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Ganking On Harbinger (PVE Server)/Rules For PvP On PVE Server


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In all honesty, the only people who get on my nerves are the ones who come looking to start trouble. Beyond that, i don't care.
they aren't starting trouble.


they are playing an online game the way its meant to be played.


how can you not understand this?

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Read my first post at the beginning of this thread instead of spouting your stupidity here. Not once was i complaining, not once did i say such and such should be removed.
you're complaining about being killed in a video game after you gave players permission to kill you in a game where killing people is an optional but legitimate objective. your whole thread is a complaint.
I wasn't referring to them, i was referring to the troll i quoted above.
you shouldn't be namecalling because he's absolutely right about you. Edited by Pagy
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you're complaining about being killed in a video game after you gave players permission to kill you in a game where killing people is an optional but legitimate objective. your whole thread is a complaint


I have been wondering if there are any rules regarding ganking players on a pve server


You were saying?

Edited by AylaL
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You were saying?
i was saying that using the term "ganking" especially incorrectly is complaining.


which you did repeatedly.


how many posters in this thread have to tell you this before it sinks in and you accept the truth?

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i was saying that using the term "ganking" especially incorrectly is complaining.


which you did repeatedly.


how many posters in this thread have to tell you this before it sinks in and you accept the truth?


Wrong, i only wanted to know if there were any rules on ganking players on a pve server not whether or not using the word ganking was complaining. I'm done arguing, have a nice day.

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Wrong, i only wanted to know if there were any rules on ganking players on a pve server not whether or not using the word ganking was complaining. I'm done arguing, have a nice day.
ganking has a definition. its has a negative connotation.


this was not ganking.

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Basically those players exploiting BW combat system.


It works like this.


1. You starting fight.

2. Flagged person comes closer to mobs you engaged with.

3. You are using tab to switch targets and stupid BW combat system recognize enemy players as mobs.

4. And here you go. You are flagged and killed. Even if you are didn't want to attack them.


And until BW will fix current stupid ssystem - PVP'ers will exploit this way.


Most interesting part - PVP'ers are highly against suggestions to change this target s**t :D

Their main argument "DEEEEEEM!!!! HOW ARE WE GONNA KILL PEOPLE THEN???!!!:("

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ganking has a definition. its has a negative connotation.


this was not ganking.


Usually Pagy and I dont agree on things, but in this one we do. Being attacked by other players -WHEN YOU ARE FLAGGED FOR PVP- is not being ganked.


FFS I do my utmost to avoid the pvp in SWTOR but I know if im flagged Red=Dead in the minds of anyone who sees me of the opposite faction, and I know I'd better get myself unflagged ASAP.


Getting yourself flagged and leaving yourself flagged -ON A PVE SERVER- is like putting on rabbit ears around Elmer Fudd, its wabbit season!

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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..And until BW will fix current stupid ssystem - PVP'ers will exploit this way.


Most interesting part - PVP'ers are highly against suggestions to change this target s**t :D

Their main argument "DEEEEEEM!!!! HOW ARE WE GONNA KILL PEOPLE THEN???!!!:("


What a load of grossly generalized nonsense. Those who neatly fit into a "PVPer" category are busy somewhere else fighting with other PVPers. People who roll on PVE servers to use dumb gimmicks to mess with PVE only people don't fit the definition.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Most interesting part - PVP'ers are highly against suggestions to change this target s**t :D

Their main argument "DEEEEEEM!!!! HOW ARE WE GONNA KILL PEOPLE THEN???!!!:("

I'm a PvPer...and never ever have I used such a stupid "excuse" or argument...in fact, that actually sounds like the kinda thing an ill informed PvEer would say to make PvPers sound stupid.


Wanna know why I'm generally against it? Because it's ONLY PLAYER LAZINESS that flags you...tab tab tab tab crap...pay attention to your targets. Know what you're attacking...basic elementary stuff.


If it did change, it wouldn't bother me one bit...but given my choice of the Devs spending time on this change or anything else, I'd prefer anything else.

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Basically those players exploiting BW combat system.


It works like this.


