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Name 5 Things in KotFE you wish you could do. (spoilers)


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As for what I'd like, my request is simple:


Allow me to kill or not kill each and every character that I interact with.


Those choices will surely matter!




Oh, and customize ALL companions. I've shouted it so much that I nearly forgot to mention it again. :p

Edited by AlienEyeTX
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Oh btw, you folks are aware that you can just get your old companions back with one single decision? Just go to "your" room in the alliance war room instance on Odessen (where you get to pick up the rewards for leveling the specialists) and click on the holoterminal which you see on the right side when you enter.


It is that easy.

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1. Save Darth Marr

2. Kill Koth Vortena

3. Have possibility to have more snarky comments in conversations

4. Be able to show off, how dangerous my character is (even smuggler is a dangerous individual) to make others scared.

5. Be able to keep Valkorion as my new ghost buddy.

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1) Get Jaesa back

2) Have Choices that matter to the story and the content

3) Have previous level 1 to 50 choices matter to the story and the content

4) Have Charles Boyd realize that the experience would be more realistic if Love Interests came back despite not being stationed on Zakuul for some reason.

5) Have more than one thing happen in a chapter. It seems there is so little story in a galaxy spanning war/invasion/conquest that an entire chapter is recruiting one terrorist scum or some rabble is too much story for us to handle!

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1.) Play my alts - the new grind is so ridiculously unfriendly to alts that I just leveled my ops toons and let the others rot.

2.) See choices that matter. On the alts topic, if choices actually mattered enough to give the story some flavor, that might convince me to at least play the story a little.

3.) Customizations that matter - If all I can do to Senya is change her lightsaber color, can I at least have it in the cutscenes?

4.) Forget the abomination of alliance conversations and revert back to the old ones. It's the most brazen cost-cutting ever.

5.) Murder Quinn. Like right in the face. My Warrior would have never let him live in the first place - I've been waiting for a LONG time to show my lightsaber his insides.

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2.) See choices that matter. On the alts topic, if choices actually mattered enough to give the story some flavor, that might convince me to at least play the story a little.



Would killing off a certain cat and Anarchist suit you?


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1) Get back my favorite husband and character in the game so far: Quinn

2) Be able to customize new companions, Lana's outfit has to go

3) Kill Vaylin just to steal her clothes

4) Recruit Lord Cytharat, I know he was a a few expansions ago, but I really liked that character and he would be neat in the alliance

5) Bring Koth to Ziost to show him just how much of a jerk his beloved emperor really is.

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3) Have previous level 1 to 50 choices matter to the story and the content


Seconded. And I'll take that a step further... we have a family tree. Wouldn't it be awesome if we were somehow affected by the choices and relationships of our alts?


I think so!

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Seconded. And I'll take that a step further... we have a family tree. Wouldn't it be awesome if we were somehow affected by the choices and relationships of our alts?


I think so!

Since my main alts are all Trooper class males, that could get a bit weird since Elara was the only romance available to me...

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1) Get my classic companions back

2) Get my classic companions back

3) Get my classic companions back

4) Get my classic companions back

5) Er... probably to play KOTFE in a different modes, not only skytrooper smashing. For example some space missions connected with story.



Really, why trooper gets 3 companions and warrior only 1, the most boring?


#1-4 times infinity.

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Seconded. And I'll take that a step further... we have a family tree. Wouldn't it be awesome if we were somehow affected by the choices and relationships of our alts?


I think so!


for legendary players, have the missing other heroes be your alts.....and you get to interact with them /recruit them, for non legendary you get placeholders for all the others that you havent completed stories for, but your alts for the ones you have, the main thing being, if you had all the other classes in your world that would make the game truly epic

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1) Get back my favorite husband and character in the game so far: Quinn

2) Be able to customize new companions, Lana's outfit has to go

3) Kill Vaylin just to steal her clothes


...or romance her, Valyin's kinda hot, half cutesy diva/ half sociopathic vamp; like a cross between Vette, and Jaesa. Marry Kill, or Stick her...either way you'd still get her clothes. :D


And yes, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD do something about Lana's outfit!! She looks like a homeless linebacker!! And what's with the Page-boy style hair-do she has now? Since the galaxy's in trouble Lana thought the best course of action was to get the worlds worst hair cut?



What I want to

1. I'd like to see In-story Choices affecting the survivability of companions. (IE... a series of choices results in the loss of companion A, B, C, D, E. or..etc)


2. Have romances become more interactive than an "I love you" once or twice along the way. Have the actual romance play a pivotal part in how the story itself unfolds.


