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Vette and Quinn (Some Spoilers)


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Well, I don't know if personality type affects our likes and dislikes or not...I'm an INFJ... here is a link to a quiz if you want to know your type...




SW-As for my comp likes and dislikes, I love Quinn, Vette is ok and I don't mind DS Jaesa. All in all I think SW gets the best set of comps, I really don't have issues with any of them, except that Pierce is too brusque for my liking.


Agent - I enjoy Vector and Lokin, but Raina, Kaliyo and Scorpio I'd have shot out the airlock long ago, or not even bothered recruiting them if I had a real choice. Actually I don't think I stressed enough here, how much I hate Kaliyo. I wanted to shoot her in the face or run her through with my lightsaber.


On Inquisitor- I love Andronikos, love Talos, love Khem, Xalek is tolerable but Ashara I absolutely and completely LOATHE. I hate her. I'd have killed her long ago. I hope I get the chance to do so in the future.


With BH, I like Gault and Blizz. Torian irritates me (stop spewing jibberish at me bieberfett!) and Mako I really don't like Mako. Maybe I don't hate her enough to kill her, but I hate her enough to make Gault my date to the exciting BH meeting and leaving Mako at home to sulk. :D Skadge...yeah, I wouldn't have bothered picking him up, he's abrasive and loud and I can really do without something that might kill me in my sleep aboard my ship.


Pub side...


JK- Love Scourge and Doc, Kira is okay. T7 is ok...Like SW, JK has mostly tolerable companions.


JC - Only one I love is Zenith. All others espeically Cedrax and his holobimbo would be spaced at the first chance. Iresso while nice is so boring I'd rather lick a freshly painted wall than have anything to do with him.


Smug - I like Corso and Bowdaar and I suppose Gus. Everyone else...gets marched out the airlock.


Trooper - I pretty much hate everyone. Trooper comps suck. (I do like Aric's voice actor though, just not Aric). Please let me have Jonas Balkar.


As for Thana Vesh, I cannot state how much I HATE that chick. She is vile pointless, incompetent and idiotic. Ditto for Vaylin, though she seems to be less of an idiot than Thana. I strongly suspect Vaylin was made to let those that like Thana have their resident bish back.





I also like Lieutenant Rutau :D


As for Koth, he's a whiney bish and I'm glad he's gone. I don't expect I'll be very kind or merciful if he decides to crawl back.

Edited by Lunafox
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Well, lets think about this for a minute.....


One of them gives you a piece of ***, and the other one betrays you and tries to have you killed.

Guess which camp I'm in. =]


I can understand your reasoning, but even my usual lack of interest in pixel girls aside, it's her personality that rubs me wrong. In order to romance her, a DS warrior has to be totally fake. Same thing with Ashara, though what's worse with Ashara is she doesn't even take the hint. Hell, I've intentionally insulted her ever chance I got and murdered everyone and she still tries to stir the pot and say, "Sith are so evil but your different lol i luvs u plx call me :((((," meanwhile my Sith Inquisitor is face palming and dedicating the next child murder to Ashara.


Anyway, I am quick to dismiss the betrayal as irrelevant because it was so poorly done. None of it makes sense, I basically forget it even happens. And, again, I just find Vette so irritating, dark side or no, that pretending to be nice to her is painful.

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I liked both Vette and Quinn, but I just might be weird because I like Kaliyo and Skadge who seem to be hated by most of the games population.


I absolutely positivly despise Ashara so say all your comments on her are spot on. I feel sorry for you guys being stuck with her as your romamce option up to SOR. Id seriously consider making a male inq to run through everything just to Romance Theron on so he can say to her "You suck so bad, you made me gay" :D


I like Talos, his "Are we dead yet... Oh we won!" comment makes me giggle.


Mako, ugh, yeah, another whiney twit. Goes all emo whenever your bounty hunter acts like a bounty hunter, ugh why are you hanging out with me again??


