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One suggestion


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How about you give the recoloring and re-releasing "new" items to the cartel marketa rest for a week and put that time to use fixing BUGS?


You can start with the Jindo Krey bug that's been there since at LEAST 4.0.

Then maybe move on to the agent quest on Voss that's been bugged since release.

Or the fact that Treek and HK no longer give rep for conversations, even pre-KotFE.

Or the courting gifts bug that has now expanded to include pre-KotFE romanced companions.

Or the Lokin bug where you have to change instances to collect the sample at the sarlacc.

Or the new Choza bug where you have to change instances to even access him after you answer the alert.

Or maybe the zone to fleet instead of my stronghold bug when I exit a FP; that's at least as old as SoR.

Or whatever is going on on Belsavis that causes my framerate to drop sub 20 when I move.

Or Battle of Rishi final boss where you still get hit with AOE, even if you're out of it, unless you've also come to a full and complete stop before it lands. Yea....since day one.

Or the fact that companion won't follow you into the next section between Slam Streever and Ayor-9.

Or the explosion every time I approach the door of my ship on my BH.

Or alliance alerts not showing once you complete solo star fortress until you zone somewhere else. And everyone around the war room attacking something now at the end of the cut scene.

Or the fact you need to rebuff comps every time they leave and come back.

Oh, and could you shut Hemdil Tre the F up?


So any chance of any of those getting fixed for the people who pay you money every month?!

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