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Randomly removed from warzone


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Neck and neck in alderaan match 10-41? Is it? 80 vs 50 heath left on ships, in favor of enemy. Imp vs Imp.

Everyone had 10+ medals, we all walk away rich, sorta.


The match was very competitive, good players on both sides. Finished off two enemies, get a little lag, little choppiness the moment I die, then get hit with a load screen associated with fleet.





There was no vote-kick in progress. I would know. I'm constantly glancing at chat, staying informed on the rest of the players. I can do that because hotkeys and memorized rotations. Multitasking.


Seriously though, what happened? Has this happened to anyone else?


Sometimes I wonder if there's a dev or two and they're just watching players game and everyone now and then, they'd be like "Hey, Frank, let's screw this guy up REALLY REALLY REALLY bad." And Frank is like "Sure, hahahaha, let's kick him from warzone." Then they 'tehehehehe' for a few seconds and then do a bro handshake.

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This bug, and I believe the one that takes you straight to the character login screen (when you accept the WZ queue pop) has been around since launch. It happens rarely, but it still happens. I believe there's also one that kicks you to fleet when you click the rez button.
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THIS sounds like an UGLY BUG!


I can see how this can piss you off, I can even see how this can cause grief.............what if OP thought he was Kicked........for no reason and got upset............a snowball of arguing rolling down a hill and growing, ans all over a game bug, that has been there since launch..........


Wht is scary is that the bug(s) has been there Ince launch and game Devs ahve done absolutely nothing about it.

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