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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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We have a winner of the TOR Powerball Jeopardy quiz!!!!

Give this person, 100,000 credits.

this small sum won't do =[

at least 6mil then, so I can buy another hypercrate and have a boost to my moral

Edited by Eres
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I've been watching twitter and now I've read this forum.. Why is everyone hating on BW? They're doing the best they can.. They're trying to solve this issue.. maybe even some guy got called home to come back in and help solve the issue.. and everybody is just c****** all over this delayed maintenance.. they're not out there to scr*w you and make you hate them.. they want the best for their users and they're trying to solve an issue which they noticed a little too late, so they're trying to fix it asap..


Have you ever heard of QA? Google it....

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What is the purpose of spending money for subscription? To get this crap? Believe me, this time was the last one, i pay you.


The purpose is to gain access to all whatever content the publisher of the game deems accessible to you.


You do not have any sort of contract saying they will provide continuous service (in fact, you have contract stating the exact opposite).


Also, take a chill pill. It is a software, and problems with updates of any software sometimes happen.

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Hey folks,


The team has isolated the issue, which was an unfinished Alliance Alert Mission was available. This Mission could potentially cause serious issues with a character. We are working on a solution, but have no ETA available at this time.


We apologize for the extended downtime. I will continue to pass on updates as I have them.





Been down all day. Bad day for it to be down already since it is Mardi Gras. But I changed my plans. Will you at least push back the official release so we can get the full 2 days early access we were promised? Doubt it but thought I would try.

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That's your own fault for considering a game more important than your job. Bioware didn't force you to skip work so thinking you should get compensated because you made a childish decision is just stupid.


Ever take a day off for a ball game, knucklehead?


Alas, the point has validity, stupid to depend on a company who's budget is decided in a C-suite, I don't fault Bioware, I fault a publicly traded company that makes decisions based on revenues, shareholder appeal over the customer.

Edited by Markark
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And on another note, Eric said that the problem was something that could potentially screw up your character reeeaaaal bad. So, would you rather play and get your precious level 65 corrupted and ****ed up, or would you rather wait a day and be able to play as normal once they fix this?
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And on another note, Eric said that the problem was something that could potentially screw up your character reeeaaaal bad. So, would you rather play and get your precious level 65 corrupted and ****ed up, or would you rather wait a day and be able to play as normal once they fix this?


Exactly what i mentioned in my post, especially if thats your main that you have had since you started playing the game, that would be uber sad

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And on another note, Eric said that the problem was something that could potentially screw up your character reeeaaaal bad. So, would you rather play and get your precious level 65 corrupted and ****ed up, or would you rather wait a day and be able to play as normal once they fix this?


So playing normal on the day they promised is no option?

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Wow. The whining is strong with some...... It is a major patch update and like typical bioware. There will always be issues. From my experience since day one. Never ever play on patch day and two. One thing a guildie mentioned on our guild communication server was that Eric's post times were changing like he was posting from different TZ's (Time Zones). That could be a slight cause of the issues as well.


Just a thought....

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I've been watching twitter and now I've read this forum.. Why is everyone hating on BW? They're doing the best they can.. They're trying to solve this issue.. maybe even some guy got called home to come back in and help solve the issue.. and everybody is just c****** all over this delayed maintenance.. they're not out there to scr*w you and make you hate them.. they want the best for their users and they're trying to solve an issue which they noticed a little too late, so they're trying to fix it asap..


and on another note, stop asking for something they should give you in return because they have problems and are trying hard to solve them.. they're doing the best they can to bring the servers back online and now you want free stuff or whatever..


so when you call a taxi and the driver has an accident and he comes late to pick you up or whatever, you gonna demand "hey, dude, you scr***d up, you owe me a free ride.."?


ill tell you why. If you have a MAJOR Launch of new content, you off course test it for flaws BEFORE you launch it. also to keep a healthy server you maintain it and keep it in shape. imo thats the major reason we are living with all bugs.

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Ever take a day off for a ball game, knucklehead?


I know you weren't talking to be, but I will say that I've never skipped school, and would never consider taking a day off for a game of any sort. Plus, going out to a ball game is a different scenario. With a ball game, you may only have that one day to see the game, and that may well be the only game in that stadium with that match-up. SWTOR, on the other hand, will be exactly the same tomorrow as it is today. Or would be today, but you get my point.

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And on another note, Eric said that the problem was something that could potentially screw up your character reeeaaaal bad. So, would you rather play and get your precious level 65 corrupted and ****ed up, or would you rather wait a day and be able to play as normal once they fix this?


Many folks don't realize the thing about new releases, there is always gonna be issues. That's how its always been in the computer world. They put in a new patch, unsure 100% how it will react with computers.

No game is 100% perfect or runs 100% perfect. There is ALWAYS gonna be problems



Be thankful they are making sure they get the kinks out before releasing the wolves.

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