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Downtime Funtime


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What if downtime is part of their plan? I mean it builds anticipation for the new content, and you keep thinking about SWTOR. Might as well buy $99.99 worth of Cartel Coins for the newest Hypercrate right? Well played Bioware Austin, well played. :rak_03:
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Dear Eric,


Here's some reasons why I should get a CC code:

- This is my favorite game ever;

- My internet's so bad I can't load your posts;

- My boyfriend is annoying me because the game's down and I can't take it anymore;

- My english is just too bad but I'm still here translating everything;

- It's Carnaval in Brazil and instead of doing my crazy dance on the streets I'm here waiting for your updates.


So this is why.


Sorry for my poor english. :)

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I had stopped doing that because there was some frustration about the "copy/paste" race that comes with posting codes. That being said, since you asked, here are some codes:









Thank you for adding a Capta Eric. at least now I know I'm not getting beaten out by bots. now if only something can be done where the store & code page doesn't keep crashing where I need to refresh each page 4 times b4 it loads. but a question, if I stay on the code screen, will it time-out or can I just enter a code next time without have to go through the other 4 clicks?

Edited by Dak_fireraker
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When Poe meets Star Wars:


'Twas noontide of winter

And mid-time of night,

And stars, in their orbits,

Shone pale through the night.

I gazed awhile

On her cold smile,

Too cold- too cold for me -

There passed as a shroud,

Her head unbowed,

And I turned around to see,

Her saber, with dread,

In Imperial red.



Did I earn a CC code? :)


You should! That was pretty good. :D

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This thread has been amusing to watch. Pretty efficient way to stress test the web servers and frustrate hundreds of posters at the same time. Although I do question the wisdom of making already angry people even angrier. :p


well considering the servers fail the stress test in game when there are tons of instance up, chances of the site failing is just as good, seeing there tied together

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I never complain on these forums, and as an IT consultant, I understand the hassles that come from trying to explain tech mistakes and being the target for focused anger. I had typed out a post thanking you for at least taking the time to try something fun, but I could barely get the swtor site to load and my post failed twice.. There was no way I was ever close to getting a free code for anything - I'm sure I missed the ones I tried by a fair margin.


Currently, my refresh for the site is around 1-3 minutes.......so I'm going to stop beating on your server and grill the family steaks. I hope the dev team figures things out, and I hope the lucky people on here enjoy their free stuff!


Please give the hamsters a few treats for the abuse today!

Edited by itcarsales
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Dear Eric,


Here's some reasons why I should get a CC code:

- This is my favorite game ever;

- My internet's so bad I can't load your posts;

- My boyfriend is annoying me because the game's down and I can't take it anymore;

- My english is just too bad but I'm still here translating everything;

- It's Carnaval in Brazil and instead of doing my crazy dance on the streets I'm here waiting for your updates.


So this is why.


Sorry for my poor english. :)


yup, what they said

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I have to say as much asi am displeased with EA/bioware I think eric does a good job, not sucking up, just stating that most community managers don't do that

usally they just say it takes longer, end of story

at least he is trying

yes downtime is taking long, but no one said you have to wait here, there are more things on the web

we all paid, well most anyways, im here since 2011, I actually paid for my copy of swtor

servers will be up soon so take it easy

im actually having fun following this forum post

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Compensation would be nice, no doubt about it but I don't feel its owed. I'd certainly take free stuff because I love free stuff especially in relationship to a game I'm playing. However, I do want to say that while I appreciate that Eric is trying to do something to engage people, give them something to do and help them feel better... I think that perhaps the whole code posting, copy and paste, browser refresh race tends to generate more negativity than it does positivity, due to the greater number of losses than wins.


I think it'd be grand if it were done perhaps along the lines of a cantina code, where you could clink the link and redeem it just once per account, but that it was available to everyone who clicked it, for a limited period of time. Then there's something for everyone and no hard feelings about not winning the race to get something when there are only 5 winners and hundreds of losers. Just a wee thought.

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Eric you're never going to make everyone happy, but I do however appreciate the fact that you are trying to make the situation much less hostile. LOOK! SHINY! Keep those codes coming, haven't gotten one yet but that's not stopping me from trying!
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I will have to move on and log off now. Nearly six hours of waiting for the game and sitting here not getting anything or any real answers because activity on their end is too high and the codes are used by the time I can attempt anything. In short piss poor customer service. Even chipotle is giving out something to everyone who texts them whether or not you were even at their store yesterday, granted the game isn't actually killing people. Back on topic, is it really so difficult to see who has attempted to log into the game today and give all of them something for the hassle?
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I have played Many MMO's and have yet to see one go off without a hitch on a big patch day, not a one. This is not a SWToR only problem.


This the worst I've ever seen, and I've also played several MMO's over the past 14 years.


All patches come with bugs. But you could at least play the game. A small delay maybe, but not like this. This is bad. I'm sure the developers are frantically scrambling to resolve the issue. At least, I hope they are. It better not be calm and serene with people walking around with coffee in their hands leisurely strolling in contemplation...

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