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That abomination of a HK-55 "reward" scrap skull (And some general Ideas)


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Who ever came to the idea, that a HK-55 helmet with a gosh darn hole for the chin would 1. look good and 2. players would like, really needs professional help.

Make it a full face covering mask, so people who actually want to wear it really can look like a droid and not like a lunatic wearing some piece of scrap found laying around on a pile of garbage.


Heck it took you for sure more effort, to code that chin hole into the model, instead of just keeping it as it was. Now it just looks uggly and while you're thinking of it as a good idea and presening such a bad design choice as something "cool and unique" and a "reward" for subscribers, you're just trolling a good part of them, who as me either wanted to have the chance to look like a HK Unit, or not at all.


In general many of the items which could give us a droid look like many cybernetic sets are messed up, due to having organic arms or legs on one side, while having perfectly designed robotic parts on the other. One of the oldest cybernetic sets has the perfect chasis for a droid, but.. has an organic left arm, which ruins it.


So and to end the rant here are some suggestions for items/sets purchaseable directly in the market for the usual prices:

-Implement real droid armor based on humanoid bipedal droids existing in the game and the early cybernetic sets but with 100% mechanical parts and no organic limbs.

-Please take a deep breath, scrap that dumb idea with the chin hole in the HK-55 Helmet and just make it a full face mask.

-How about a covert energy helmet which hides hoods? There are many sets with hoods which would be suitable for nice outfits, it they wouldn't have the hoods up at all. This would solve the issue of us not being able to toggle them.

Edited by Arthosis
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It makes me think they need to create a pre-development ratings group, made up of a diverse set of the subscribers. We would all rate potential ideas so they can get preliminary feedback on ideas like this, making it possible to weed out bad ideas before any serious level of effort has been put into them.


There's no way that any more than a handful of subscribers (and I literally mean 5 people) are going to like the HK-55 helmet even a little bit. :rak_02:

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As I said above.. the Idea of having a HK model Helmet even for roleplayers like myself is a good one. But humiliating the player by just taking the possibility of using it as a real droid head for an outfit, by cutting out a gaping uggly hole out of it so the chin pops out is just retarded.

In the livestream they said something like "Well and that nice helmet we've got for you as a subscriber reward will have a hole for the chin, so humanoid characters can wear it." So they really believed, that players would like to cosplay as a HK unit instead of just playing one. I mean seriousely.. that's like they think we'd make silly IC costumes like some people do in real life for halloween parties.


And that's the first time they did something that terrible, besides the horned hood from the vanilla stalker sets of the sith inquisitor. If we'd want to play a tauren, we won't be playing star wars ;)

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The whole concept of this helmet is disturbing to me. I can't think of a single companion that would take one look at me and think "Wearing HK-55's head as a helmet? This dude has seriously lost it".


I'm all for the idea of dumping this in favor of an energy helmet that drops hoods. I've passed up on numerous chest pieces because I didn't want the hood. I know a lot of people have been asking for a way to drop the hoods.


Can we move on from the HK droids please? 47, 51, 55 .... its getting old. I idea of 55's head being carved out to be a helmet is not only disturbing it proof that you've hit the bottom of the barrel in your efforts to milk the popularity of HK-47. Please, move on. Its getting kind of embarrassing.

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Regardless of the helmet which I agree looks ugly. The whole premise of the HK crap is getting old. Yay we have HK-51 and HK-55. Stop with the stupid mounts and masks about it. We get it, its cool and all but not after you made Revan into a betch with SoR. Bioware really needs to get some original ideas.
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I wouldn't mind if people could get a full HK series armor just for fun or roleplaying purposes. But yes Bioware has come to new depths with staarting a HK-55 cosplay costume. I'd rather Hype saberpikes, some nice and new usefull decorations, but not more HK-55 themed stuff that looks like weird ingame merchandise.


The Jetpack is kind of nice and fits well with yellowish dyed armors for bounty hunters and mandalorians, but nothing more.


And as we're here on jetpacks.. why not just releasing one, which either gives you the thruster animations coming out of your boots or a jetpack if one is attached on a chestpiece. That would look way better than these oversized monsters they've released earlyer.

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I'm all for the idea of dumping this in favor of an energy helmet that drops hoods. I've passed up on numerous chest pieces because I didn't want the hood. I know a lot of people have been asking for a way to drop the hoods.


Covert Head Piece.

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I wouldn't mind at all if they didn't give me this reward.


Let's call this month a given that I don't want "rewarding" for. Putting that helmet in my mail isn't a reward.


Before someone comes back with the old and tired "but it's free" .... so is the spam mail that comes through my letterbox but that goes in the trash and is as much use to me as this "helmet".


Yes i'm being selfish, it's hideous. I can't think of a single use for it, even on companions. I don't have any companions I hate enough to make them look that stupid.


I've got enough HK stuff already. Even having this "helmet" as a decor item instead would be better. It would serve a purpose on the wall rather than being deleted.


A selection would work better. Have 2 or 3 items and let players pick the one the want that way those that want this "helmet" can have at it while those of us that would rather smother our genitalia in fish paste and dangle them over a tank of hungry piranha than wear it could pick something that doesn't look so ridiculous i'd rather my character had a cardboard box on his head with eye holes cut out *inhale*.....


Long story short, it's bad ... really bad ... really, really bad.

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Well on twitter I've seen a promotional picture of a person standing in front of one of the domes on Odessen. Unfortunately the character was a Chiss and the chin was visible. But as we all know Bioware sometimes even listens to feedback and changes things properly.

For example the "Bounty cieling Cage" was changed 2-3 weeks after its release and an answer on a post in the forum from Eric Musco was written about 20 minutes after the poster claimed the issue with the turned off energy field.

Also the "Exiled Master" Robe, which was modelled after the new Obi Wan Kenobi outfit with the bagpack was leaked, heavily discussed and therefore they took it out and reworked it, before being released in the next pack.


Not everything they design is absolute crap, but the first versions they often show us are a bit too "innovative" to say it nicely.


In the end we have to complain about things we don't like and allways give them suggestions how it could be made better. There's allways a chance they'll take that seriousely and take the chance to adjust it.

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