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The Eternal Championship


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How about you learn how to use that English language before you talk **** on BW.


I think everybody here understood what i wanted to express. I am sorry that i hurt your feelings when making fun about about your fiance Bioware.:eek:

But seriously how dare you lowlife uneducated redneck talking about me like that? How many foreign languages do you speak like that?

Well we all know the answer. I hope this answer meets your high standards.

To all other americans here: you are great guys! But this guy is makeing you look bad.

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But it's up there now.

No, it's still not up. PTS only has the PvP stuff to test (and the new guild window).

We will get an update in 4-6 weeks where Musco will tell us what the schedule for PTS testing is.

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And i know this djiini guy will try to counter with a copy and paste text from a translator hahahahaaa

People on the internet are so quick to be rude to someone for no reason, and then they are the first to report someone when you counter. Why can't some people be friendly when expressing their opinion?

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Hey folks,


We have been doing a lot of internal playtesting on the Eternal Championship and it is currently not at a level that we believe our players deserve. In keeping with our commitment to offer the highest quality experience possible with our latest expansion, we have decided to delay the launch of the Eternal Championship. We are focusing on overall balance, ensuring each boss fight is challenging, endeavoring to exceed quality expectations, and most of all, making sure it is a fun experience. Please note Bowdaar will also be delayed, but will continue to launch alongside the Eternal Championship.


To help ensure we deliver on the deeper experience we promised, we have decided to make the Eternal Championship available on our Public Test Server (PTS) prior to releasing it. We are eager to make this feature as high quality as possible and would love to get your feedback as we work to strengthen it. Once we nail down the release schedule we will let you know how to get access on PTS.


I will provide more information as I have it; our goal is to have more information in the next 4-6 weeks. Thank you.




I'd rather wait until it's been thoroughly tested internally and then on the PTS ... so I appreciate the candor and logic behind the delay of launching this new feature.

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And i know this djiini guy will try to counter with a copy and paste text from a translator hahahahaaa


I'm an English major, why would I try to claim that I speak other languages instead of the one I have a partial degree in?



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I'm an English major, why would I try to claim that I speak other languages instead of the one I have a partial degree in?




I think he's saying you're riding his behind for not being perfect in a language he's not fluent in because it's not his native language. So basically, like you would do better in one you didn't grow up speaking/writing.

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I think he's saying you're riding his behind for not being perfect in a language he's not fluent in because it's not his native language. So basically, like you would do better in one you didn't grow up speaking/writing.


I mean, he had that point initially, but look at his second post trying to predict me.

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Hey folks,


We have been doing a lot of internal playtesting on the Eternal Championship and it is currently not at a level that we believe our players deserve. In keeping with our commitment to offer the highest quality experience possible with our latest expansion, we have decided to delay the launch of the Eternal Championship. We are focusing on overall balance, ensuring each boss fight is challenging, endeavoring to exceed quality expectations, and most of all, making sure it is a fun experience. Please note Bowdaar will also be delayed, but will continue to launch alongside the Eternal Championship.


To help ensure we deliver on the deeper experience we promised, we have decided to make the Eternal Championship available on our Public Test Server (PTS) prior to releasing it. We are eager to make this feature as high quality as possible and would love to get your feedback as we work to strengthen it. Once we nail down the release schedule we will let you know how to get access on PTS.


I will provide more information as I have it; our goal is to have more information in the next 4-6 weeks. Thank you.




Well thankfully that less than one hour of story, 1-4 year old OPS and 4 year old launch heroics are so good it will carry us those 4-6 weeks.




I kid it wont.


Anyone taking bets that all the chapters wont make it on time either?

Edited by Quraswren
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I think everybody here understood what i wanted to express. I am sorry that i hurt your feelings when making fun about about your fiance Bioware.:eek:

But seriously how dare you lowlife uneducated redneck talking about me like that? How many foreign languages do you speak like that?

Well we all know the answer. I hope this answer meets your high standards.

To all other americans here: you are great guys! But this guy is makeing you look bad.


Sorry about him, foldyjedi. Trust me, we don't like him either.

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People are very unhappy, huh? I get it, But.. I don't get why you'd get so grumpy, it's glitched, be happy it's not an in-game issue.


i think its more because it was supposed to be released with chap 10 initially,

then they pushed it back to chap 11

then only announced about a week before release that they wont have it ready and it will be put on the pts

and we will have info in a month or so....................

which ultimately means we will see the eternal championship in two months at best


im betting people subbed on those months specifically for the sole purpose of getting access to the eternal championship, so i expect people to be grumpy because they price of the sub is nowhere near worth the content released.


