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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Why does some yutz always want "compensation?"


14.99 a month is 2 cents per hour. And you're wanting an item as compensation for your 6 cents of lost game time due to the maintenance overrun?


Shut up and read your EULA.


lol,considering, i have spent over 2500$ (give or take a few 100) since launch.. i think I'm entitled to the 'compensation' that i mentioned. Though, there may be others that have put in more cash than me into this great game we love so much, they should have continued on with the PTS server for the testing, instead of just saying :

' here, its working as intended!' - BW

' yay!' - Us

' oh, wait.. no it's not' - BW


'Now it is!' - BW- hours after its supposed to be up already.

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Why does some yutz always want "compensation?"


14.99 a month is 2 cents per hour. And you're wanting an item as compensation for your 6 cents of lost game time due to the maintenance overrun?


Shut up and read your EULA.


I hope you are not leading their customer service team. :rak_04:


It's not a legal argument, it's a plea for good customer service, which would call for something to apologize for the extended outage. Yes, they happen. Yes, the legalize protects them from suit. But yes, it would be good customer service to do some sort of "we're sorry" thing. For example, some imaginary coins for our imaginary universe would seem a reasonable idea.

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And on another note, Eric said that the problem was something that could potentially screw up your character reeeaaaal bad. So, would you rather play and get your precious level 65 corrupted and ****ed up, or would you rather wait a day and be able to play as normal once they fix this?


Then is shcouldnt be in the game

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This is the first post I've ever made in this forum after a couple of years of playing, so if I don't follow forum etiquette.


Key points to consider for European Players (Note I'm in Europe):

The game is based in the US,

The patch is being completed in US time as this is when they work,

You will likely have experienced many patches and you are aware that they take time.


Arguing for compensation in a game where you are owed literally nothing by the understanding of the EULA and ToS is a folly that needs to be nipped in the bud here and now, believe me you are not motivating their staff by moaning and demanding compensation.


Having said this, is it frustrating that an Early Access day has been practically lost? Absolutely, but we're in Europe, let's face facts, we're on a game developed and run in the US and we are at the mercy of their working hours, now bear in mind that if Patches were to run to schedule we actually benefit. a 9-5 job in Europe by and large means you can come home, patch the game and then start to play. The only time there is an issue is when the patch is not completed on time, frustrating but unavoidable.


Be patient, you're paying your money for a reason, if you feel you are not getting value for this money then stop paying it.


As for those that are complaining they took a day off work so that they could play early access when at the end of a normal work day the patch has usually just been completed is ludicrous, if anything you should be taking the day off after the patch if you are that desperate for the game time.


Sorry for the long post.


May the Force be with you all.

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guys don't want to rush you or anything, but man it's getting mean in the forums .... I'm not thrilled, because I paid for early access, but it's ok -- take your time and don't get home too late (as my mom always told me, "nothing good happens after midnight" )
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PTS server isn't being used because they are concerned about people spoiling the story for KotFE.


The least they could do is a closed pts then. This happens every patch and it's getting ridiculous. Using the "we don't want spoilers happening" is starting to become a bad excuse.

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People... we will be replaying this chapter for months to come. You will be so sick of this chapter in a couple days that you will want to not play again until the next chapter eeks out. At most, if there were to be any kind of compensation, it would be that folks that were not subscribers are delayed from playing one week + how ever long the servers are down for. Go outside, shovel your driveways, go vote for Bernie in a primary, read some fan fiction.
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yes, early access is for subs only !


US subs only, considering your maintenance schedule times. You don't care about EU timezones and we miss an entire day of "early access".


I'm sorry but I'm just annoyed by the situation...

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I hope you are not leading their customer service team. :rak_04:


It's not a legal argument, it's a plea for good customer service, which would call for something to apologize for the extended outage. Yes, they happen. Yes, the legalize protects them from suit. But yes, it would be good customer service to do some sort of "we're sorry" thing. For example, some imaginary coins for our imaginary universe would seem a reasonable idea.


Exactly! :)

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and on another note, stop asking for something they should give you in return because they have problems and are trying hard to solve them.. they're doing the best they can to bring the servers back online and now you want free stuff or whatever..


so when you call a taxi and the driver has an accident and he comes late to pick you up or whatever, you gonna demand "hey, dude, you scr***d up, you owe me a free ride.."?


I worked in a movie theater for five years. You should see some of the things that people demanded free movies and snacks over. Not only demanded, but threatened to sue unless they got it. Many many times, they didn't get it, but that didn't stop them from screaming and carrying on and making infants of themselves. The most frivolous, petty things. Of course, that's another discussion altogether, but the basic concept can be the same. Customers can be very bad at receiving customer service. The slightest inconvenience and the the first, second, third and so forth thing brought up is how much money they spent and how much compensation they're "entitled" to. Bioware can cancel the user agreement and stop taking their money at any time. The movie theater could have, too, if they wanted.

Edited by HollyUSEC
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Many folks don't realize the thing about new releases, there is always gonna be issues. That's how its always been in the computer world. They put in a new patch, unsure 100% how it will react with computers.

No game is 100% perfect or runs 100% perfect. There is ALWAYS gonna be problems



Be thankful they are making sure they get the kinks out before releasing the wolves.


I've maintained, for years, that everyone should do a stint in both QA and TS for just one week. The din would settle down quite a bit. ;)

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