but drive more and more newbies and casuals away from the game.

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Yes, for sure.


Fighting against enemies of equal numbers, boosted upto at least basic level of stats required, isn't PvP. Ambushing players in PvE questzones that are 5~10 levels under yourself while they are on leveling up quests... now that's PvP. :rolleyes:


*snicker* ...and they wonder why OPvP is dead....


Spoken like an ignorant child... I look for fights with max level characters not lowbies. I spend a lot of time killing lowbie gankers. OWPvP is not a failed concept. Games thinking it is is the main issue. If the changes go live in 4.3, I will quite probably be moving to the next game after being a subscriber since beta...

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...er, that was supposed to be cynicism, not endorsement.


OPvP had its day in the early days of MMO gaming, but its ultimately a failed concept. The only thing game developers have found out with numerous OPvP experiments is that it is detrimental to the gameplay on a large scale, due to the fact that it is inherently impossible to balance it in any meaning of the word.


Hence, people are forced to fend for themselves in any way they can.


Personally, I don't mind because I've been 'baptized with fire' since my initial MMO experience was with Ultima Online back in '96 or '98, before they did that Felucca/Trammel split. Friggin' "murderors" everywhere in that game. But back then, I was in my 20's, and fiery and temperamental with PvP fights. I was ready to defend myself on demand, and as much kill people on demand whenever I saw them.


But in those days, I've never given thought about how others might feel. Many people would not mind maybe a fight or two, or a death every now and then, but PvPers know no limits. You can't enforce any kind of morality in OPvP, and there is no way to restrict people from just plain wrecking the everyday experience of other people who are timid and not so battle-hardened.


Why do so many people populate PvE servers, and why are the numbers in PvP servers dwindling? Isn't it obvious that people don't enjoy being targeted and 'hunted down' so frequently? The age of OPvP is over. Things have moved on to consensual PvP where people fight under equal circumstances, or not at all.



If there's one thing PvPers suck at, its seeing things beyond their own egos and cocky demeanor. Many people don't realize just how much abuse there exists in those "clever tactics to always win". That's why they don't realize why OPvP doesn't work, and that's why they do foolish and stupid shi* like premades in casual queues, that does nothing but drive more and more newbies and casuals away from the game.


Because BW gave us a game engine that limits the amount of people that can be in a large scale battle? Because they killed Ilum? Because... etc...

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Because BW gave us a game engine that limits the amount of people that can be in a large scale battle? Because they killed Ilum? Because... etc...


I can bet my left nut, even without the problems people've seen in Ilum around launch, eventually PvP servers would become deserted all the same, because OPvP, sad to say, is a dead end concept.


OPvP has no real 'rules'. Its every man for himself.


The stronger guys can fend for themselves and eagerly seek targets to fight. However the weaker ones often find that the only way they can fight back, is to deny the fight in the first place.... by simply going away and not returning. This is the truth behind every OPvP I've seen, with just ONE exception being EVE, where people consider even cheating and scamming as a part of the game.

Edited by kweassa
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I can bet my left nut, even without the problems people've seen in Ilum around launch, eventually PvP servers would become deserted all the same, because OPvP, sad to say, is a dead end concept.


OPvP has no real 'rules'. Its every man for himself.


The stronger guys can fend for themselves and eagerly seek targets to fight. However the weaker ones often find that the only way they can fight back, is to deny the fight in the first place.... by simply going away and not returning. This is the truth behind every OPvP I've seen, with just ONE exception being EVE, where people consider even cheating and scamming as a part of the game.


Then you should take a look on what's going on in other games because OPVP it's far beyond what you are describing

as an example of focused OPVP in archeage a small gang of pirates raid and steal a fully loaded merchant ship on a trade run near his destination port, this guys will get gold and some good stuff for turning all the packs on their land since those packs are of the oppsossite faction and are rare or scarce materials in their lands so not only it's fun but it does have a purpousse.


Those packs btw are created with materials/crops etc.. that you farm in your farms.



So what I'm trying to say it's that this game with all his potential it's lacking a lot of content that new modern games are implementing and the poor RvR that this game have doesn't help neither we need a conquest mode like SWG invasions, where crafters and fighters can cooperate in a fight where both pvpr's and pve can work together maybe one fighting and the others providing defense or building and reparing them. and where PvP it's optional but if you help in the effort no matter how youll get reward for assisting but if you PvP youll get that extra coms or even better create an Invasion commendation with his own rewards.

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if you call "fun, skill and power" to be with 2-6 mates crushing a lonely guy questing, then another, then another...wooo i sympathize.


what a loss..


any way there is still gree event.


and soon the PvP instance. this is more interesting i think because players will organize some events and open PvP wars on planets, like guild vs guild (i guess). many future possibilities if players want it.

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if you call "fun, skill and power" to be with 2-6 mates crushing a lonely guy questing, then another, then another...wooo i sympathize.


what a loss..


any way there is still gree event.


and soon the PvP instance. this is more interesting i think because players will organize some events and open PvP wars on planets, like guild vs guild (i guess). many future possibilities if players want it.