Bioware would have known well before they announced that it was no where near being a piece of content that should make the live servers.

In which they really need to look at their development team and either hire more people or not promise release dates on content that they cannot meet.

Bioware Austin is giving the Bioware brand a very bad name with SWTOR lately

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first I LOL at the BW swtor dev team. you people are utter failures.


next its just one of so many fails this past year that one has to wonder when will they finally just get fired and replaced. i mean does not a single boss in EA see this disaster.


sorta boggles the mind really.

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No the reason everyone should be pissed is they knew all of this before march 1st but decided to tell us after so everybody's subs could lapse. They should have told us as soon as they knew. They omit the truth so they could get an extra 15$ from their subscribers. They should have put Eternal Champ. on PTS in January so they could have completely avoided this.
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Not having a temper tantrum but this is the most anticipated thing since 4.0/KOTFE. Delayed for a month one week before it was due to go out is disappointing but understandable. Another whole month later and one week before the one month late date and it is put back for another month. Now that is a poor effort by BW.


How did they not know two weeks before Chapter X was released that the Eternal Championship was MONTHS away from being ready?


How did they not know two weeks ago that it was not still a month and a half away from being ready so they could at least put something else in?


I love SWTOR, not knocking the game but who thought that Chapter X was up to our expectations? It had 10 minutes of story and 50 minutes of buggy, repetitive mobs with constant stuns, knockbacks, the ability to detect you from 70 meters, the ability to 100% detect all stealth and almost no chance to actually do anything that made you feel like you had done something clever.


To be fair there were two interesting fights so I'll make that 15 minutes of quality fun, 45 minutes of grinding and see you in a month.


The Eternal Championship was to be the solution to all our woes, something new and awesome. Now delayed for a second month.


Hate long posts, most people will skip this but I just wanted to vent. Great game but another disappointment.

Edited by yaxmutal
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Not having a temper tantrum but this is the most anticipated thing since 4.0/KOTFE. Delayed for a month one week before it was due to go out is disappointing but understandable. Another whole month later and one week before the one month late date and it is put back for another month. Now that is a poor effort by BW.


How did they not know two weeks before Chapter X was released that the Eternal Championship was MONTHS away from being ready?

I would be curious if they knew - but did not tell Eric until after it was already going to be that badly delayed. A matter of left hand/right hand not talking or not giving the information needed.


How did they not know two weeks ago that it was not still a month and a half away from being ready so they could at least put something else in?

I'm not going to demand extra time etc - but some sort of 'subscriber reward' for having it delayed even more would be nice. Something that acknowledges that 'yes, we get it, we didn't get this high demand piece out that the community was looking forward to'.


I love SWTOR, not knocking the game but who thought that Chapter X was up to our expectations? It had 10 minutes of story and 50 minutes of buggy, repetitive mobs with constant stuns, knockbacks, the ability to detect you from 70 meters, the ability to 100% detect all stealth and almost no chance to actually do anything that made you feel like you had done something clever.


To be fair there were two interesting fights so I'll make that 15 minutes of quality fun, 45 minutes of grinding and see you in a month.


The Eternal Championship was to be the solution to all our woes, something new and awesome. Now delayed for a second month.


Hate long posts, most people will skip this but I just wanted to vent. Great game but another disappointment.


The stuns etc are something I keep seeing threads on. Mildly annoys me that CC is the main 'challenge' for a lot of it. I was looking foreward to EC as something 'new' I could do - but I already held reservations about it because it is yet another nail in the 'you should solo.... everything... in this game' framework that's been built with KoTFE.


I would have wanted an EC that allows me to party with friends to do it - which is not what this is likely to allow, again - not just taking a companion through. Even if we don't all get credit for it at once and it's similar to SoR's story phases it'd be something I could do with friends. I'm getting really, really tired of seeing all solo content in KoTFE.


You know, the real reason I play is because it's something fun me and my partner can play together.


The story is great, but at this stage the only thing KoTFE has brought is 'go play this on your own and please don't give too many spoilers if you get ahead of me', for when the two of us play SWTOR together.


The delay annoys me. Yes I want it to be as close to bug/exploit free as possible but.... being told sooner would have been ideal. No it wouldn't have meant I stopped subscribing, but since I'm paying for my subscription I would like to know if content associated with the subscription is being delayed prior to 'subscribe by' deadlines.


That said, I also know the community has been very toxic in it's responses to the devs etc and I am curious if some of the delay in communication is due to you know... the issue where the community harassed one of the developers. I can definitely see why they'd be a little hesitant to have open dialogue with us all the way through.

