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368 packs opened ZERO sabers. Working as intended!


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I hate to kick a person when they are down but looks like its working as intended.


In one day you spent almost what 3 people do in a year to play. No complicated story lines, character abilities, operations or pvp balancing. Just throw a pretty lightsaber in the mix and watch the dollars come rolling in.


Talk about profit margin lol. People are shouting how bad it is...and listing the hundreds and hundreds they spent. No motivation to change anything from Bio with those kinds of sales. Now, lets see if all the people who are screaming mad STOP buying the packs, thats what will bring change.


Sorry ya didnt get what you wanted.

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You need to look at your drop rates. You seriously need to review your internal data and make changes as needed.



Unless your goal was to piss a lot of customers off or to screw up the game economy, then mission accomplished! :D




Makes little difference to me at this point if you listen, I have made up my mind and CM is now not a reasonable option. I will buy 'select' items off the GTN of the mood strikes but I do not wish to support the current CM model.


Its only 50 mil on the GTN...

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I hate to kick a person when they are down but looks like its working as intended.


In one day you spent almost what 3 people do in a year to play. No complicated story lines, character abilities, operations or pvp balancing. Just throw a pretty lightsaber in the mix and watch the dollars come rolling in.


Talk about profit margin lol. People are shouting how bad it is...and listing the hundreds and hundreds they spent. No motivation to change anything from Bio with those kinds of sales. Now, lets see if all the people who are screaming mad STOP buying the packs, thats what will bring change.


Sorry ya didnt get what you wanted.


No doubt! you will get no argument from me. I'm not mad, I had the cash I rolled the dice.


That comes to an end with this pack, as you say they are going after low hanging fruit.... but it seems they forgot to water the tree. Time will tell how many more jump away from packs and what effect that has on the game.

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Gambling is RNG based.


Its not gambling if its fixed, if the drop rate is capped beyond reason, but also the fact that they could lower it after they made a fortune from straight up buys, from people not knowing it is fixed beyond reason.


Its what i'd call fraud, but its legal, thats the problem,

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I think people are missing the point on the drop rate. If the cartel pack buying community feels that the drop rate is too low, then it is. Similarly, if they feel that there are too many chance cubes, they are correct. Bioware is monetizing a game with the Cartel Market and if you fail to please the majority of people paying for those Cartel Market items, they will stop paying.


I usually by 6-7 hypercrates from every pack that comes out. I enjoy the cool things that I get. This time was the exception. This time I opened 14 hypercrates and was astounded that I could not get either arbiter saber. Additionally, I have also been left with a ton of items that I can't use and can't sell. I would be better off vendoring these items if that were possible.


Before anyone says it, yes, I could buy any item I sought from the GTN, but I would rather support the Cartel Market program so that they continue to develop the new looks and items. For me, I have the money to spend, but I would be remise if I didn't question purchasing the next pack that comes out.


Overall, I like the new hypercrate, it has great looks and the chance cube isn't a bad idea, but the drop chances on cubes needs to go down, and if you are going to showcase an item from the pack, it should have a fair drop rate.

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I think people are missing the point on the drop rate. If the cartel pack buying community feels that the drop rate is too low, then it is. Similarly, if they feel that there are too many chance cubes, they are correct. Bioware is monetizing a game with the Cartel Market and if you fail to please the majority of people paying for those Cartel Market items, they will stop paying.


I usually by 6-7 hypercrates from every pack that comes out. I enjoy the cool things that I get. This time was the exception. This time I opened 14 hypercrates and was astounded that I could not get either arbiter saber. Additionally, I have also been left with a ton of items that I can't use and can't sell. I would be better off vendoring these items if that were possible.


Before anyone says it, yes, I could buy any item I sought from the GTN, but I would rather support the Cartel Market program so that they continue to develop the new looks and items. For me, I have the money to spend, but I would be remise if I didn't question purchasing the next pack that comes out.


Overall, I like the new hypercrate, it has great looks and the chance cube isn't a bad idea, but the drop chances on cubes needs to go down, and if you are going to showcase an item from the pack, it should have a fair drop rate.


/Agree... quoted for truth.


I am not prone to complaining or griefing, I have played this game since release and a stay out of the forum drama because I do not fid it productive.


As the poster above pointed out, the current trend is not the norm and indeed needs to be called into question, not just for those who rolled the dice this time but for all of those who do so the next time and the time after that.

