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Spacebar Spacebar I'm sick of mashing my Spacebar.


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Please give us the option to skip past the conversations and cutscenes if we have done the story already.


I would be interested if Bioware were to datamine how many times players mash the spacebar to get through the cutscenes so they can get back to actually playing the game that they paid for!


Please +1 if you agree.

Edited by Oldbuster
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There's no upvote function for your post but I've often wished for a tool that allowed a unanimously consenting party to opt out of all cutscenes automatically. For example...they could offer players a quick and anonymous survey at the start of each FP. If all players vote to forfeit social points and skip the cutscenes, there are no cutscenes. Edited by Hebruixe
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There's no upvote function for your post but I've often wished for a tool that allowed a unanimously consenting party to opt out of all cutscenes automatically. For example...they could offer players a quick and anonymous survey at the start of each FP. If all players vote to forfeit social points and skip the cutscenes, there are no cutscenes.

These particular examples are kind of trivial, but what option would be the default in situations where the result of the dialog affects what happens in the FP, such as the conversation about the ingjured students/slaves in Korriban or the conversation with Lana/Thereon about whether or not to kill the cyborgs on Rakata? Or whether to kill (or leave be) or release the frozen Sith PBs in Red Reaper?


There are always things people do not think of when making suggestions like this.

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These particular examples are kind of trivial, but what option would be the default in situations where the result of the dialog affects what happens in the FP, such as the conversation about the ingjured students/slaves in Korriban or the conversation with Lana/Thereon about whether or not to kill the cyborgs on Rakata? Or whether to kill (or leave be) or release the frozen Sith PBs in Red Reaper?


There are always things people do not think of when making suggestions like this.


Probably looking to skip right to the choice and the after its made it auto skips to the next choice.

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lol, i love these "no story in my game" people... i knew this person once that shared that philosophy, skipped through or didn't pay attention to any of the cutscenes in Saints Row 2 & 3 then had the audacity to ask me "what's going on?" during a mission late into SR3... to me skipping a cutscene is as bad as disabling the game music or sound effects... but if people want the option, there should be an option to skip the cutscenes on previously played material...
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The "problem" sounds silly anyway, but...


Probably looking to skip right to the choice and the after its made it auto skips to the next choice.


Yeah, that's one possibility for an implementation. Like the team basically votes into an "abbreviated cutscene" mode which uses a sentence or two to sum up the events that normally happen in the cutscene, but for the special cases where something in the run can be influenced by a decision they still offer the vital choice within that shorter version of the scene.


Another idea would be if the vote included options like:

"Yes, auto-skip cutscenes and choose light side responses wherever possible."

"Yes, auto-skip cutscenes and choose dark side responses wherever possible."

"No, I want to see the full cutscenes and choose my own responses."


It would take four "yes" responses of either type for the group to opt in to skip mode, just like the other idea. And then IF skip mode is used, the system will use the number of light and dark votes to weight the randomization of which exact path will be automatically selected for those vital decisions. (If all four voted light side, any light/dark choice will have a 100% chance to go light. If the votes were half and half, each light/dark choice has a 50% chance to go either way. If only one voted light, it's 25% chance light and 75% chance dark.)

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For all those in favour of having such a voting system: should it reveal to the other players who picked what?


If it does, and you see that the other three voted "no cutscenes", how many people will feel intimidated into voting the same way, and how many parties will vote-kick people who want to watch?

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For all those in favour of having such a voting system: should it reveal to the other players who picked what?


If it does, and you see that the other three voted "no cutscenes", how many people will feel intimidated into voting the same way, and how many parties will vote-kick people who want to watch?


People already vote kick for similar reasons. Nothing new to see here.

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The better solution would be to have some kind of option in GF to select whether or not you want to sbacebar. No need to change the mechanics because if you were to choose a "spacebar" run and then did not spacebar, it would be expected you would be kicked if you did not space bar.
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Please give us the option to skip past the conversations and cutscenes if we have done the story already.


I would be interested if Bioware were to datamine how many times players mash the spacebar to get through the cutscenes so they can get back to actually playing the game that they paid for!


Please +1 if you agree.


THIS Times 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000




Edited by Astaldoath
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Yes, that's a good idea, I'd like something like a Shift-<Spacebar> to initiate auto-skip for the rest of the cutscenes for the rest of the entire FP or Op. Press Shift-<Spacebar> again and it would re-enable the cutscenes. If you disable the cutscenes the game can entirely skip the loading of the cutscenes and we can load into encounters as fast as possible.


They also need to make it possible once again to immediately make a conversation choice [1] [2] or [3] as soon as the conversation choices appear on the screen. For whatever mysterious reason they monkeyed with the mechanics of it and now you end up waiting for everyone in the group to get through the cutscene before you can lock-in your conversation choice with a press of your [1] [2] or [3]. TBH it's one of the most annoying bugs in the game now and they should have known better than to touch the code for those conversation mechanisms. Sometimes I think shoveling frustration upon us is one of their new past-times.

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what option would be the default in situations where the result of the dialog affects what happens in the FP, such as the conversation about the ingjured students/slaves in Korriban or the conversation with Lana/Thereon about whether or not to kill the cyborgs on Rakata? Or whether to kill (or leave be) or release the frozen Sith PBs in Red Reaper?


It doesn't really matter, does it? Because if everyone votes to skip the cutscenes, they don't care what decision is made in these examples. The outcomes can be randomized.


There are always things people do not think of when making suggestions like this.


This issue didn't occur to me when I posted my suggestion but it really didn't require a lot of the brain power to solve the problem. If you stopped being so deliberately obtuse and argumentative, you too might have some constructive ideas to share with the forums. It would certainly improve my opinion of you.

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It doesn't really matter, does it? Because if everyone votes to skip the cutscenes, they don't care what decision is made in these examples. The outcomes can be randomized.

You are really stretching it. With that ,this "suggestion" just hit "Wookiee as player race" status.


This issue didn't occur to me when I posted my suggestion but it really didn't require a lot of the brain power to solve the problem. If you stopped being so deliberately obtuse and argumentative, you too might have some constructive ideas to share with the forums. It would certainly improve my opinion of you.

Which illustrates a huge difference between us. There is nothing I can think of at the moment that would improve my opinion of you.



"I play a heavily story-centric, fully voice-acted, theme-park PvE MMO and I don't like the story-centric, fully voice-acted things in it." Do you go to vegan restaurants and complain you can't get a hamburger?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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