Edited by Manathayria
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That said, I also know the community has been very toxic in it's responses to the devs etc and I am curious if some of the delay in communication is due to you know... the issue where the community harassed one of the developers. I can definitely see why they'd be a little hesitant to have open dialogue with us all the way through.


Has nothing to do with that and more to do with making sure they get the sub money before announcing delays to lessen the loss of subs from month to month.

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People are very unhappy, huh? I get it, But.. I don't get why you'd get so grumpy, it's glitched, be happy it's not an in-game issue.


Because releasing bugged content has never stopped BW before look at the last content patch there are still bug from that which won't be fixed for another month so I am not sure how you can back the excuse they are giving.

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If being in the minority means not being part of a bunch of children throwing temper tantrums when daddy doesn't give them a toy on time, I'm cool with that.


Hey Djiini, how far is your head up the DEVS *** today? You getting settled in there? You're a tool.

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I would be curious if they knew - but did not tell Eric until after it was already going to be that badly delayed. A matter of left hand/right hand not talking or not giving the information needed.


Probably this. Seems like SOP for EA and BW these days...


I'm not going to demand extra time etc - but some sort of 'subscriber reward' for having it delayed even more would be nice. Something that acknowledges that 'yes, we get it, we didn't get this high demand piece out that the community was looking forward to'.


Let's just hope they don't try to email that reward this time.



The stuns etc are something I keep seeing threads on. Mildly annoys me that CC is the main 'challenge' for a lot of it. I was looking foreward to EC as something 'new' I could do - but I already held reservations about it because it is yet another nail in the 'you should solo.... everything... in this game' framework that's been built with KoTFE.


I would have wanted an EC that allows me to party with friends to do it - which is not what this is likely to allow, again - not just taking a companion through. Even if we don't all get credit for it at once and it's similar to SoR's story phases it'd be something I could do with friends. I'm getting really, really tired of seeing all solo content in KoTFE.


As a solo player, who absolutely SUCKS at group play, I was looking at the EC, the way it was described, as a sort of advanced training scenario for end-game. It's entirely possible to main-attack your way through most of the stories, and when the time comes for ops and FP's, as I'm sure many of you are dismayed to find, alot of us are WOEFULLY unprepared to play our classes. I'm hoping the finished EC proves challenging enough to bring solo players to the next level.


You know, the real reason I play is because it's something fun me and my partner can play together.


The story is great, but at this stage the only thing KoTFE has brought is 'go play this on your own and please don't give too many spoilers if you get ahead of me', for when the two of us play SWTOR together.


Feel ya, but why can't you do the quests together?


The delay annoys me. Yes I want it to be as close to bug/exploit free as possible but.... being told sooner would have been ideal. No it wouldn't have meant I stopped subscribing, but since I'm paying for my subscription I would like to know if content associated with the subscription is being delayed prior to 'subscribe by' deadlines.


Agreed. I can only hope for the best experience for all of you, since I probably won't be here to enjoy it.


That said, I also know the community has been very toxic in it's responses to the devs etc and I am curious if some of the delay in communication is due to you know... the issue where the community harassed one of the developers. I can definitely see why they'd be a little hesitant to have open dialogue with us all the way through.


Holy crap..... reading that report made me embarassed to call myself a gamer... AGAIN.

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How do you know division will not be a failure?

It always makes me laugh when people believe upcoming games will 110% be better then whatever they play now and then ,after the release,the drama starts.


Most games are better then this mess BW has been putting out recently. This game is just boring now, very boring. So yes, The Division will atleast have my interest and my money and Swtor wont.

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Hey folks,


We have been doing a lot of internal playtesting on the Eternal Championship and it is currently not at a level that we believe our players deserve. In keeping with our commitment to offer the highest quality experience possible with our latest expansion, we have decided to delay the launch of the Eternal Championship. We are focusing on overall balance, ensuring each boss fight is challenging, endeavoring to exceed quality expectations, and most of all, making sure it is a fun experience. Please note Bowdaar will also be delayed, but will continue to launch alongside the Eternal Championship.


To help ensure we deliver on the deeper experience we promised, we have decided to make the Eternal Championship available on our Public Test Server (PTS) prior to releasing it. We are eager to make this feature as high quality as possible and would love to get your feedback as we work to strengthen it. Once we nail down the release schedule we will let you know how to get access on PTS.


I will provide more information as I have it; our goal is to have more information in the next 4-6 weeks. Thank you.




There was a 3 month gap between chapter 9 and the release of chapter 10 you could have been testing and working on this. As a longtime and faithful subscriber to this game this is absolutely inexcusable to me. This makes me believe that the rest of the chapters are going to have a similar fate.


This does not look good BioWare. Not at all.

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