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why does this game have so many exploits and takes 6 weeks or more to fix them?


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why does this game have so many exploits and takes 6 weeks or more to fix them?


let me ask, is the guy who wrote the programming for the comm crystal exploit the same guy who wrote the massive increase in lockboxes per slicing node? has he been fired, demoted etc? have you considered the possibility that you have a mole working for the credit farmers among your coders?


for the last several months and maybe dating back to a year. this game is just exploit after exploit with no fix for weeks and weeks and weeks.


is there no relationship between your performance and your paycheck? do you not care that this has a massive negative impact on cartel coin sales as it leads to more spamming by the credit spammers as they unload super cheap credits on the population for lower than cartel coin prices?


in the meantime, change slicing nodes from giving credits to only give materials to balance it with all the other crewskills which would remove the incentive for these botters in the first place.

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that is like asking why have PTS to get told about bug/expliots so the can be fixed before it goes LIVE, if they dont fix the stuff till WEEKS after it goes live.


There are expliots from launch that still arnt fixed lmao

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OMGOSH! *head desk*


Move on. You don't like it, don't do it. I mean seriously. Calling exploits on this is the stupidest thing going on. You're not the first, nice try though.


I do not understand you people who want nerfs on anything that might be somewhat worth of your time.

The only thing you're mad at is the fact that a "bot" keeps stealing your nodes. FYI, not all slicers are bots. I used to slice on Yavin for awhile. You might have called me a bot.



Not an exploit. Quit calling legit working things exploits. Learn what a real exploit is before you spout off at the mouth.

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why does this game have so many exploits and takes 6 weeks or more to fix them?


let me ask, is the guy who wrote the programming for the comm crystal exploit the same guy who wrote the massive increase in lockboxes per slicing node? has he been fired, demoted etc? have you considered the possibility that you have a mole working for the credit farmers among your coders?


for the last several months and maybe dating back to a year. this game is just exploit after exploit with no fix for weeks and weeks and weeks.


is there no relationship between your performance and your paycheck? do you not care that this has a massive negative impact on cartel coin sales as it leads to more spamming by the credit spammers as they unload super cheap credits on the population for lower than cartel coin prices?


in the meantime, change slicing nodes from giving credits to only give materials to balance it with all the other crewskills which would remove the incentive for these botters in the first place.


you are still making up exploits. maybe you should get professional help with that. with work in time you will stop making up exploits in your mind.

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Slicing nodes are so F2P/preferred players can't buy your stuff.


If everything they want (including the 600k escrow transfers) costs 1M+, well... yeah.

I guess we don't want any of those freeloaders in this game. It's not like they populate warzones or group finder or anything...

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it may not just be the slicing node problem. there are rumors of other exploits but i have not seen any evidence of it except the massive increase in spammers and their huge drop in prices. seems to drop every day so they are getting huge supplies either from slicing nodes or some other exploit, or both.
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The slicing stuff is not an exploit, still need a nerf though.


EA runs this game on minimum staff they just do not monitor such stuff (and they can not read metrics).


that sounds right, but when, weeks from now? that's the problem with these guys. they let problems get out of control by waiting too long and then they waste weeks more of work finding the guys to ban.

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that sounds right, but when, weeks from now? that's the problem with these guys. they let problems get out of control by waiting too long and then they waste weeks more of work finding the guys to ban.


The slicing thing is a 'problem' in the same sense that America's educational system. It could be less of a problem, but its negative impact is so little that 99% of people won't even notice it's a problem at all.

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i know of two publicly acknowledged cases of this happening in two other companies for the games eve online and ultima online. and i haven't even done research for others. just things i have read about through the normal course of things.



so it does happen

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The slicing thing is a 'problem' in the same sense that America's educational system. It could be less of a problem, but its negative impact is so little that 99% of people won't even notice it's a problem at all.


i'm starting to think that the slicing issue is only about half of the problem. most likely another vendor exploit is going on again.

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i'm starting to think that the slicing issue is only about half of the problem. most likely another vendor exploit is going on again.


I"m starting to think you need to get outside and get some fresh air.


Seriously though, credit prices from bot farmers fluctuate all the time, sometimes because they have competition from OTHER FARMERS. You cannot base anything on their activity or pricing. Move along now and worry about something you can prove is happening. If you can't find anything happening that you can prove, then please quit posting threads with questions you will never have answered (and so far most of which don't deserve an answer anyway).

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Neglience;8848095]The slicing stuff is not an exploit, still need a nerf though.



Agree its not an exploit.


Disagree that it need a nerf. It will not change a thing, bots will still be there even if they just have to try and get credits in another way. Nerfing slicing will have zero impact on bots. Even if BW did greatly reduce the amount of credits in nodes bots number will not go down, they will still farm just like they did before.


Bots are not and never will be a problem, the problem is players who use gold sellers. However it is far easier for BW to find players who use gold sellers than it would be to eliminate the bots. BW would have to look into each so called bot reported, then end the account, So does this help considering that bot will be back there in probably less than half an hour under a new name. Then times this by whatever the number of bots there are.


