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So why isn't advanced class change a thing again?

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I use to be against this but with all the change that have happen over the year; I don't care anymore. Put AC change on CM for 2000 CC.


Its not like people don't need on every piece gear anyways already.

1000 CC...they'd sell more and it would take up less data space than buying 60's would. For 2000 CC, I'd rather have another character.

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1000 CC...they'd sell more and it would take up less data space than buying 60's would. For 2000 CC, I'd rather have another character.


New character is 3600 CC; current 44% discount makes 2000CC which won't last forever. Its up to BW.

Edited by Warrgames
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However, Jedi Knight is just the option you pick to be identified as such throughout the story and is not the actual class you play. That's how I see it anyway.


This is closer to the truth that you probably realize.


There were going to be 16 classes with 16 stories, but they realized quickly that much story development would simply be too costly and so they consolidated to 8 stories with two "classes" per story.


And heck they even learned that eight stories is too costly hence we now only have one story for all classes.


I wonder if this would even be an issue if we were forced to choose our "advanced class" at level 1.

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New character is 3600 CC; current 44% discount makes 2000CC which won't last forever. Its up to BW.

True. I just think an AC swap should be half of what a character is. 1800cc with a discount to 1000 seems fair.

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Do you realize how game breaking this would be? Say someone needs a heal but your on your shadow and rather having an alt to switch to, you could just change to the sage advanced class. I'm sorry but I don't want this feature it takes away the need for alts imo. I like advanced classes as they are and they don't need to change that. Not to mention leveling is this game now is so stupid fast plus you can buy instant 60's so ya I just don't see them implementing this.


What are you talking about, you'd still have to go all the way to the fleet in order to change AC. It's little difference compared to switching to an alt. Like I said, it takes nothing away from the need for alts, there are 7 other storylines that people need to create alts for in order to play.

Edited by ArkhaanPremiare
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It's not as simple as re-roll, or buy a level 60 token.


I have (among many alts) a maruader, a sentinel, an assassin and a shadow. I started levelling a jugg a couple of weeks ago to try out tanking and it turns out I rather like it. I could carry on levelling my jugg (and I probably will) but I'd also like to turn my marauder into a jugg.


Why? Because I have invested millions in him, done sooo much story content with him, ground out untold amounts of companion/Alliance influence with him and I refuse to go through all that again. I have a lot of alts but it's pointless trying to spread your game time to thin. My max is four and I would like to make the four I already have spent all this time and money on to be 2 dps/1 healer/1 tank, which also requires turning either my assassin or shadow into a sorc/sage.


I have rare unlocks like the Covert Gateway speeder on my mara that now sells for ten times the price I paid for it. I have other amour and mounts (like the Kingpin rancor) unlocked on these four that you can't unlock with CC. When I take them though story content, I know they've done everything so if something comes up, I'm not going to miss out.


Other issues: valour and social ranks.


Re-rolling or starting at 60 doesn't solve these issues.


As for loot, the simple answer is the general rule will be that you can only need for your AC you used to complete the op. If people want to need anyway, that will just be the same as it is now. As for swapping mid op or even on a daily basis, if they charged CC for it, it would stop people doing this and even if it didn't, I don't see what the big issue would be.

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It's not as simple as re-roll, or buy a level 60 token.


I have (among many alts) a maruader, a sentinel, an assassin and a shadow. I started levelling a jugg a couple of weeks ago to try out tanking and it turns out I rather like it. I could carry on levelling my jugg (and I probably will) but I'd also like to turn my marauder into a jugg.


Why? Because I have invested millions in him, done sooo much story content with him, ground out untold amounts of companion/Alliance influence with him and I refuse to go through all that again. I have a lot of alts but it's pointless trying to spread your game time to thin. My max is four and I would like to make the four I already have spent all this time and money on to be 2 dps/1 healer/1 tank, which also requires turning either my assassin or shadow into a sorc/sage.


I have rare unlocks like the Covert Gateway speeder on my mara that now sells for ten times the price I paid for it. I have other amour and mounts (like the Kingpin rancor) unlocked on these four that you can't unlock with CC. When I take them though story content, I know they've done everything so if something comes up, I'm not going to miss out.


Other issues: valour and social ranks.


Re-rolling or starting at 60 doesn't solve these issues.


As for loot, the simple answer is the general rule will be that you can only need for your AC you used to complete the op. If people want to need anyway, that will just be the same as it is now. As for swapping mid op or even on a daily basis, if they charged CC for it, it would stop people doing this and even if it didn't, I don't see what the big issue would be.


Precisely this. The only reason I'm willing to re-roll my Shadow into a Sage is because I haven't invested that much into them concerning credits and rare items. If I had, there's no way in hell I'd be restarting.

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The issue is, that most people that are for this, are people that prefer solo play. So they cant really see the issues it would create for group content. Like the previous poster said, they have made this game crazy easy to get to max level, there is no reason to mess with AC's.


Not to mention, the issue has been beaten to death, the horse is dead and buried. So trying to start a new thread about this when there is a 800+ page thread all ready, seems pointless..

