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does the Macrobinocular mission chain still require 4 people to complete?


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I only got as as far as the car jumping quest and I couldn't do it. It was beyond frustrating. When I found out I would absolutely need a group of four to do whatever followed, I knew it was time to give up :o


I did manage to complete the Seeker Droid questline though when someone asked in fleet if anyone wanted to help with the last H4. That had been sitting in my log for months.

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Still makes me sad that they decided it was necesssary to put an H4 at the end of both questlines.

This really is one of the more questionable design decisions. I really really REALLY hope they change this

into something soloable. :(

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It was good at the time - I liked that they put puzzles into it, more than just a hack and slash (or tank and spank). Made you have to think a little bit, and co-ordinate well. It's true (and a shame) that it's difficult to get a team for it now, though.
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Didn't they come out at the same time as the Oricon mission chain, that requires completion of an Ops series to complete the mission series?


Cue "What were they thinking?"


They came out around that time, yeah. But then before that you also had the Section X stuff, with H4 AC mechanically rigged to need four players, and the HK-51 parts hunt with some parts inside FPs (if I recall correctly).


I've never understood why they thought it was a good idea to get people going down a solo chain, only to swerve them into group content at the end.


( In-B4 "it's an MMO, group or get out, lel" )

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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They came out around that time, yeah. But then before that you also had the Section X stuff, with H4 AC mechanically rigged to need four players, and the HK-51 parts hunt with some parts inside FPs (if I recall correctly).


I've never understood why they thought it was a good idea to get people going down a solo chain, only to swerve them into group content at the end.


( In-B4 "it's an MMO, group or get out, lel" )


Not knowing the state of WoW at the time, I won't speculate...

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Not knowing the state of WoW at the time, I won't speculate...


The comparative timing is fuzzy for me now, but I *think* WoW still had large chunks of their "storyline" buried in big group content that came at the end of a chain of solo quests too. All the Northrend stuff really stands out on that score for some reason.

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The comparative timing is fuzzy for me now, but I *think* WoW still had large chunks of their "storyline" buried in big group content that came at the end of a chain of solo quests too. All the Northrend stuff really stands out on that score for some reason.


You know, guessing "that's how WoW did it" for some of the questionable design decisions really is like dynamiting fish in a barrel. I wasn't here at launch, I didn't (and don't) play WoW; and yet, I make snarky comments that turn out accurate...

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Didn't they come out at the same time as the Oricon mission chain, that requires completion of an Ops series to complete the mission series?


Cue "What were they thinking?"


At least the rest of the Oricon story can be done in a light afternoon of gaming. A guild or group of friends wanting to run the ops can quickly blaze anyone through the story that's not done it yet - a group of eight smashing on the planet can probably get the five missions done in all of an hour, maximum.


I've only done a few missions (luckily, I found out about the mandatory group early on and quit the chain), but it looks like the Seeker/Macro line takes a lot more time to complete. It's a lot easier to start groups on Oricon from scratch and just plow through it than to get a group to do all the Seeker/Macro missions beginning to end. I wonder how many people have worked up to that last H4 and just stopped - not able to find a group to complete in a timely manner, then just forgetting they have the mission at all, or getting frustrated and abandoning it.

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At least the rest of the Oricon story can be done in a light afternoon of gaming. A guild or group of friends wanting to run the ops can quickly blaze anyone through the story that's not done it yet - a group of eight smashing on the planet can probably get the five missions done in all of an hour, maximum.


I've only done a few missions (luckily, I found out about the mandatory group early on and quit the chain), but it looks like the Seeker/Macro line takes a lot more time to complete. It's a lot easier to start groups on Oricon from scratch and just plow through it than to get a group to do all the Seeker/Macro missions beginning to end. I wonder how many people have worked up to that last H4 and just stopped - not able to find a group to complete in a timely manner, then just forgetting they have the mission at all, or getting frustrated and abandoning it.


That still requires getting a 8-man group together; my guild isn't ops-focused, I'm not ops-focused. In short, not gonna happen.

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At least the rest of the Oricon story can be done in a light afternoon of gaming. A guild or group of friends wanting to run the ops can quickly blaze anyone through the story that's not done it yet - a group of eight smashing on the planet can probably get the five missions done in all of an hour, maximum.


