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Please fix this

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Allowing people to join in who are very under-geared has destroyed FP group finder

Are you talking about tacticals or HMs? Nothing is going to ever be changed regarding tacticals. For HMs, it makes no sense that the GF interface says the recommended gear rating is 212 when level 50s can queue for HMs and be bolstered.

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Gear isn't so much an issue (maybe for tanks) as much as player error. Gear is just extra padding against stupid, really. I had a really horrendous tank with 95k health on HM Rishi a couple weeks back. Fortunately because most of my chars are tanks, I was able to drop and requeue on my tank to save the group.


I have no issue queuing (except on tanks, cause I want my tanks to have solid gear before tnaking) for HM's starting at 50, really, but I know i'm a decent player with the ability to pull my weight and adapt to encounters.

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