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I'm just going to answer the title:


So why isn't advanced class change a thing again?


Advance Class change was never a thing to begin with. It was a pipe dream based on a carrot dished up by a dev who's been gone for around 2 years. It was brushed off as a possibility so as not to get anyone's hopes up. But some people just hear or read what they want to hear or read, and have not let it go for what it was: Propaganda to appease a small minority of the game.

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I'm just going to answer the title:




Advance Class change was never a thing to begin with. It was a pipe dream based on a carrot dished up by a dev who's been gone for around 2 years. It was brushed off as a possibility so as not to get anyone's hopes up. But some people just hear or read what they want to hear or read, and have not let it go for what it was: Propaganda to appease a small minority of the game.


When I said "again", it was sarcasm. Through searching the web and other forum topics, I've found no substantial reason as to why this doesn't exist. Lack of said feature doesn't give people reason to create alts because they already have reasons to create at least 7 alts.

Edited by ArkhaanPremiare
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The issue is, that most people that are for this, are people that prefer solo play. So they cant really see the issues it would create for group content.



Can you honestly, and with a perfectly straight face, tell me that AC swap would cause issues for group content that "instant level 60s" don't?

Edited by Khevar
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I'm just going to answer the title:




Advance Class change was never a thing to begin with. It was a pipe dream based on a carrot dished up by a dev who's been gone for around 2 years. It was brushed off as a possibility so as not to get anyone's hopes up. But some people just hear or read what they want to hear or read, and have not let it go for what it was: Propaganda to appease a small minority of the game.


Not exactly true.

Advanced Class swap was a thing in development.

In 2010 (

) James Ohlen stated that it was unlikely but if it was included it would be expensive.

In 2011 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO46vqhxjUU&t=7m38s ) James Ohlen stated that it was in and would get more expensive the more times a player decided to swap.


It's a shame that the final development cycle for the game ended up being rushed, and that most of the feedback from the beta test seemed to be coming from invested MMO players with a hardcore (time sink/ grind) mindset that meshed with the devs of that time.

Times change though and I feel the audience for a Star Wars game was always going to have a larger number of time poor/ casual gamers that want to dip into the game rather than commit to it as a second job.

If you look at many of the on going changes to the game it's been to make it more accessible to those gamers with less time on their hands.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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The issue is, that most people that are for this, are people that prefer solo play. So they cant really see the issues it would create for group content.


Still haven't read one reason why this is a bad idea for end game group content; especially if it cost a fair amount of CC. Is it a secret?


Whatever, I don't expect it to change but I wanted to voice my opinion on it.

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Do you realize how game breaking this would be? Say someone needs a heal but your on your shadow and rather having an alt to switch to, you could just change to the sage advanced class.

Actually its like changing from damage to tank within the same class. You change a couple of skills, redistribute your combat proficiency points and be done with it. All you get are three more specs. Zero game breaking.


I'm sorry but I don't want this feature it takes away the need for alts imo.

Yeah, we would only need 8 chars to cover all classes instead of 16. We wouldnt need alts with a different alignment anymore... oh wait!


I like advanced classes as they are and they don't need to change that.

According to your logic changing specs is "game breaking" but you are perfectly fine with it but dont want three more specs available to you because its "game breaking". Hypocrit much?


Not to mention leveling is this game now is so stupid fast plus you can buy instant 60's so ya I just don't see them implementing this.

Instant 60 isnt leveling. THATS game breaking because it removes the experience that players need to figure out how to play the game and their char. The better players are, the faster they can actually level a char up and they already know how to learn to play. Players that cant learn or just want to skip the entire story of this game to jump into operations should go back to counterstrike.

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Quite possibly one of the sillyest questions asked.


Is it not enough that you can buy an instant 60 token?


Did you not take the time before choosing a class to actually look up or watch game play or even read about the class? If not, then that is your fault.


I have been an on/off player since launch. I recently made a new account and decided to start over... Why? Because I got bored on my old account and wanted to be fresh. I got a free instant 60 token upon creation and guess what.. It is sitting there. Waiting to be used. I made me account on the 29th, by the 4th I had reached level 30 and completed my personal conquest playing only 2 hours a day.


That would have been impossible to do at launch or even when Hutt Cartel rolled out.


People seem to forget that at launch as a sub you had to wait for sprint until level 10.. You didnt get a mount until 25 if you were lucky AND, you paid thousands of credits for skills and by the time you hit 30, you still had 8 skills to buy but had to wisely choose what you got...


My point... there is ZERO need for an AC change ability as leveling has become stupid easy (not necessarily complaining as I have clearly pointed out that I fit in the casual gamer model with limited time on my hands). The game is more user friendly than it has ever been.


You mentioned that you miss out on your skills because you aren't using a dual-saber... that is YOUR problem, and quite honestly makes me want to mock you endlessly because in the descriptions it clearly states that a dual-saber is needed.... yet you are CHOOSING not to use one.... So... your argument is invalid based on your choice.