Thana Vesh, yeah, she reminded me of a spoiled brat. Lots of guys like her though, ill assume "Cuz B○○bs!" :rolleyes:


You think the ones ypu dislike are bad, wait til you meet Tharan Cedrax and Koth... they rank right behind Ashara in the "GTF♢ my ship, preferably via the airlock while were still out in space" category.


My take on/reasons I like "disliked characters":


Quinn - nice to look at, nice to listen too, (women like these things too ^_~) and that "momentary lapse of judgement" of his is highlighted by the monumentally pathetic attempt, its obvious he wasnt even trying but had to have something for Baras to see him do, not like he can say no to a high ranking sith as a Common Joe.


Kaliyo - Every girl needs a slightly psycho BFF who will help hide the bodies no questions asked :D


Vette - We also need a snarky BFF who approves of, and chimes in on helping you make fun of your overbearing boss ;)


Skadge - My parents had lots of biker friends when I was growing up, im used to burly guys with big mouths, plus, with a bodyguard like that whos going to harass you? ^_~ And his mission failure message is hilarious, " Got bored, do it yourself!" Added bonus for skadge, i put him in hot pink thigh high boots and a speedo to stand between guys who make "Female" characters and their comps that they dressed like prostitues so he can be their Bubba Pimp :p



I agree with most everything in this post. But I quoted you because of the bolded. I almost spit my coffee all over my screen. Thank you so much for that picture, it's brilliant!


On topic: I like Vette, Quinn and Kaliyo. That probably puts me in the minority. They are good characters in their own ways. But Ashara....I'm sorry, I can't ever bring myself to like her. She grates on my last nerve.

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I agree with most everything in this post. But I quoted you because of the bolded. I almost spit my coffee all over my screen. Thank you so much for that picture, it's brilliant!


On topic: I like Vette, Quinn and Kaliyo. That probably puts me in the minority. They are good characters in their own ways. But Ashara....I'm sorry, I can't ever bring myself to like her. She grates on my last nerve.


Your welcome ^_~


Yeah, I call her Asharakin. Shes all the whiney annoying parts of Anakin/Young Luke you cant stand with b○○bs added on to make the guys notice -them- instead of the whining hypocrit she is.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I can understand your reasoning, but even my usual lack of interest in pixel girls aside, it's her personality that rubs me wrong. In order to romance her, a DS warrior has to be totally fake. Same thing with Ashara, though what's worse with Ashara is she doesn't even take the hint. Hell, I've intentionally insulted her ever chance I got and murdered everyone and she still tries to stir the pot and say, "Sith are so evil but your different lol i luvs u plx call me :((((," meanwhile my Sith Inquisitor is face palming and dedicating the next child murder to Ashara.


Anyway, I am quick to dismiss the betrayal as irrelevant because it was so poorly done. None of it makes sense, I basically forget it even happens. And, again, I just find Vette so irritating, dark side or no, that pretending to be nice to her is painful.


You don't even have to pretend now.

Once the collar is off she immediately thinks of you as her big bad Sith bodyguard.


If female you are the murderous sister she never had, even with your outward disgust of anything alien.

Edited by Ruhun
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I like: Quinn, Vette, Ashara,Talos, Khem Val, (after a while), Xalek, Mako, Torian, Raina, Vector


I tolerate Gault, Jaesa, Broonmark, Andronikos, Lokin and Scorpio


I hate Kaliyo, Pierce


and I haven't met Blizz or Skadge yet so can't tell as of yet


so make of that what you will :p

Quinn is a backstabbing betrayer who can rot in lleh. Vette's OK. Ashara is an annoyingly self-righteous twit, but at least she works to help the SI. Talos is an annoying geek who is always blithering about tombs, and left my SI to swing on Hoth while he farted around with a door. Khem Val is OK. Xalek is, well, Xalek. Mako's OK, a little money-grubbing, but what do you expect in a member of a group of bounty hunters? Torian is OK, I guess. Raina Temple, well, the Agent doesn't deserve her, not if you play him like I did. Vector sometimes gives me the creeps, but he's OK, and does mostly back up the Agent.