I've only done a few missions (luckily, I found out about the mandatory group early on and quit the chain), but it looks like the Seeker/Macro line takes a lot more time to complete. It's a lot easier to start groups on Oricon from scratch and just plow through it than to get a group to do all the Seeker/Macro missions beginning to end. I wonder how many people have worked up to that last H4 and just stopped - not able to find a group to complete in a timely manner, then just forgetting they have the mission at all, or getting frustrated and abandoning it.


The Oricon end segment storyline is repeatable unlike the Macro binocular missions. Also, for the most part, there is literally 0 combat throughout most of the quest other than a annoying droid that pops in every now and then, and even if you die, the objective still counts and you can just move on. Also those plat forming sections.... jeez... I didn't have trouble with that segment, I only missed one brief jump, but the other three of my guild mates kept eating it several times to the point they had to swap to a sage.


They really should just make the heroic +2, soloable, or at least repeatable and worth the effort.

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That still requires getting a 8-man group together; my guild isn't ops-focused, I'm not ops-focused. In short, not gonna happen.


Same here.


That Sith lord is always going to be standing there at the Imperial base, with that yellow triangle over his head, waiting for the day that will never come...

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That still requires getting a 8-man group together; my guild isn't ops-focused, I'm not ops-focused. In short, not gonna happen.


I hate to be one of THOSE people, but you can always YouTube it. I know... I know its not the same as it kills immersion and all chance of roleplaying, but you don't really learn anything about the dread masters other than there personalities. You can obtain most of the information about them simply from just codex hunting on Oricon if you really want to know anymore about them.

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I've been stuck on the last mission for Macrobinoculars and the last mission for Dread Seed gear for a while now, because on the former I need 4 people to push buttons simultaneously and on the latter I keep insta-dying on the power cell part. It's very annoying. I did every other part of both alone. I solo heroic Star Fortresses. I want to do this too! Edited by Tamyn
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I might be confusing this with another heroic, but is there an issue whereby you can only bring people that have that quest active and in their log?


Or can anyone join the group regardless and it only requires 4 due to mechanics (similar to Section X Long Shots)?

Edited by Khevar
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I might be confusing this with another heroic, but is there an issue whereby you can only bring people that have that quest active and in their log?


Or can anyone join the group regardless and it only requires 4 due to mechanics (similar to Section X Long Shots)?


The last time I done these were pre 4.0, I think a few weeks before KOTFE launch. Only two of had the quest in our logbooks, and the rest were able to enter, but they could not interact with the objects if they were invited after we started the instance. We had to reset the instance and start over, but they didn't need the quest to get in.

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The next to last mission for one of them, the Super Mario Skiff /speeder jumping one, you have to have at least a 2nd person with you on the sma emission because you don't have enough firepower thanks to Level Sync.

Tank might fight for an hour if you're really into torture, have fun.

The last mission where you have 4 consoles to click helps if you have at least 2 people on the quest, but 3 or 4 kicks ***.

but you can do it with people not on the mission.

The other last mission in THE Corrupted Jedi Temple on ilum, you need 4, if you want to survive the mobs and or keep them in their prison cell with the force shield locking them in.

But if you need a body, I can do it on all NA servers excpet the RP ones.

I may have to transfer a 60/65 to them .

Just PM me here if you need help and i'll try and lend a hand on either side.


FYI, those that have finished it, did anyone else lose their Seeker Droid and/or Macro Binocs from their "Mission items" tab?

I sent my ticket in to CS and they gave me 3 things to check over.

I then sent them a lovely pic opf my Dreadseed and Star Forager pieces to prove I finished the dang thing.



thank you FAIL POINT OH (4.0) and BEYOND

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FYI, those that have finished it, did anyone else lose their Seeker Droid and/or Macro Binocs from their "Mission items" tab?

I sent my ticket in to CS and they gave me 3 things to check over.

I then sent them a lovely pic opf my Dreadseed and Star Forager pieces to prove I finished the dang thing.


You lose the item from mission items and instead gain the skill for it. Should be in the general section.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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