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368 packs opened ZERO sabers. Working as intended!


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They are not the problem. You are. People who keep throwing money at them. They will continue screw the packs as long as people pay them. It's your money sure, just don't be surprised the next time you open 300 packs and get crap.


This is exactly right. YOU are the reason they set incredibly low drop rates on specific items. They know that YOU will spend $500 trying to get the item. And as long as there are people like YOU out there, they will continue to do so.

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I'm just going to throw out there that the Grand Chance Cubes are selling for about 300k each on the GTN. With that many Packs just getting 50% Cubes (and some people are reporting rates well north of 60%) could land you over 52 million credits.


That may be the case, however, that amount pales in comparison to receiving some of the rarer items (like the saber) which would sell for far more in total. I wouldn't call it opportunity cost but maybe something like possibility cost. This is all with consideration to the number of packs being opened. He's opened a large number of packs and should have received items to sell worth more than 52 million so that is little consultation.

Edited by LonelyWookiee
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I have some shocking news for you OP: The droprate is working as intended.


You did buy 480€ worth of CC for a chance to buy the saber, did you not? That means the low droprate worked just the way it was supposed to. Do I believe that it is kind of a ripoff? Most certainly. I don't like the droprate. But then again, I don't spend even a nickle on CC ever since 4.0. If you want them to change something, spending 500€ on the CM at once for a stupid saber with some special snowflake animation might not do the trick.


Here's the thing: The droprate isn't supposed to guarantee that you get the saber. It is supposed to guarantee that there is a possibility that you have to spend tons of money to get it. It is working as intended. You are evidence A.


Whether we agree with that or not remains to be seen.

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And yes it is a scam its called false advertising when you open 30 packs and you get only 2 "NEW" pets that's it 2 new pets nothing else but junk or crap from older packs:confused: is false advertising :rolleyes: Geez..


So you are saying you opened 30 packs and got 58 chance cubes?


It's not a scam ... where is the false advertising?

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So you are saying you opened 30 packs and got 58 chance cubes?


It's not a scam ... where is the false advertising?


If you look at the for example the Hypercrate no where on it does it indicate the new chance cubes, so if dont read the forums, you would never know they changed the fundamental structure of the packs, and therefore, yes there is false advertising happening.


I see you are still trolling, and I will continue to report you until you actually start to contribute to conversations constructively. I hope others do as well.

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If you look at the for example the Hypercrate no where on it does it indicate the new chance cubes, so if dont read the forums, you would never know they changed the fundamental structure of the packs, and therefore, yes there is false advertising happening.


I see you are still trolling, and I will continue to report you until you actually start to contribute to conversations constructively. I hope others do as well.


It doesn't say you won't get them either ... when you open a chance cube you get exactly what it says on the hypercrate in terms of items.


Also don't try have me believe that someone opened 368 packs and only then realised there were cubes in it heh.


Lastly you should make yourself more aware of the rules because I believe you are breaching them with accusations such as that.

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He's opened a large number of packs and should have received items to sell worth more than 52 million so that is little consultation.


Why should he receive that? If BW wanted you to get credits for your cash they would sell credits for cash.


They sell items for cash, if you choose to sell them then you are at the mercy of the player economy as to what you'll get for it. Of course with the popularity of the current pack the value of most game wide items is declining greatly but that has nothing to do with Bioware other than them making a super popular pack and thus dropping the sell prices for the items on the GTN ( supply v demand ).

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If you look at the for example the Hypercrate no where on it does it indicate the new chance cubes, so if dont read the forums, you would never know they changed the fundamental structure of the packs, and therefore, yes there is false advertising happening.


I see you are still trolling, and I will continue to report you until you actually start to contribute to conversations constructively. I hope others do as well.


Go to the Cartel Market. Click on the Anarchist Pack. Just the pack to buy. Not the Hypercrate. Not the Supercrate. The one for just one pack. Please read the section there on what items are in the pack. Please the section on the Grand CHance Cube. Please notice the section as well that explains what comes out of the Grand Chance Cube.


So no, not false advertising. When you look at an individual pack, it explains right there exactly what might come out of the pack.

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Go to the Cartel Market. Click on the Anarchist Pack. Just the pack to buy. Not the Hypercrate. Not the Supercrate. The one for just one pack. Please read the section there on what items are in the pack. Please the section on the Grand CHance Cube. Please notice the section as well that explains what comes out of the Grand Chance Cube.


So no, not false advertising. When you look at an individual pack, it explains right there exactly what might come out of the pack.


Except when an item is advertised as gold, and yet has a drop rate way lower than any other gold item, then that gives people a wildly unrealistic expectation of their chances.


It's not just false advertising, it's practically fraud.

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Except when an item is advertised as gold, and yet has a drop rate way lower than any other gold item, then that gives people a wildly unrealistic expectation of their chances.


It's not just false advertising, it's practically fraud.


Where does it say all gold item have the same drop rate?

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Except when an item is advertised as gold, and yet has a drop rate way lower than any other gold item, then that gives people a wildly unrealistic expectation of their chances.


It's not just false advertising, it's practically fraud.


Can you link me anything official on what the drop rate of a Gold item is?

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Except when an item is advertised as gold, and yet has a drop rate way lower than any other gold item, then that gives people a wildly unrealistic expectation of their chances.


It's not just false advertising, it's practically fraud.