3. For gods sake, please let us fix the atrocious fashion choices of some of our companions! A few select comps are banned from ever receiving fresh clothes and wardrobe updates!!


4. I want to know what became of ALL our original crew mates.


5. I would like to see Valkorian discuss and talk about his life as Vitiate.

Edited by GregSJ
Clean up and grammar fix
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I want to kill Malavai Quinn :) And not just dat usual cutscene kill - need something brutal. For exapmple the way Vader killed starkiller in first firce unleashed game: toss him around with the force and implale with a saber :)

Also there have to be the ability to throw Koth in airlock and have other characters like Scorpio, Senya and Kalyo giggle about it :):)

Edited by Rouakh
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My wishlist for 4.0:

- Don't be forced to carbonite.

- Don't lose my companions, my ship, my position in the universe - don't lose my life!

- Remove all this Zakuul / Eternal Empire nonsense that made all previous story irrelevant.

- Continue to fight for Empire / Republic, for order / freedom.

- May be some fight with Vitiate (not with his meatbag Valkorian).

That is all I wish for.


In fact, no one of my heroes never play through KotFE (youtube playthrough is enough for me). They will stay in the universe 5 years back from KotFE unil BW will return to original story of Empire vs Republic conflict.

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A lot of things obvliously, so to keep it to 5, I'll wrtite it from the perspective of playing my Jedi Knight, as that's my main character.:


1) throw out Valkorion and tell him to go **** himself

2) beat the crap out of Arcann and tell him to keep his eternal arrogance out of my galaxy

3) kill Koth

4) go back to the end of chapter 8 so I can choke that useless mechanic

5) go search for Kira



3. Have my companions use Vibroswords/Staves again. not just sabers.

Btw that's possible, it's just not the same ones as before. Apparently those using techblades can use vibroswords too now, same with techstaff and electrostaff.

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1) throw out Valkorion and tell him to go **** himself.


This. So much this. ^


1 Not lose 5 years. - (But still able send mail to my alts, who are 5 years in the past.... Whaaaat?)


2 Not have to repeat the same chapters over and over with the same tired and scripted lines. (1-9 = 4 hours , 4 choices)


3 have a few companions turn up, say, "gee gosh I've really missed you, of course I'll join!" -So not all come with silly fetch quests. ( legacy-wide recruitment option anyone?)


4 All the characters I recruit do something other than just stand and chat on Odessan base. "GET OUT AND DO SOMETHING YOU LAZY, GOOD FOR NOTHING £%^£$^% SLUGS!"


5 being able to kit them out appropriately. - So If I wanted to kit out Senya ~(or Theron) in a gold swimsuit or cover Koth's stupid mush, (and goggles) I can.

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1. Fly my class ship or any fighter in pve, with an open space galaxy.

2. Personally command my forces and delegate alliance resources.

3. Explore the galaxy / random planets. Even if it's Mass Effect Mako style.

4. Salvage and recover ships and vehicles to be used by either myself or the alliance.

5. To be able to send companions out on alliance missions.

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1: Kick Koth off platform at Alliance base.

2: Get Akaavi back and romance her like crazy. (For my Smuggler)

3: Get Val out of head.

4: Bombard Zakuul from orbit turning it into another Taris. (Would be interesting if you can do this at the end. Like say you get control of the fleet somehow.)

5: Get the rest of my Smuggler crew. (Even Risha.)

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1. Use the Gravestone already, geez.

2. Get old Love Interest back or at least figure out where they're at/what they're doing (we don't even get to ASK Aric Jorgen about Elara smh).

3. More insight into Arcann and Vaylin's motivations other than just...crazy kids gone bad.

4. Get Bioware to develop something that doesn't feel like it fell out of a last gen first person shooter (run down hallways, kill unavoidable enemies, talky talky until scripted event x happens no matter what you say).

5. As a smuggler, figure out what happened to port nowhere and where my damn pirate fleet went!

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1) I'd like an item akin to the white acute module that reduces XP gain and comp healing to the classic lvl.

2) Make the alliance grind legacy wide...I'm sure as hell not doing the exact same grinds on 23 chars.

3) Give me an actual new planet with sidequests to explore.

4) Let us get back to the war between the republic and the empire.

5) See point 1)

6) See point 1)

7) See point 1)

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