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The Eternal Championship


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Can anyone remember those coins we just got?


That was for messing up the "early access" part of chapter 10 and possibly for not having EC in it, leaving the chapter void of repeatable content.


Now, we have a second chapter in a row with no repeatable content. This time we don't even have 2 alliance alerts & crafting updates to tide us over after the chapter.


I'm normally in the "release it now and fix it as you go camp". For instance, EV had bugs at launch but it was still tons of fun. They changed the reward structure several times as well. So why can't we do the same here?

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About time.

Finally you realise releasing a product that works, and works first time without gut wrenching bugs.

At my wits end getting the game to work after each expansion. Thankyou BIoware.

Take your time, make it right. Good things come to those that wait.

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That was for messing up the "early access" part of chapter 10 and possibly for not having EC in it, leaving the chapter void of repeatable content.


Now, we have a second chapter in a row with no repeatable content. This time we don't even have 2 alliance alerts & crafting updates to tide us over after the chapter.


I'm normally in the "release it now and fix it as you go camp". For instance, EV had bugs at launch but it was still tons of fun. They changed the reward structure several times as well. So why can't we do the same here?


It's still a lose lose. If they delaye, people whine. If they don't and release a buggy version, people moan.

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It's still a lose lose. If they delaye, people whine. If they don't and release a buggy version, people moan.

Yeah, but kinda sad that we sort of have to be grateful and happy they test stuff, as it was a pleasant surprise, lol


A second delay shows how things are at BW, can't be that good, can it. And there's nothing good about a buggy release like they have released in the past . Yes, it is a lose lose. Rightly so. This is exclusively on BWs side, not on players

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Well, it's disappointing, but I'd prefer it works correctly then bugged to hell.


But seriously, NO alerts at all?


My smuggler really wants a damn crew member back. Can't you guys push Guss forward? Or Zenith? Hell, give me Tharan C with Holiday, or Broonmark. Or SOMEONE. Just....I LOVE I'm getting my trooper's husband back, but please give us SOMETHING alert wise. I don't care who. But if we're NOT getting Bowdaar, give us SOMEONE for Smuggler. My poor girl is feeling all alone, she wants one of her old crew back. :(

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I don't really get all the "rather have a delay than bugs" nonsense. Of course there will be bugs. They would not have delayed for the usual kind of bugs, certainly not to the point that the best they can do is say that it's their "goal" to have "information" in 4 to 6 weeks. This isn't to make it bug free, this isn't to apply polish, this is because they couldn't get it done/working at all in time. This is no and/or, we will get a buggy update after the delay.


And people thanking for the timely notification.... yeah.. after a month of delay, we get a message that we might get to hear what's going to happen in 4 to 6 weeks a few days before the update? If they're really that far away from making this work that they're not even sure that they will have information for us in a month, they've known long enough to not have to cut it this close.

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And people thanking for the timely notification.... yeah.. after a month of delay, we get a message that we might get to hear what's going to happen in 4 to 6 weeks a few days before the update? If they're really that far away from making this work that they're not even sure that they will have information for us in a month, they've known long enough to not have to cut it this close.

I want more updates - but I do agree with rather a delay than bugs out the *** again.


Rewards being the issue... meh. Release it and tweak them later.


Possibility that there's some exploit that can be used that really makes it bad to release - or some bug they don't yet know how to un**** (like agents getting frozen up in KoTFE has right now)... that I can see a delay for.

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Super disappointed. This is what I was expecting the most from the patch... now you tell me it's going to be another 4-6 weeks 'til you "have news". I already have to hold my grudge for waiting a month 'til you release 1 chapter. Seriously the game is becoming boring af. Instead of delaying content, you should be pushing it to release it sooner........... Edited by AgustinSarro
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Yeah this is very disappointing! This was the only thing I was looking forward to with chapter 11, because the story sucks, and I really don't care to get Jorgan I've never liked him. Also Why would you wait to announce this after the sub for early access has passed? I'm sorry but that is very dirty of bioware to do that.


Also you people thinking they are delaying this to iron out the bugs are clearly mistaken. I'm sure whenever this does release next year it will be very buggy, because that's become the norm for bioware with these patches.

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Sad to see something which I'd like to play be pushed back. Glad to hear you're doing it for quality reasons. However given this will delay the release til atleast 4.3 which is what, 7 months since launch of KotFE, I hope this demonstrates you need more staff.
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Sad to see something which I'd like to play be pushed back. Glad to hear you're doing it for quality reasons. However given this will delay the release til atleast 4.3 which is what, 7 months since launch of KotFE, I hope this demonstrates you need more staff.


I would assume that KOTFE having same amount of solo PvE content as Shadow of Revan (Considering Shadow of Revan had an actual sizable planet, a daily area, and side quests), but without a new Operation at all, would tell you that Bioware needs new staff, considering they are content releasing the same amount of content piecemeal...

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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I will provide more information as I have it; our goal is to have more information in the next 4-6 weeks. Thank you.


Many subscriber hoped of new Content. And now wie get another 1 hour of Story and the repeatable Content was delayed. For a long time. That is ****.


It gives a time to delayed things and a time where you leave better the Content tire by the players.


That is a slap on the face of all players.

Edited by Jordes
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Good question. You will recruit a Companion as a part of the Chapter, but with Bowdaar moving out there will not be a new Alliance alert with Chapter XI.




wow this is garbage yes if theere are bugs i like them fix but no alerts with no companion sucks and im sick of these garbage companions we are getting why the hell are we not getting any force user companions back like Jaesa, Kira, Ashara, Lord Scourge this expantion is going downhill hill i want force companions not these garbage companions like Aric and Kaliyo

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Hey folks,


We have been doing a lot of internal playtesting on the Eternal Championship and it is currently not at a level that we believe our players deserve. In keeping with our commitment to offer the highest quality experience possible with our latest expansion, we have decided to delay the launch of the Eternal Championship. We are focusing on overall balance, ensuring each boss fight is challenging, endeavoring to exceed quality expectations, and most of all, making sure it is a fun experience. Please note Bowdaar will also be delayed, but will continue to launch alongside the Eternal Championship.


To help ensure we deliver on the deeper experience we promised, we have decided to make the Eternal Championship available on our Public Test Server (PTS) prior to releasing it. We are eager to make this feature as high quality as possible and would love to get your feedback as we work to strengthen it. Once we nail down the release schedule we will let you know how to get access on PTS.


I will provide more information as I have it; our goal is to have more information in the next 4-6 weeks. Thank you.




This is more than pathetic for a company who claims they had their highest sub number last 3 years just a few months ago. First you announce this is delayed and announce you are not even gonna try to patch what you broke about opses and you make a pathetic back paddle about it and now you are delaying this second time? If you have reached highest sub numbers, if this game is doing so well why are you letting go your experienced developers go, why not hire more developers unless you have no future plans for this game.

I am not disappointed this delay since once i would like you to release a non-buggy content which we havent seen for a long time, but in general this game started to give S.O.S. it is clear it needs more investment and from what you claim lately this game is very healty so why are you reducing developer numbers? you should do complete opposite to benefit the positivity you had unless it was not a lie.

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