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Time & Time Again...


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I do not know what to think of PVP in this game sometimes. I have very thick skin which allows me to do PVP where others avoid& treat it like a passing disease. However these are the things I keep seeing & the ELABORATE/Constructive CHEATING on the PVE servers not just a PVP server only.


1. People who are playing against an Imperial friend who knowingly throw the match & do little to nothing to help the Republic effort. This is really bad & I know for a fact it is going on. There are too many times where I know something shouldn't have gone the way it did & it's because someone is throwing the match for their IMP ALT GUILD friend(s) ESPECIALLY in RANKED.

2. People who DO play Republic but are only there to also little to nothing because they're frustrated that this PUB toon just probably isn't the same as their IMPerial toon so they also end up throwing the match then LOGGING OUT only to log back in on IMperial side because now they know they have found somewhat of an backdoor. I pick up on this in UNRANKED a lot.

3. I know people are still line switching & smurfing & I notice this a lot when I am doing IMP vs PUB which is what I do regardless.

People playing against their Imperial friend I have no problem with but when the match is thrown then they log off & log back on with their Imperial toon needs to be restricted to a certain extent.

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