I'm not a fan of the gree event becaus I would rather have factional wars; but I suppose if it's all there is.


And I wonder if that PvP instance will be anything other than phasing in on what is essentially PvP server rulesets in that phase. Think that is all there is too it more than likely, but it would be nice if they added player controlled towns or something.



At any rate; as far as the OP goes, I'd be down to go looking if I had thought there were many people out there. Running solo is generally an advantage to stealth gankers. Maybe with having the PvP instance, there can more easily be arranged on populated servers. Maybe someone could form guilds on each faction just to organize those interested.


I have some work to do to get ready if any of this actually became a thing as I have pretty much been playing other games to find this sort of play. Unfortunately for me; they are not Star Wars and really tend to be way more grindy than here and more grindy than I am willing to participate in.

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if you call "fun, skill and power" to be with 2-6 mates crushing a lonely guy questing, then another, then another...wooo i sympathize.


what a loss..

I take it you are one of those PvE players that choosed a PvP server to later be annoyed over that you can get killed while tending to the PvE content in the game. You either accept the fact / risk that you will be killed if you solo run on a PvP server, or you join a guild that are into PvP that can help you do your daileys. Third option is that you make a character transfer to a PvE server..

I dont get the whining from some people that are beeing killed in the open world. Things you hear them "Say" while you are about to leave the scene: "I just wanna do my quests, leave me the hell alone", "*********** idiots!!" etc, etc

It destroys the mood when people take it that personal. This is after all a game which is supposed to be played like that. :rolleyes:

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I am eager RPer, and that sometimes leads me into pvp , though mostly dueling.


I did however partisipate is something VERY cool, on Belsavis.


We formed a ops group, flagged/autoflagged in area and then we went into the imperial controlled zone, this naturally flagged us which was the point. We fought the various pve Mobs, all champions, after all this was the imperial Zone of the planet.


We had pre agreed, I think on the forums, but I am not sure, with a band of imps to meet us in an RPed battle.

They got soem pugs as they were lower in numbers, and they were aidd by all the mobs and turrets etc, and the battle was on, tactics, splitting up, going for flanks, lots of cool stuff, all in owpvp type setting, though with a very important for the feel that time, the strong additional pve elements.


This is maybe by far the most pvp fun I ever had here, noting competative at all, simply an RP started battle, with a band of jedi and rep forces invades and sabotage a base, having a named chamption npc as our target and the imp pvp team was an elite force set to stop the attack hehe.


Was awesome, small scale, but something I would love to see more of

it is also something I think pvpers would like

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Spoken like an ignorant child... I look for fights with max level characters not lowbies. I spend a lot of time killing lowbie gankers. OWPvP is not a failed concept. Games thinking it is is the main issue. If the changes go live in 4.3, I will quite probably be moving to the next game after being a subscriber since beta...


then you are a minority. the vast majority of OWPVPers I've come across are stealth classes which enjoy an inherent advantage in 1v1. and on top of that, it's often a pair of them.


there is very little honor or morality in an impersonal MMORPG. you may have your code, but I assure you, it's not a norm by any means, and it's certainly not the same code as the 5 people in the area.


have at it. sure. w/e. don't pretend for a second, though, that OW is ever anything close to a "fair fight."


I'm game for the massive fights ala alterac valley or wintergrasp or whatnot. those are usually heavily tilted at the start as well but they're large scale enough for it to still be fun. that's not possible in this game. so OW is either impossible or cheap gank kills. or pretending that continually ganking the same loner will cause him to grab this mythical 30 friends to come fight and start a world event. that happens with like maybe 2 guilds on a server. iunno. you like it w/e just stop with the high minded ethics bs.

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Personally, I don't mind because I've been 'baptized with fire' since my initial MMO experience was with Ultima Online back in '96 or '98, before they did that Felucca/Trammel split. Friggin' "murderors" everywhere in that game. But back then, I was in my 20's, and fiery and temperamental with PvP fights. I was ready to defend myself on demand, and as much kill people on demand whenever I saw them.



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then you are a minority. the vast majority of OWPVPers I've come across are stealth classes which enjoy an inherent advantage in 1v1. and on top of that, it's often a pair of them.


there is very little honor or morality in an impersonal MMORPG. you may have your code, but I assure you, it's not a norm by any means, and it's certainly not the same code as the 5 people in the area.


When I was new to PvP, I had thought that PvP meant "fair fights to test each other's [classes'] abilities". Then I learned of ganking ...


Nowadays I firmly believe that a minority of PvP players sees PvP as the perfect tool to live out their sadism. And because of that, I'm glad over every single PvP player with a honour or morality code.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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One of my best gaming experiences ever was leveling in Stranglethorn Vale and killing other levelers near Nesigwary. (+ many other locations but this will do fine for now) Then later i come back to defend our lower lvls vs gankers+ kill their lower levels. There was a true faction loyalty or hatred between allys and horde. Ah... good times...


