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Various mechanic changes that would positively affect balance.


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1. Single Target Taunts in DPS spec in pvp do not provide taunt, but rather are a heal debuff. AOE taunts remain unchanged.


2. Reduce base amount of absorb on shields to 5%. Put the removed 15% into the absorb stat.


3. Change Guard so that the amount of damaged amount of damage transferred is related to defense rating. If you have no defense rating the amount x-fered from guarded target is 0%.


For further investigation - changing defense chance to have a chance to have dots tick no damage.

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3. Change Guard so that the amount of damaged amount of damage transferred is related to defense rating. If you have no defense rating the amount x-fered from guarded target is 0%.



Tanks are fine in War Zones except the Defense stat isn't used effectively. That would be the only thing I would request devs to look into.


I like your thought on defense instead of adding to the general stats of the tank have it be a base for guard. This would have more tanks stack defense mods and enhancements rather than the DPS mods and enhancements currently used.

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Tanks are fine in War Zones except the Defense stat isn't used effectively. That would be the only thing I would request devs to look into.


I like your thought on defense instead of adding to the general stats of the tank have it be a base for guard. This would have more tanks stack defense mods and enhancements rather than the DPS mods and enhancements currently used.


No, really tanks are not fine. ATM you have DPS geared Jug/Guards and Sin/Shadow Tanks that way over perform. Part of this is because tank stats kind of stink for the current meta and combat mechanics. As well as they have the ability to still be tanky in dps gear thanks to innate bonuses and baseline mitigation of a shield.


I think you should be able to gear an Immortal or Darkness ( or pub mirrors ) as a DPS, however, that player should not be an effective tank. They should be a more sturdy dps. They should have to sacrifice something to get that dps, and that should be the ability to guard effectively.


The tank/guard changes address both Shank-Tanking (DPS Spec in Tank Stance) and Skank-Tanking (Tank Spec in DPS Gear).

Edited by Anishor
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1. Single Target Taunts in DPS spec in pvp do not provide taunt, but rather are a heal debuff.



This is, don't get me wrong, exactly the wrong way to fix healing in pvp.


As it stands right now, the only thing that could be considered op is sorc bubble + phasewalk.

In fact I think healing as a whole is too weak as it stands right now. Sorcs have higher (close to optimal, maybe a little too much) healing values than both other ACs. Sorcs do best Aoe, ST and burstheals in te game.


In TR and even solo sorcs are everything but op. The other healers are actually underperforming.



The way regs could be fixed is so simple:

-add a max 2 healers per team cap, (maybe faction thingy is coming aswell, so if there's two healers in q each teams will get one)

-remove PW from sorcs and give them a CD reduce on FS instead


In order to balance out mercs and ops:



-Rocket out cleanses all root and slow effects and automatically prevents people from leaping at you baseline

-HO cd reduced by 10 seconds



-The first roll breaks all roots for healspec

-make holotraverse do its job



-give mercs better burst and a little more instants

-give ops better sustain via buffing hots and surgical probe

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some changes i've been thinking lately that would greatly affect the game, and so pvp:


1 - A class that has a healing spec can only cast heals if using that spec, because just by choosing the AC you get some basic heals, even if using dps spec. Almost the same that happens with tanks, that need a specific stance/charge to use "guard".


2 - Tanks should lose some damage, seriously, its ridiculous right now, but their hits would generate more threat to not affect boss fights in pve.


3 - When someone is taunted they should only be able to attack for the time they are affected, or even the taunted target has increased attack and lowered defence for the duration, like some other games happens.


4 - Adjust the cooldown on some CCs/Mezzes, like increase time to use again, or add a cooldown for both cases, like if you stuned someone and want to mezze another one you must wait some time.


I thought of these for a couple days, hardly think a lot of people will agree, but it's what i see in pvp in general right now that could bring some balance up.

Edited by petergohan
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