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Patch 4.1a


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You do know that when they do something like this that ALL servers go down, not just the European servers? The whole SWTOR community suffers when they have to update with a patch.


I think the complaint is that these have happened during EU prime time. Not sure, though, why folks are this upset. It's situated in NA and it's to be expected that NA hours will be kept. No surprises there.

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Is the patch to refund the ridiculous amount of Chance Boxes from Cartel Packs?

It would be nice if they fix the over inflated drop rate of chance cubes. What's the point in buying the new crate when you get so little new stuff.


GOD I WISH!!!! but highly unlikely it probly the worst ideal BW ever came up with to change the cartel packs this way,, I personally will never buy another one unless they change it or compensate us that lost basically all are saved cc trying to shoot for this unstable saber... Edited by Legolose
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I have a suggestion. If EU players want patches uploaded during more convenient times for them, they should pay the overtime wages for the employees who have to stay at work till 3 a.m. to accommodate them. They can also write letters to the employees' families and friends explaining why their gaming time is more important than the time those employees would have spent at home with loved ones.


I'm sorry that you are inconvenienced by the fact that the Earth is round and has time zones. That issue is not, however, BioWare's fault.


What she said ^^^

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11.00 Local Time to Bioware's Austin, Texas HQ is when the servers went down. Basically, a few hours after everyone got to work. So, they got to work, worked on the patch some more, and then rolled it out.


Look, I know Europe is incredibly inconvenienced by this, and it sucks. Some Americans are, too. But the fact of the matter is, this is their job. They can't do anything until the patch is rolled out. They're not gonna sit around and wait until they have the least amount of players online [which, most likely is after work hours here in the Western time zones]. So would you rather them do it at the start of their day, so they can fix any problems that occur right away - or set it in a queue so it automatically updates at low-population times, but not fix any potential game-breaking bugs, rendering he game unplayable anyway, until the next morning?


If they did the latter, you guys would still throw a fit. "FIX YOUR GAME BIOWARE. THIS IS ONE UNHAPPY EUROPEAN. I CAN'T EVEN PLAY THE GAME AT PEAK HOURS BECAUSE YOUR GAME IS SO BROKEN AND BUGGY" - and it'd be the same thing all over again, except this time with Americans, too.


Try to understand that Bioware is a business. They don't work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They have office hours, just like your school or job or whatever it is you do. They have families and homes. They come to work, they do the patch early - it's the only logical choice in the matter.


Instead of letting emotions get the better of you, try to see it with logic. That's all I have to say.

Edited by JudasNevermore
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You know, I'm really getting sick of seeing statements like this. Why do you Europeans think you are special? Patching is the nature of the MMO business. Sure they could do it better, MAYBE, but when was the last time you developed an online game that had absolutely no issues surrounding game updates? NEVER? Yeah, thought so...


Bottom line is if you don't like it, leave ... oh, what is that? You are addicted to this game and just can't stand it when it is down? Poor F'N baby!


Get a grip. Go do something else for a while.


We don't think where special in any way I no for a fact you would be the same if the situation was reversed. For 8.99 a month it's just not on.

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You mean, other than the fact that there are serious bugs the patch is meant to fix? Are you saying you'd rather the devs work out the bugs in the patch...then just sit around until tomorrow to actually release it? My feeling is that once they have the fix, it should be pushed out as soon as possible safely.


And some of the fixes are pretty damn urgent, such as alliance alerts not working properly, some people not being able to access chapter 10, crafting schematics going missing...

You should also consider that not everyone is 24/7 time available to play. Most of people have jobs/study and life commitments and, therefore, their time to play is limited. Losing all this time in a week makes people think twice about resume playing. Think about it.


In my opinion the updates should be done at 08:30 am GMT (00:30 am PCT), since in Europe it's morning so most people are working, and in the US is night.

Edited by StreakOfLightnin
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I'm not a Euro player but you guys sure are giving all the EU players a slap in the face by having these maintenance windows take place during their primetime hours. Wish you guys could've deployed the patch this morning. Would've been done by now.


Yeah but that would mean they would have to inconvenience the developers, and make them stay late....cant have that.

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I wonder at times.


I mean, I know american employee protection is relatively miserable compared to most european countries, but I'm fairly certain Bioware can't keep their office-hour-contracted employees for night shifts at will without some kind of actual emergency.


Yes, it's frustrating. But yes, it's also understandable. If my company would ask me to work night shifts without truly critical issues, I'd point to the "No night work" article on my contract, and say 'No'.


And they'd be very, very hard-pressed to convince me that 2 hours of server down during the start of EU prime (start, not middle, its 6pm) would classify as business critical.

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*sigh* Gotta love it. People are pissed off when patches introduce bugs. Bioware delays a patch to work out the bugs, explains why they are doing it, people complain about the wait. I'm starting to think that maybe some people just want to be pissed off if everything doesn't go their way.



Seems to be IN these day's ^^ :/

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There was a warning. but I saw only a 5 minutes warning lol :o


Same (on Harbinger). In the middle of the last instanced quest on Makeb, 5 minute warning for shutdown.


Pretty unimpressed. I know the patch needs to be done but come on, give us some decent warning, especially as it is unscheduled.

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sorry, we will shut down in 15 minutes?


-WHAT is your problem telling your custumers: -hey, we fixed some stuff, please end your ops and fps -in about 1 hour we will shut down and fix the hardest stuff?


telling: 15 minutes to shutdown?


again: i really love ea....

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You should also consider that not everyone is 24/7 time available to play. Most of people have jobs/study and life commitments and, therefore, their time to play is limited. Losing all this time in a week makes people think twice about resume playing. Think about it.


In my opinion the updates should be done at 08:30 am GMT (00:30 am PCT), since in Europe it's morning so most people are working, and in the US is night.




that would be a time i consider for once a GOOD timing

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How about scheduling two different maintanances; on American servers when its night there, and on European servers when its night there.


Patching would cause much less complaint about playerbase if it wasn't during primetime for large portion of players.

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I wonder if the European player that complain even know about the time the game was down...For me on EST the game was down on Tuesday from 6 am until 9.30 pm. :eek:


Well, I did. Down from two in the afternoon 'til about midnight. So, entire day for me. It happens though and there's always stuff to do.

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