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Patch 4.1a


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Perhaps they are fixing the tiny drop rate on the unstable sabers from the cartel boxes :)

:D Agree! :D 4 hypercrates, so far no luck :confused:. Not planning to get more, its a waste of CCs. Drop rate is so terrible, people on GTN are selling them for a crazy price, I don`t remember the last time CM item being sold for so much even at 1st day

Edited by LDaria
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Thanks for the information, Tait! I don't understand why Europeans are getting so pissed? I'm a European, and I'm doing just fine. It's one and a half hour. Do something productive till then, take your dog a walk, go shopping, spend time with you family, or go see family members. It's really not that long, barley 1/12 of a day...
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Why do you apologize for taking the servers down, yet always do maintenance during European prime time. It is obvious your not sorry and you don't care about disruption to European players access to the servers.


You don't care and Europe is not as important market as the US. Just be honest. Or if you do value European players then show it don't apologize and then do the exact same thing a few days later. Cause at the moment it is clear your apologize are just something you tack on the end of most sentences without any real relevance. You may as well say your a Smurf for all the importance we should attach to any apology.

You do know that when they do something like this that ALL servers go down, not just the European servers? The whole SWTOR community suffers when they have to update with a patch.
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Hey folks!


QA has signed off on the patch, and we are going to deploy it as soon as possible. There will be an in-game 15 minute warning at 830 PST (1630 GMT). We don't expect to be down longer than an hour and a half, and may come in shorter than that.


I apologize for the last minute notification, but we wanted to get this patch on the servers as soon as possible! The website will remain online, so I will give any updates here.






Just came home from work, great... I'm glad their patching the bugs but still... Would have been great if they could have waited an hour and a half or so. Probably won't be able to play this evening, again...

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You don't expect it to be more than a hour and a half, Bioware you are playing a dangerous game with the Europeans once again, is there really anything so game breaking that it cannot wait until a more convenient time. Not a happy European customer :mad:


Then don't play, I mean really how hard is it. This patch is coming mid day for those of us in America and btw if you haven't noticed, it is an American game. God forbid they work during American work hours.....


What you don't think when Americans play European games we don't suffer when its update time? Get a life, welcome to the real world moron.

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*sigh* Gotta love it. People are pissed off when patches introduce bugs. Bioware delays a patch to work out the bugs, explains why they are doing it, people complain about the wait. I'm starting to think that maybe some people just want to be pissed off if everything doesn't go their way.


Some people are never satisfied or they find the negatives in EVERYTHING.


Until they do a staggered maintencance schedule like SOE did, the EU users will continue to get screwed over. Is it really that hard to tailor maintencne schedules to the particular location of the server or the users that play on them? I wouldn't think so.

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Im glad to hear you're deploying the fixes sooner rather then later as you initially were going to do.




QA has signed off on the patch


Oh they have, have they? I feel so confident now that QA has signed off on it!


I wish they would have signed off on all previous updates and patches as well! :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the update, appreciate it. Look forward to the new chapter. And all you complainers out there...grow up and get a life. You complain about bugs, you complain about down time, you complain about updates....is there anything you don't complain about? Read the ToS before you subscribe to a game next time or are you going to complain about that as well?

Agreed. All the boo hoo crying is pathetic! I, for one, would rather be stuck with there being down time ( and reasonable down time at that) then dealing with a game that plays like crap.

Yes, I am unhappy when I get all my snacks at my desk and get settled in for some Star Wars fun only to find the servers down, but its better then having to constantly deal with all kinds of garbage making the game play horribly.

Give the team some credit for trying to put together an enjoyable game with the least amount to issues that they can, and for them doing what they can to fix issues the moment they come up.

Let me tell u, i wont name names, but I have played games where they dont bother to fix the bugs in a timely manner and we players had to simply deal with it.

Its only a short time the servers will be down and it will be worth it to have the issues fixed.:sul_wink::ph_thank_you:

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This guy gets it


Thanks for the amazing work SWTOR Developers!

Looking forward to enjoying again :)


*sigh* Gotta love it. People are pissed off when patches introduce bugs. Bioware delays a patch to work out the bugs, explains why they are doing it, people complain about the wait. I'm starting to think that maybe some people just want to be pissed off if everything doesn't go their way.
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This is so out of order I am a new subscriber to this and I can tell you that there is way to much down time I'm in Europe why don't you make over time zones go without for a change. I love the game but 8.99 a month with all this middle of the day downtime is just a joke.


8.99 a month? We have to pay 15 here.

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Then don't play, I mean really how hard is it. This patch is coming mid day for those of us in America and btw if you haven't noticed, it is an American game. God forbid they work during American work hours.....


What you don't think when Americans play European games we don't suffer when its update time? Get a life, welcome to the real world moron.


You really don't know how close I am (and believe me I love this game) but you hit the nail on the head MID DAY FOR AMERICA, when I am sure a large portion of the players are at work or at school not early evening when people are in a p[position to play.

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Not to be funny but I too am a European player. most MMO's run from area like the US or Africa always schedule maintenance for between 1 & 6pm UK time. It's the way of the world of MMO's so get over it.

Would have liked a bit more of an heads up. like on the launcher maybe cause I just used a minor XP boost like 5 mins b4 they announced this downtime. So I hope it don't affect the other 45 mins I now have left on the XP boost. Or some sort of compensation if it does.

But I happy they at least trying to fig things & add new stuff. Some games idea of new stuff is is not storyline but equipment & that winds me up to no end as them games remain boring as heck.

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So you pay the same as the rest of us...we accept the down time, we don't complain about it. We find other things to do with our time. Are you saying that European players have nothing better to do with their time than play SWTOR and complain. You subscribed, you agreed to the ToS...shut up and accept it for what it is.


Stuff and nonsense. Complaints are pretty much universal...EU, NA etc. Other day (last long downtime) there were actually MORE NA folks posting and grumbling.


It is a bit frustrating to lose gaming time 2x in one week BUT it has to be done so I just grumble a bit and watch the hysteria on the boards. ;)

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I have a suggestion. If EU players want patches uploaded during more convenient times for them, they should pay the overtime wages for the employees who have to stay at work till 3 a.m. to accommodate them. They can also write letters to the employees' families and friends explaining why their gaming time is more important than the time those employees would have spent at home with loved ones.


I'm sorry that you are inconvenienced by the fact that the Earth is round and has time zones. That issue is not, however, BioWare's fault.

Edited by SusanCampbell
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I have a suggestion. If EU players want patches uploaded during more convenient times for them, they should pay the overtime wages for the employees who have to stay at work till 3 a.m. to accommodate them. They can also write letters to the employees' families and friends explaining why their gaming time is more important than the time those employees would have spent at home with loved ones.


I'm sorry that you are inconvenienced by the fact that the Earth is round and has time zones. That issue is not, however, BioWare's fault.

I would hit the like button if there was one for this comment.
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When did we get information about this? And how? I played yesterday but I didn't see anything about this. Would have been nice with a little hint that tonight would have been a good time to put in an hour of overtime, gone to the store or just planned a boardgame eavning.
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