Edited by Gothreg
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I made a whole thread discussing the gambling aspect of it all and the danger it brings causing people to keep buying on the off-chance of getting an item they want: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=870782


However a few people are convinced the buying of packs is not "gambling" at all.

I respect everyone's opinion but to me, and seeing the effect of it all in threads like these, make me believe this is in fact a form of gambling.

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I made a whole thread discussing the gambling aspect of it all and the danger it brings causing people to keep buying on the off-chance of getting an item they want: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=870782


However a few people are convinced the buying of packs is not "gambling" at all.

I respect everyone's opinion but to me, and seeing the effect of it all in threads like these, make me believe this is in fact a form of gambling.


Hmm yet another topic ... you sure it's not just click bait?


It's not gambling - if you want a specific item *********** buy it for free with the credits you can earn in game or by selling CC items.

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They dropped the ball with this pack, they not only upset us that collects decorations they also upset those wanting special items.


I wish they could return the packs to what they once were, because this is horrible,

Edited by Icestar
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You need to look at your drop rates. You seriously need to review your internal data and make changes as needed.


Unless your goal was to piss a lot of customers off or to screw up the game economy, then mission accomplished! :D


Makes little difference to me at this point if you listen, I have made up my mind and CM is now not a reasonable option. I will buy 'select' items off the GTN of the mood strikes but I do not wish to support the current CM model.


Thats how gambling works. IT's not a guaranteed win no matter how many times you pull the handle.


BW thanks you for the contribution in their gambling minigame.

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You know.. it's mostly an epeen event... people like to show off... even if it is with something clunky and ugly and virtual. Which is why people are complaining so much about the super rare drop rate (clearly it is on the extreme end of gold rarity scale).. they feel cheated out of their impulse for in-game epeen.


Perhaps the odds of getting the saber wouldn't be so dreadfully bad if it wasn't for the chance cubes.

I mean, first you need to "beat" the odds of getting a cube, which apparently are 50% or even more. Only then, when you are actually getting something form the current pack you get to roll for a gold item....


I can only applaud BW. They advertised a horrific change and it works wonderfully

Edited by wainot-keel
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The problem here is that you spent real money on packs when everyone knows the drop rate for anything decent is so low there's no point trying. I'm not buying any packs until they actually get a reasonable chance of getting something I might want. They made them terrible on 4.0 and the new added random item just takes up space that something good might be in. If you go ahead and buy them packs anyway, it's your own fault you get trash and you encourage BW to keep them full of garbage.
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Didn't we just go through this same song and dance a year ago with the Ceremonial Mystic and Nimble Brawler sets? Drop rates for some pieces were so rare that they made an apology and then put out the "Amended Mystic" and "Rectified Brawler" sets (which looked identical) for cheap on the next CM Rep vendor.


Guess the consequences of that didn't hit their bottom line enough to worry about doing it again. If they can keep making a buck off the same routine over and over, they're going to do it.

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Hmm yet another topic ... you sure it's not just click bait?


It's not gambling - if you want a specific item *********** buy it for free with the credits you can earn in game or by selling CC items.


According to Dictionary.com it is gambling, but that's only if you decide to open them yourself, if you sell the packs unopened then no I wouldn't consider it


Gamble -

verb (used without object), gambled, gambling.


to play at any game of chance for money or other stakes.


to stake or risk money, or anything of value, on the outcome of something involving chance:

Edited by Theeko
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You need to look at your drop rates. You seriously need to review your internal data and make changes as needed.



Unless your goal was to piss a lot of customers off or to screw up the game economy, then mission accomplished! :D

Their goal was to get YOU to open 368 packs...they've succeeded wildly because, despite the drop rates and complaints, you guys have scarfed these things up in droves!!!


If you want this changed, learn self control...because right now, you've made it very easy for them to laugh about just how much people like you are dropping on the packs. Keep buying them, expect more of the same...speak with your wallet, not your whine.

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242 packs NO saber here either. combine my ENTIRE guild 478 pack, not a single new saber.


I will say the ironic part is we wanted just one so bad we kept going so from a business perspective its working. From a long term business perspective probably not a smart move to make something so costly as your next group of packs will see a significant drop in purchases as your members loose interest.

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It does seem like the lightsaber should be in a new category called: Platinum, because for a gold it's very, very rare.


I got everything from my hypercrates except that item, not that I was looking for it, I think it's underwhelming in appearance personally, but for how rare it is, it certainly deserves a new category.


I am happy with the other items.

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