Gault is annoying at times, but I have fun with his conversations. I really enjoyed going through the (DS) Jaesa romance. I don't get why Broonmark was even included - my warrior is a bloodthirsty maniac, but Broonmark makes him look positively serene. I like the pirate-philosopher (read his post-romance letter to an Inquisitrix) Andronikos. Lokin is a mixed bag. Scorpio is as arrogant as they come.


Kaliyo is seven kinds of crazy, and doesn't seem to have calmed down in Chapter X, but while I wouldn't dream of hanging round with a woman like that in the Real World, I do like how the character works in the game. Lt Pierce is the superpatriot foil for the other superpatriot, M1-4X, and he seems to be OK, although not as manic as 4X.


Blizz is cool, and his presence in the game led Commandogirl to one of the wildest missions in the game, leading a gang of Jawas to assault the Ug-men... My BH doesn't have Skadge yet, but has met him, and I hated him as soon as he opened his mouth.

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I absolutely adore Quinn and Vette is a close second. It's Kaliyo I hate with a passion. It does amuse me that some people would never dream of forgiving Quinn for his one weak moment, but can't get enough of Kaliyo's constant manipulation and betrayal.


Mako I'm neutral on. I like her when she's in the friend zone, but her personality greatly deteriorates when she's romanced.


I dislike Pierce and Ashara. Pierce should have been court- marshaled for insubordination long ago. Ashara is just annoying with her complete denial.


Pierce should have been court- marshaled for insubordination, and you have no issue with an Imperial Officer who tried to have his direct superior wacked? heh


One weak moment??


A weak moment is when you sleep with your girlfriend's drunk sister who was flirting with you all night dressed in a mini-skirt and nine inch heels.


Setting up your direct superior Officer to be killed in collusion with his arch nemesis is not a weak moment, it's conspiracy to murder, dereliction of duty, and if there was anyone else around, possibly reckless endangerment. heh


What makes that part of the storyline so stupid [ not that the story aspect is stupid, its awesome and gritty] is that you have no choice but to let this total ******** stand on your bridge forever after.


Forgiving him should not even be an option for a Sith Lord. The Dark council should remove your Darth title for doing anything other than jamming all your lightsabers into various bodily holes of his and igniting them. heh

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Well, I don't know if personality type affects our likes and dislikes or not...I'm an INFJ... here is a link to a quiz if you want to know your type...




I have no idea why people take those bull**** "personality type" things so seriously -- they're no more accurate, predictive, or helpful than the "which member of this boy band is my true love" quizzes in teen-girl-mags, and many of them exist solely to make someone money by charging companies to put their employers through a wasted day of bad presumptions and uncomfortable untrue "revelations".

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I have no idea why people take those bull**** "personality type" things so seriously -- they're no more accurate, predictive, or helpful than the "which member of this boy band is my true love" quizzes in teen-girl-mags, and many of them exist solely to make someone money by charging companies to put their employers through a wasted day of bad presumptions and uncomfortable untrue "revelations".


Yeah... Complete bollocks...

*In the background*

I knew it! Some day you will be mine, Harry!

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Pierce should have been court- marshaled for insubordination, and you have no issue with an Imperial Officer who tried to have his direct superior wacked? heh


One weak moment??


A weak moment is when you sleep with your girlfriend's drunk sister who was flirting with you all night dressed in a mini-skirt and nine inch heels.


Setting up your direct superior Officer to be killed in collusion with his arch nemesis is not a weak moment, it's conspiracy to murder, dereliction of duty, and if there was anyone else around, possibly reckless endangerment. heh


What makes that part of the storyline so stupid [ not that the story aspect is stupid, its awesome and gritty] is that you have no choice but to let this total ******** stand on your bridge forever after.