1. You starting fight.

2. Flagged person comes closer to mobs you engaged with.

3. You are using tab to switch targets and stupid BW combat system recognize enemy players as mobs.

4. And here you go. You are flagged and killed. Even if you are didn't want to attack them.


And until BW will fix current stupid ssystem - PVP'ers will exploit this way.


Most interesting part - PVP'ers are highly against suggestions to change this target s**t :D

Their main argument "DEEEEEEM!!!! HOW ARE WE GONNA KILL PEOPLE THEN???!!!:("

how is this an exploit?


pay attention to what you're attacking? i can understand how this mistake can be made, but the mistake is purely on the attacker, sorry.

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I'm a PvPer...and never ever have I used such a stupid "excuse" or argument...in fact, that actually sounds like the kinda thing an ill informed PvEer would say to make PvPers sound stupid.


Wanna know why I'm generally against it? Because it's ONLY PLAYER LAZINESS that flags you...tab tab tab tab crap...pay attention to your targets. Know what you're attacking...basic elementary stuff.


If it did change, it wouldn't bother me one bit...but given my choice of the Devs spending time on this change or anything else, I'd prefer anything else.


While I would put changing the flagging system very low on the priorities list for developer time, I disagree that it is only player laziness that flags someone.


There have been bugs which allowed forced flagging - in this game and every other game I've played with an auto-flagging system. And given the abysmal quality these days, I would not bet against future bugs allowing force flagging.


Not to mention the numerous @sshats that delight in standing on top of NPCs, standing / stealthing on clickable objects, using the 'feign dead' regen item on top of dead enemies, jump like spastic 12 year olds in front of other players fighting large groups of mobs, etc, etc all to try and get players who don't want to flag to flag by mistake.


Auto flagging is just a poor system - no player who does not wish to flag should be required to change all their targeting settings and double check every target to avoid flagging.


Instead, players that want to PVP against others on a PVE should be required to get others to flag on their own, or go play on PVP servers that are already set for PVP.


But yeah - given the two people still working on SWTOR - probably not going to happen and certainly not something which needs to be a high priority.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I am normally quite carefree in my combat, however, I am always on the lookout for those flagged players. When those players are near I exercise some caution and take my time to avoid inadvertent flagging on my part. Being aware of your surroundings is a good habit to have when playing a game where you could encounter trolls as well as in the real world where consequences are more permanent. Edited by iacon
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While I would put changing the flagging system very low on the priorities list for developer time, I disagree that it is only player laziness that flags someone.


There have been bugs which allowed forced flagging - in this game and every other game I've played with an auto-flagging system. And given the abysmal quality these days, I would not bet against future bugs allowing force flagging.

what does this have to do with anything? If there is a bug, then report it. otherwise........what's wrong with this system?

Not to mention the numerous @sshats that delight in standing on top of NPCs, standing / stealthing on clickable objects, using the 'feign dead' regen item on top of dead enemies, jump like spastic 12 year olds in front of other players fighting large groups of mobs, etc, etc all to try and get players who don't want to flag to flag by mistake.
and yet 100% of the control is in the hands of the unflagged attacker. pay attention to your target.

and calling people names for what they are doing in an online game...please. you don't need to insult everyone that enjoys different things than you do.

Auto flagging is just a poor system - no player who does not wish to flag should be required to change all their targeting settings and double check every target to avoid flagging.
you haven't expressed a reason why it's bad, only to take accountability of of those that should pay attention.

Instead, players that want to PVP against others on a PVE should be required to get others to flag on their own, or go play on PVP servers that are already set for PVP.
they are flagging on their own. they attacked a flagged player. game on. Edited by Pagy
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I'm a PvPer...and never ever have I used such a stupid "excuse" or argument...in fact, that actually sounds like the kinda thing an ill informed PvEer would say to make PvPers sound stupid.


Wanna know why I'm generally against it? Because it's ONLY PLAYER LAZINESS that flags you...tab tab tab tab crap...pay attention to your targets. Know what you're attacking...basic elementary stuff.


If it did change, it wouldn't bother me one bit...but given my choice of the Devs spending time on this change or anything else, I'd prefer anything else.


