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Where is the PTS?


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you would not be having this constant issue if the pts were up you have a community of players that would willingly test for you but you ignore it because ( and this is a very weak excuse) you dont want content leaked . you do know what an NDA is i should hope so its real simple you make it so you have to be 1 a sub and 2 sign a NDA to use the PTS . problem solved but you would rather risk losing your player base by coming across as complete amateurs than actually test the content b4 you put it out to live that IMO is very bad business management . the catalog of fails in the last 6 months is a joke and most were avoidable if you had the pts up and actually tested stuff but hey your choice !!
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I'm not sure the Story excuse is weak. When you build your value proposition around story there will be a strong desire to keep it secret til release. NDA, yeah I'm sure that will keep everyone's mouth shut. :)


Story or not who the hell cares. Use the damned pts to test the upcoming patches so we won't have to suffer through this bull EVERY SINGLE TIME!!

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