Don't like it? Well, delete your toon and make a sage/sorc and be done with it.


Rather than try to implement something new.. how about the dev team fix the current bugs and issues with the game.

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The issue is, that most people that are for this, are people that prefer solo play. So they cant really see the issues it would create for group content.

What issues are those?


Whether I join an Ops on my Commando or my Vanguard, how does that impact YOU in any way? How is that any different than me saying "hang on, lemme switch toons"? Or are you suggesting that even that shouldn't be allowed?

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Quite possibly one of the sillyest questions asked.


Is it not enough that you can buy an instant 60 token?


Don't like it? Well, delete your toon and make a sage/sorc and be done with it.


Rather than try to implement something new.. how about the dev team fix the current bugs and issues with the game.

This must be your first day on the forums...welcome! I assure you, this is far from the silliest.


Buying an insta 60 certainly reduces the desire to switch AC's, but some people like to play A main toon, not an army of alts. MMOs are constantly in flux...let players adapt to the normal ebb and flow of an MMO if they want.


Fixing the current bugs SHOULD be a huge priority, but it isn't. It also shouldn't exclude the possibility of improving the game in other ways.

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What issues are those?


Whether I join an Ops on my Commando or my Vanguard, how does that impact YOU in any way? How is that any different than me saying "hang on, lemme switch toons"? Or are you suggesting that even that shouldn't be allowed?


I"d say its not right to dictate what decisions are based on whether it affects other or not, but rather if the games resources are better spent elsewhere.


Taking the desire for AC change a step further, it wouldn't affect you at all if I decided I wanted a way to change my character's class either. Afterall, the same amount of money and time would have been spent on that "main" toon, and let's say I was a GS and my dps was nerfed and now I wanted to swap to Commando - why would that affect you at all for me to have the ability to swap. It's my choice if I miss out on the story and the companion's backgrounds after all.


There are many times that we get told that some things have deadlines/consequences. Pre-ordering ROTH for the statue, subscribing during a time frame to get Nico or being eligible for HK-55 story. Being told that an Advance class choice is permanent and can't be changed once selected.


Ultimately, the reason I'm against this is more simple. The development resources here are so sparse nowadays it seems. While this would be a nice QoL change for all those who requested it, I think we can all agree it is likely a change that would take a good amount of resources. That being the case, it doesn't add anything new to the game as far as content or increasing gameplay. It also potentially removes revenue from BW for buying additional character slots (though an argument could be made that this could be offset with CC market purchase for the change, but I guess the debate there would be is revenue gained more than revenue lost)


I guess ultimately, if AC change being developed comes at the expense of new pvp maps, story, GSF, Operations, FP I wouldn't want it because delay or loss of that content does affect me.


If it comes at the expense of no reskinned outfits/mounts/pets for a duration - well in that case have at it

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I"d say its not right to dictate what decisions are based on whether it affects other or not, but rather if the games resources are better spent elsewhere.

If they were releasing quality work, I'd agree with ya...use those resources to perfect it...but they're not. They're releasing sloppy work...in terms of writing and development.


Also, QoL improvements need to happen in unison with MMO updates. That's got to be a part of everyday work for them. If they're short handed, that's not my problem.

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If they were releasing quality work, I'd agree with ya...use those resources to perfect it...but they're not. They're releasing sloppy work...in terms of writing and development.


Also, QoL improvements need to happen in unison with MMO updates. That's got to be a part of everyday work for them. If they're short handed, that's not my problem.


I agree that it's their problem - but it is also the reality we are living in with this game. I want updates that include a little bit of everything not just story only, operation only, pvp only, but we don't seem to have that anymore.


We're on the same side here so don't want to give impression that isn't the case. I've just come to the disappointing conclusion that we are in a pick and choose model now when it comes to new things in game. Unless something changes in my life, I'll still be here regardless since this is the only MMO with sabers and the IP keeps me here.

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I agree that it's their problem - but it is also the reality we are living in with this game. I want updates that include a little bit of everything not just story only, operation only, pvp only, but we don't seem to have that anymore.


We're on the same side here so don't want to give impression that isn't the case. I've just come to the disappointing conclusion that we are in a pick and choose model now when it comes to new things in game. Unless something changes in my life, I'll still be here regardless since this is the only MMO with sabers and the IP keeps me here.

I know we're on the same side...I'm just in a good mood today so I was trying to be upbeat and optimistic about what they could do :D


So...thanks for bringing me back to reality and ruining my day :(



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Another reason I object is I see it as an issue of resource allocation. There are so many things broken in this game that dont get fixed.


There are so many things that are neglected and passed over again and again.


Yet you all want them to waste time and resources on this when you -know- they will break it, and probably 4890 other things at the same time just so you dont have to spend a few hours leveling a character from 60-65.


I think every single one of you has said you want more OPs, or more GSF, or more PvP maps, or more/new events.


Id rather they have the 2 devs they have left for the game working on those instead of this for all the reasons I posted above. (And you all know how I feel about SWTOR PVP so that should say something that id rather them work on pvp then this) :p

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