Forgiving him should not even be an option for a Sith Lord. The Dark council should remove your Darth title for doing anything other than jamming all your lightsabers into various bodily holes of his and igniting them. heh


Quinn was following the orders of a Dark Council member. The warrior was not recognized as the Wrath by the Dark Council at that time. If memory serves, the warrior isn't even a Darth yet. So Quinn had the choice of following the orders of a very high ranking sith by doing a feeble attempt against a low ranking sith, or flouting orders. Either choice would be expected to end in death. Death at Baras's hands would likely be much slower and more painful and bear the stigma of being a traitor to the Empire, a fate he would consider worse than death.

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Well, I don't know if personality type affects our likes and dislikes or not...I'm an INFJ... here is a link to a quiz if you want to know your type...




I usually don't pay these lil quizzes much attention, but I had some free time so I figured why not. It was surprisingly accurate. :D


So apparently I'm a INTP personality. :D So Luna....does that personality type fall n line with my feelings on companions?


I like Vette because she's "real" personally wise. With her it's very much what you see is what you get. Quin on the other hand is the definition of "fake". Not only was he

telling Darth Donuts all my business, but He betrayed me and tried to kill me!

Ain't no coming back from that. Even IRL, you only get one time to cross me. There are no second chances. And that's why Quinn runs around with cyborg parts. BW wouldn't let me kill him, so in my mind....I chopped his punk *** up. Skadge is another one. He talks waaaaaay to reckless for my BH to let him keep breathing. Asharra is in denial....I'm looking forward to seeing her reaction when she finds out my Inquisitor is now with Lana. Because...you know...I wouldn't want her to betray her Jedi beliefs :rolleyes::D And Thanna....I like Thanna....she's just as cocky and arrogant as I am.lol

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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My pure blooded Sith Warrior gets a long with Quinn famously. Fighting with honor (for the most part) but being completely devoted to the Empire/Emperor isn't an easy task and having a companion with those same ideals works very well with the way I play through the story. It's even more fun to constantly keep him on his toes and stuttering during each conversation. Of course after

the betrayal

he'll learn the hard way that she is not so quick to forgive....


Vette on the other hand is rather annoying with her constant complaining and futile attempts at lighthearted conversation. She seems to forget where exactly she is.

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I have no idea why people take those bull**** "personality type" things so seriously -- they're no more accurate, predictive, or helpful than the "which member of this boy band is my true love" quizzes in teen-girl-mags, and many of them exist solely to make someone money by charging companies to put their employers through a wasted day of bad presumptions and uncomfortable untrue "revelations".


I don't take most of them too seriously, I do it for fun just to see what they say, but the Meyer-Briggs tests I find are fairly accurate. I understand a lot of businesses use them to evaluate workers and place them in more productive work pairings. Anyways, I don't think Harry Styles and I are destined...unless he suddenly gets a predilection for cuddly

middle aged sci-fi and romance writers lol.



I usually don't pay these lil quizzes much attention, but I had some free time so I figured why not. It was surprisingly accurate. :D


So apparently I'm a INTP personality. :D So Luna....does that personality type fall n line with my feelings on companions?


This particular one is quite good. And it sounds a bit like you I think, as much as I can glean from your forum posts anyways :D


I suppose it fits with who you like, it says that you're honest and straightforward, so I can see that the characters you like would fit in with that, for good or for bad. Vette strikes me that way too, she has no censor and says what she feels, is pretty honest I think, and even though I hate Thana Vesh, I can see you liking her, because there's no pretense with her, she is what she is and makes no effort to hide how horrid she is, so that's honesty in a way.


I agree about Skadge, I'd be rid of him, and Kaliyo in a heartbeat. I hate Ashara, I just want to eliminate her in the cruelest way possible. Have to agree to disagree about Quinn, cause I totally adore him...he's cute, smart, charming and funny, and yeah, he made a really bad mistake, but I see why he did it, and a part of me was tickled to go face Baras with him at my side so I could say 'nyeah nyeah old man' He lives, I live, we were conspiring against *you*. Hah! :p


Well whatever you may think about it all, it was still kinda fun I thought. :D

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