As for actual players who farm complaining about bots, well if a nerf came they would complain just as much as before because they too would be getting less credits.

As for more and more credits being in game, well hard luck, because we all know we can make a lot oaf credits in game without ever farming a single slice boxes. This is nothing new. Go back though old threads about making credits doing dailies.


As for well GTN prices are going up? well this is all relative, price may well have gone up but you are getting credits faster now to compensate. Also not all items have gone up, a lot in-fact have come down. Sure some high end items have gone up, but really its just cosmetic.. You may want it, but don't need it. there's a difference between the two.


So really GTN cost only affects f2p because of the credit cap. Don't feel all that sorry on this. because an item costing 1mil before now costing 5mil was above there credit cap anyway, and as said its cosmetic gear for the most part.


So as said disagree that it needs a nerf. however if BW did one it would not affect me at all. The only time I farm boxes on Yavin is to raze my slicing skill level quickly. It would go up just as quick if the nodes gave out tech parts instead of credits.



Sorry I know this post was long winded

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I thought this thread was about exploits. I guess I was wrong.


LOL, yes but the OP had to put this on the end


"in the meantime, change slicing nodes from giving credits to only give materials to balance it with all the other crewskills which would remove the incentive for these botters in the first place."


This would not end bots, it may at best just make bots move into other areas of the game. All MMO's have bots and bots will just find another way to make credits. In the end nothing will have changed. This and the most vocal of players are farming themselves. No credits will affect them just as much. Those players should be carful what they are asking for given BW past nerf's

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it may not just be the slicing node problem. there are rumors of other exploits but i have not seen any evidence of it except the massive increase in spammers and their huge drop in prices. seems to drop every day so they are getting huge supplies either from slicing nodes or some other exploit, or both.


the might be an exploit under your bed!! CALL 911!!!!!

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Slicing nodes are so F2P/preferred players can't buy your stuff.


If everything they want (including the 600k escrow transfers) costs 1M+, well... yeah.

I guess we don't want any of those freeloaders in this game. It's not like they populate warzones or group finder or anything...


^^^ This. If Bioware is going to allow stuff that causes Nigeria-levels of hyperinflation, they could at least increase the credit cap for preferred/ftp players to reflect it.


And yeah, I know there are plenty of subs who will hate this idea. Their sense of entitlement is much like Sith who still employ slaves for jobs that tireless droids are more suited for, to have people around they can look down on and feel superior to.

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^^^ This. If Bioware is going to allow stuff that causes Nigeria-levels of hyperinflation, they could at least increase the credit cap for preferred/ftp players to reflect it.


And yeah, I know there are plenty of subs who will hate this idea. Their sense of entitlement is much like Sith who still employ slaves for jobs that tireless droids are more suited for, to have people around they can look down on and feel superior to.


Oh yeah - sure - what else shall f2p / preferred get... maybe the same as PAYING subscribers get? Same benefits, no limits.... Suuureeeeeeee....


Buddy - turn on your brains.... in my opinion Fail2 Pay get still too much....

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Neglience;8848095]The slicing stuff is not an exploit, still need a nerf though.



Agree its not an exploit.


Disagree that it need a nerf. It will not change a thing, bots will still be there even if they just have to try and get credits in another way. Nerfing slicing will have zero impact on bots. Even if BW did greatly reduce the amount of credits in nodes bots number will not go down, they will still farm just like they did before.


Bots are not and never will be a problem, the problem is players who use gold sellers. However it is far easier for BW to find players who use gold sellers than it would be to eliminate the bots. BW would have to look into each so called bot reported, then end the account, So does this help considering that bot will be back there in probably less than half an hour under a new name. Then times this by whatever the number of bots there are.


As for actual players who farm complaining about bots, well if a nerf came they would complain just as much as before because they too would be getting less credits.

As for more and more credits being in game, well hard luck, because we all know we can make a lot oaf credits in game without ever farming a single slice boxes. This is nothing new. Go back though old threads about making credits doing dailies.


As for well GTN prices are going up? well this is all relative, price may well have gone up but you are getting credits faster now to compensate. Also not all items have gone up, a lot in-fact have come down. Sure some high end items have gone up, but really its just cosmetic.. You may want it, but don't need it. there's a difference between the two.


So really GTN cost only affects f2p because of the credit cap. Don't feel all that sorry on this. because an item costing 1mil before now costing 5mil was above there credit cap anyway, and as said its cosmetic gear for the most part.


So as said disagree that it needs a nerf. however if BW did one it would not affect me at all. The only time I farm boxes on Yavin is to raze my slicing skill level quickly. It would go up just as quick if the nodes gave out tech parts instead of credits.



Sorry I know this post was long winded


Long winded, maybe. Absolutely correct and a FANTASTIC answer that I wish people complaining about slicing nodes would listen to? You better believe it.




Thanks, Dread. Very well said.

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