There has ALWAYS been a range and variation on observed drop rates from packs for Gold, and for Silver and the old Bronze as well.


ALSO.. Bioware typically showcases and highlights one or two super rare gold items as THE emblematic elite drop from each pack. Just go back and look over time at how they highlighted and marketed packs over the years. Almost invariably, the rarest drop rate was the "keynote" item they promoted when releasing a pack.


And from obvserving the GTN over the last week, the arbiter one handed sabers are no more rare then the top end gold drop that came from other packs.


NOW.. what is different beginning with this pack is no more massive quantities of bronze item drops.... because they replaced them in the loot table with the new Chance Cubes.


Honestly, I do give Bioware credit for knowing what their players will crave, chase, and covet. And they put one or two of them on the super rare side of Gold drop rates in each pack release. I guess you could say that Bioware has the player base on "farm status" with their drops from packs.

Edited by Andryah
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Like many others here, we've said it before and we'll say it again. You are wasting very good real money to get a cargo ship full of crap. I made a very similar mistake with the Gatekeeper's Stronghold Packs (I think they're called) trying to get my hands on Satele Shan's chest piece. 70 packs later and it never showed. I got more Rishi Banners and other junk than 5 people could shake a stick at.


Never again, my brotha from anotha motha. Never again. LOL I'm dead serious. It's a genuine legitimate ripoff.

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They are not the problem. You are. People who keep throwing money at them. They will continue screw the packs as long as people pay them. It's your money sure, just don't be surprised the next time you open 300 packs and get crap.


^ This.


So much this.


The amount of info on the packs prior to release has most sensible people avowing not to spend money or CC on them.


When over 50% of the New Pack is OLD Content you do not need to be a mathematician to figure out it isn't a good investment.


All The Best

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When over 50% of the New Pack is OLD Content you do not need to be a mathematician to figure out it isn't a good investment.


It really all depends on your RNG.


Grand Chance Cubes actually made up about 42% of my items in the Crates that I opened. I know other people who had higher; I know people who had lower. My Grand Chances Cubes actually proved to be rather nice as I actually got items that weren't just old Bronze items, but quite a number of high credit value Gold items. So as far as investment goes, I actually did rather well with them.


With the way the packs were bought (with people trying to get an Arbiter) there really is a glut of the silver drops out of the pack, so most really aren't worth much. The Golds do a bit better, but still, large glut.


Had the Grand Chance Cubes not been there and I had the usual slew of bronze items that every other pack had, then yes, I would completely agree with you that this pack was not a good buy. The Chance Cubes actually saved it for me.


You (or me) can't tell anyone else whether buying something is worth it or not to them. For some people, it was never worth it. For some people, a crate was worth it. For some people, multiples were worth it.


Now, would I change the structure of the pack? Yeah, I would. I wouldn't mind seeing one guaranteed pack drop (weapon, armor, mount, emote, etc.), one guaranteed deco drop (sue me, I like decorating heh), one Chance Cube with the Chance Cube basically being a freebie in there.

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Got a few crates with tax returns, not happy with the result, but it was my own choice, so I won't demand a refund. However, I do feel that Bioware's comments and explanations could have been more clear in some manners, but more than anything, the Chance Cubes are not the best of ideas.


If you only briefly glanced at the first 2 pages of the forums, then you would have seen tons of people complaining about the new cartel packs in their current state. Why not just wait for Bioware to fix this next month instead of throwing away a portion of your tax return on something you knew was broken? At most, you've added to the already known issue with the packs. Well, all I can say is thank you for paying your taxes last year! I'm sure Bioware is even more grateful!


What I am disappointed about, as far as Bioware is concerned, is that they have literally posted nothing since Friday. There have been 2 major problems over the weekend through Monday and they didn't speak to them at all. One of those problems was with the forums and logging people out every time they changed pages. That wasn't annoying or anything... I don't understand how they can go entire days, sometimes up to a week, without saying a single thing on the forums. The lack of communication by the devs and community team leads to mass hysteria on the forums by the players. So much of the "omg fire!" posts on the forums could be quelled by a single post from a dev or community team member. The devs/community team almost always post after the mob mentality has kicked into full gear, instead of before it even starts. I don't know, I just remember back in the day when Daniel Erickson used to hop on the forums to call players idiots when they were acting like idiots. That was nice, too bad he's gone now.

Edited by JoeeyyMagzz
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I hope BioWare will take the feedback about the latest changes to the cartel packs into account. I don't regret spending cartel coins on a hypercrate of anarchist packs, but I do think the drop rate for the next batch needs adjusting.


Chance Cubes are a good way to get your hands on older items (some of which are very expensive on the GTN) and I think they should stick around, but the drop rate is absurdly high. I also think there are too many companion gifts per pack, one is enough.


The drop rate of the arbiter lightsabers is too low, even for a very rare item. I don't recall any cartel pack item in SWTOR being so rare that after opening 13 to 14 hypercrates, as some people have, you still don't get it.


In the event that the current new items/Grand Chance Cube/companion gifts ratio continues I will not buy cartel packs again and just buy the contents from the GTN.

Edited by RevansSoul
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Yeah imo they should've had chance cubes as the random loot after obtaining 2 new items like how the revan champ set was a random extra drop like 1% chance to get or something, but make it so the chance cubes are a better odd like 10% instead. Edited by Theeko
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