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LOW SPAWN RATES in Heroic+2 Mission Areas

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Here's another aspect that could possibly have me cancelling my subscription.

There are a few Heroic +2 missions with such low re spawn rates such as MUTATIONS on Taris

& HIt 'Em Where They Live on Balmorra that if the level syncing doesn't get you in a bind the re-spawn rate takes too long!

& then to make it worse just about everyone in the area is doing the mission by themselves! So we are forced to fight over the re-spawn spots all the while only one instance will be up.


Perhaps some suggestion on the mission box stating that Republic/Imperial forces highly recommend doing in a team for faster results. Or speeding up the re-spawn rates in these two H+2s Republic side sure would help. Ever since these H+2s have become more relevant to do these are two missions I lose a lot of time with. & I know for sure I am not the only one who sees this.

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& then to make it worse just about everyone in the area is doing the mission by themselves! So we are forced to fight over the re-spawn spots all the while only one instance will be up.

I know this is a radical suggestion, but have you tried sending group invites?


(But yes, even then it takes too long. The worst, though, is Possessed Hunter on Dromund Kaas. One foe to kill, and he takes 15 minutes to respawn. Last time I did it, someone invited me to their group, and I imagine the two people already in the group were happy they invited me, 'coz I ninja-shot the foe. A dozen others were not happy, however.)

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