... TUX, I'm not sure I agree that it is "ONLY" as you've stated... and so while trying to finish some Rakgoul H4 yesterday evening on Harb, having a group of flagged players dragging mobs, jumping in front of target currently under fire, and parking directly in front of spawned rak elites seems... intentional... at the least, in an effort to flag non-flagged opposing players. In addition to calling out in /say to taunt or belittle those who will not engage.


This is, imo, a form of ganking and not called for... all that said, this has been (in my own experience) the rare occasion.



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I'm a PvPer...and never ever have I used such a stupid "excuse" or argument...in fact, that actually sounds like the kinda thing an ill informed PvEer would say to make PvPers sound stupid.


Wanna know why I'm generally against it? Because it's ONLY PLAYER LAZINESS that flags you...tab tab tab tab crap...pay attention to your targets. Know what you're attacking...basic elementary stuff.


If it did change, it wouldn't bother me one bit...but given my choice of the Devs spending time on this change or anything else, I'd prefer anything else.


Indeed, it doesn't bother you so much you decided to post against it. ;)


Dedicated PvPers don't care about this issue because they don't need to trick people who are unprepared into flagging themselves. They either go on WZs or PvP servers. PVEers don't care about jumping other players, so they don't care.


The ONLY PEOPLE who want to see the status quo continue are griefers who want nothing more than to ruin someone else's day.


Please, tell us all how much you don't care some more. :rolleyes:


Oh yeah, if you are so worried about PvPers sounding stupid, then try to refrain from making arguments like this.


Wanna know why I'm generally against it? Because it's ONLY PLAYER LAZINESS that flags you...tab tab tab tab crap...pay attention to your targets. Know what you're attacking...basic elementary stuff.


People who are constantly on their guard probably don't need hand-rails either, or safety nets, or lifelines, or life jackets. but guess what? Nobody can be always on their guard 24/7 and accidents happen.

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I know, my only concern is if they had asked first instead of going oh hey look there's a player with a big target on their back. It just seems like common courtesy has been completely thrown out the window nowadays.


Guess you've never played on a PvP server in any game?


If you're flagged you're going to get ganked the first time you are:


attacking a mob

Happen to be ten levels or less than the other player

Happen to be in area a guild (any Guild) happens to looking to gank lowbie in

Edited by Atalantia
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Both times it was in the rakghoul tunnels, which as far as i can see is not a pvp area. And yes it was a flag i hadn't gotten around to turning off as i was busy helping some players.

Having your PVP flag on is a fair game thing, there really aren't any rules or courtesies for that.


Now if it had been the issue people have had for the life of the Rakghoul event, where stealth players have been triggering player's PVP flag then that's just dirty pool but it can still be on those that get tricked like this, since they have their targeting setting set wrong to allow it.


The basics here is if you don't want to be involved in PVP always make sure your flag is not on before going into an open world area.

Edited by mudmobile
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on sunday evening the rakghoul tunnels were full of flagged ppl on TRE. all of them in PvE gear as it turned out, so 1vs2 being nothing more than a formality. unflag yourselves by entering the GSF tutorial ppl, if you don't want to get attacked! I wonder how the ppl got flagged before, as there were so many of them.


i keep getting email spam from "adult entertainment" sites with the subject line: "GANK her!" i wonder if they heared that the rakghoul event includes some pvp achievements....:rolleyes:

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However, it takes 10 seconds to flag for PvP when entering a wrong area, it takes one click on a flagged player. But it takes moving and waiting for 5 minutes to unflag. That's a huge discrepancy in how easy it is to express consent to PvP and how much efforts it takes to withdraw this consent.

It may be a huge difference, but it is absolutely necessary. If it wasn't, you'd find people running around, attacking the inattentive then unflagging immediately to prevent reprisals.

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Now if it had been the issue people have had for the life of the Rakghoul event, where stealth players have been triggering player's PVP flag then that's just dirty pool but it can still be on those that get tricked like this, since they have their targeting setting set wrong to allow it.

Isn't that the default setting though? Can we really expect new players to know that they need to change their settings to avoid PvP even after purposefully choosing a PvE server?

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It may be a huge difference, but it is absolutely necessary. If it wasn't, you'd find people running around, attacking the inattentive then unflagging immediately to prevent reprisals.

which is still possible by just entering the gsf tutoarial immediately after the fight and exiting it.

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