We didn't complain we are ganked. World PvP is not supposed to be fair. We/I killed equal levels, lower , higher lvls, everyone. No discrimination. If i die and get ganked, res and stalk till one of them foolishly goes somewhere alone, then destroy + /spit


That's true PvP in a mmorpg btw, not the fa ggy wzs, arenas or this freak of nature people call ''pve servers''.

Edited by Kaedusz
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World PvP = World bullying. Like all good concepts, they look good on paper, but once applied to actual human beings, it fails. Sportsmanship doesn't exist in Open World PvP. If it does, it's rare. What WPvP did produce was bullies, players who preyed upon the weak and unsuspecting. This intereferes with not only time, but mood. People log in, have a laundry list of stuff to do. They don't want to be bothered anymore with bullies. YES, to most, PVP = WZs.


Community has spoken when transfers became 90 CC's. People do not want WPvP. Perhaps you should find another game where people enjoy being ganked and bullied in open world settings. Might I also say this.... if that's the highlight of your game experience, then perhaps video games aren't healthy for you, and maybe you need medical assistance to find out why you enjoy being a bully.


If Open world PvP is so key for you, why not encourage more population in OUTLAW's DEN. Or would that be too FAIR for you?


PvP servers died well before KotFE. I feel bad for you, but as I said, the 'community of the game' has spoken. So, sorry but you lose, we win.


Find another game or find organized WPvP, cause that does exist still.

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World PvP = World bullying. Like all good concepts, they look good on paper, but once applied to actual human beings, it fails. Sportsmanship doesn't exist in Open World PvP. If it does, it's rare. What WPvP did produce was bullies, players who preyed upon the weak and unsuspecting. This intereferes with not only time, but mood. People log in, have a laundry list of stuff to do. They don't want to be bothered anymore with bullies. YES, to most, PVP = WZs.


Community has spoken when transfers became 90 CC's. People do not want WPvP. Perhaps you should find another game where people enjoy being ganked and bullied in open world settings. Might I also say this.... if that's the highlight of your game experience, then perhaps video games aren't healthy for you, and maybe you need medical assistance to find out why you enjoy being a bully.


If Open world PvP is so key for you, why not encourage more population in OUTLAW's DEN. Or would that be too FAIR for you?


PvP servers died well before KotFE. I feel bad for you, but as I said, the 'community of the game' has spoken. So, sorry but you lose, we win.


Find another game or find organized WPvP, cause that does exist still.


I choosed a PvP server to play PvP and I find world PvP to be the best and most innovative. If you have a big enough group, then u have the power to control an area as long as you are there. There are actually a war between the Empire and the Republic so by killing a player from the opposite faction, then you play the game as it was meant to be played on a PvP server.


You come to a PvP server and tell me to find another game to play and on top of that you are calling all who likes World PvP for bullies?! I tell you instead to choose a PvE server and stop bothering us who likes PvP and have chosen the right server from the start in order to play PvP. If I only wanted PvP via the fixed settings and rules as the Warzones offer, then I would have chosen a PvE server. A child would be able to understand that logic, so why can't you..?

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World PvP = World bullying. Like all good concepts, they look good on paper, but once applied to actual human beings, it fails. Sportsmanship doesn't exist in Open World PvP. If it does, it's rare. What WPvP did produce was bullies, players who preyed upon the weak and unsuspecting. This intereferes with not only time, but mood. People log in, have a laundry list of stuff to do. They don't want to be bothered anymore with bullies. YES, to most, PVP = WZs.


Community has spoken when transfers became 90 CC's. People do not want WPvP. Perhaps you should find another game where people enjoy being ganked and bullied in open world settings. Might I also say this.... if that's the highlight of your game experience, then perhaps video games aren't healthy for you, and maybe you need medical assistance to find out why you enjoy being a bully.


If Open world PvP is so key for you, why not encourage more population in OUTLAW's DEN. Or would that be too FAIR for you?


PvP servers died well before KotFE. I feel bad for you, but as I said, the 'community of the game' has spoken. So, sorry but you lose, we win.


Find another game or find organized WPvP, cause that does exist still.

Why don't you cut the pathetic disapproving grandma rhetoric and pay attention. In case you haven't noticed i was speaking about WoW. That was around 10 years ago, was still in high school. Also during not a small chunk of time World PvP was the only PvP there was. There were no bgs(wzs) yet in the game. And later there were even special world pvp spots, so the developers encouraged it. So yes that was one of(as in not the only one) the best gaming times i have had.


World PvP without true and proper faction animosity is pointless. Geek like animosity between the actual players, not just in the game world. You are killing a member of the opposite hated faction, not someone's character in a sense. Don't take it personally when you are killed.


World PvP in this game is a completely different deal but can still be interesting. In general the threat of being killed by the opposite faction + scanning your surroundings for red names gives another layer of fun.


''Bullies'' mostly attack those who are weaker. Those who do world pvp attack the weak and

the strong, as i said above there is no discrimination + they do all kinds of PvP, not only in the open world. Most of the time they do world PvP while being in queue.


Seriously though, if self-righteousness was fuel, you could power the planet. I would call you other unflattering things too but i am sure you are the type of person that would report it right away so i will keep quiet.

Edited by Kaedusz
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