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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Here in Germany it's dark and the first day of Chapter X early access is gone. What do you (Eric, Tait, BW, EA) think about a remuneration or a compensation in form of cartel coin or days of playtime. Lets think about it: Server downtime 1 day playtime, meaning 1/30 of the month, meaning 16,6 CC (make 20 ...) or 1 day playtime. AND PLEASE, if you think about something like this ...


Greetings from Germany, Nareshh from Jar'kai / Kemi'bes'uliik from T3-M4


FYI: Renumeration is in Germany common for breakdown of mobilphone-nets, electricity, water, internet, etc .... don't know, how it is in USA....

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Hey folks,


The team has isolated the issue, which was an unfinished Alliance Alert Mission was available. This Mission could potentially cause serious issues with a character. We are working on a solution, but have no ETA available at this time.


We apologize for the extended downtime. I will continue to pass on updates as I have them.




How does this even get missed in QA?As a game development professional myself, this blows my mind. :confused:

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Is the error 310 "Network error while downloading patch data" related to this patch? Never had this before, my internet connection is fine, and yes, I turned both my internet and the SWTOR launcher off and on again. Nothing's changed with my firewall either, so it shouldn't be that somehow suddenly blocking swtor.whatever, I'm at a loss once again.
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"Never play on patch day" ... this has been true since the first MMOs came out.


I had already finished downloading the new patch at around 3PM GMT. Servers were still down of course and I hadn't planned to play tonight anyway, so I thought I could remove BitRaider from my system (only noticed it today, thanks for telling me during the initial installation, BW/EA!). All went well, except downloads are extremely slow and stop completely after a while.


Download starts at ~2.5 MB/s, then drops to 5 kB/s... or stops completely with error 310. I can actually speed things up by stopping and starting the download, it downloads ~30MB chunks each time.


My question is: Is this related to the current technical problems on your side or did I do anything wrong on my side of things? I can put up with slower speeds (as I imagine tons of people are downloading right now) but if I keep this machine running through the night, I expect to see a finished installation in the morning and not an error 310.

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And what about the lost day's pay for taking the day off for this?

That's your own fault for considering a game more important than your job. Bioware didn't force you to skip work so thinking you should get compensated because you made a childish decision is just stupid.

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The fun part is: they'll say on their live twitch thingies that the chapter was a huge success, and ppl loved to get hk back and everything is beautifull.... not a thing about no PTS, no QA, no nothing.


Abd the worst part is: i'll still sub this game this the end. Guess that's why they'll never change......

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Is the error 310 "Network error while downloading patch data" related to this patch? Never had this before, my internet connection is fine, and yes, I turned both my internet and the SWTOR launcher off and on again. Nothing's changed with my firewall either, so it shouldn't be that somehow suddenly blocking swtor.whatever, I'm at a loss once again.


You're not the only one having this issue right now.

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I've been watching twitter and now I've read this forum.. Why is everyone hating on BW? They're doing the best they can.. They're trying to solve this issue.. maybe even some guy got called home to come back in and help solve the issue.. and everybody is just c****** all over this delayed maintenance.. they're not out there to scr*w you and make you hate them.. they want the best for their users and they're trying to solve an issue which they noticed a little too late, so they're trying to fix it asap..


and on another note, stop asking for something they should give you in return because they have problems.. they're doing the best they can to bring the servers back online and now you even want free stuff or whatever..


so when you call a taxi and the driver has an accident and he comes late to pick you up or whatever, you gonna demand "hey, dude, you scr***d up, you owe me a free ride.."?


The problem a lot of people have is that this happens with every single major patch, it seems. That, and Bioware took forever to update, and by then...well, the phrase "too little, too late" comes to mind. I get the people that are upset over it for that reason.

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And what about the lost day's pay for taking the day off for this?


After more than 15 years of MMOs, all of which routinely have maintenance and a bunch of which consistently go over the stated time frame, anyone who takes a day off work on patch day deserves whatever stupidity ensues.

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Seriously people want compensation for taking the day off from work and not being able to play?!?!?!? This is 4.1, not a major release like 4.0 was. If you took the day off for this than that was stupid. Use your vacation time for something a little more wise that a video game release. I happen to have Tuesdays as my day off. And if you took it off than here is the hard lesson to learn about your stupidity.
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And for all EU players, we have lost 1 day of the early access that we pay for, making it a 50% loss.


Give me one other reason to subscribe. Early access is the only thing that can't be bought with cartel coins


I was referring to his derp comment which blamed Bioware for him taking the day off work, not about the lost day of early access. I'd like to have that day back too, but I won't blame Bioware if I skip work for it!

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Hey folks,


The team has isolated the issue, which was an unfinished Alliance Alert Mission was available. This Mission could potentially cause serious issues with a character. We are working on a solution, but have no ETA available at this time.


We apologize for the extended downtime. I will continue to pass on updates as I have them.




Sweet jesus, this was my last day off man


I took my week vacation just so I could make sure I had this day off

And then this happens


We've waited 2 months for a new chapter and for what? To watch it get delayed for god knows how long?!


Then you guys try to make it better by offering Coins but THE ONLY PEOPLE GETTING THEM ARE PROBABLY BOTS AND MACRO USERS


Who am I kidding I cant stay mad at you guys

At least you're trying

Keep up the good work :rak_mad:

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The games not a scam, online games like this will have pubs and hickups more so in a very large patch like this, it happens. Least i can finally get 208 relics that arent for pvp and we can craft better stims in biochem, and we get new color crystals for artifice and crafted color crystals dont have a level requirement anymore so u can use a +41 blue at any level now and the other solid base colors. So just relax and wait it out, if you took the day off plan ahead for tomorrow get some work done while you wait for the patch to be completed. Find something to occupy your time like cat videos on youtube or play KOTOR 1 and/or 2 for the millionth time while you wait. Patience helps and chanses are the bug was something that would seriously hurt your character, i personally would like to keep my original character without having it be unplayable because something want fixed.


~Stay Classy!

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I've been watching twitter and now I've read this forum.. Why is everyone hating on BW? They're doing the best they can.. They're trying to solve this issue.. maybe even some guy got called home to come back in and help solve the issue.. and everybody is just c****** all over this delayed maintenance.. they're not out there to scr*w you and make you hate them.. they want the best for their users and they're trying to solve an issue which they noticed a little too late, so they're trying to fix it asap..


and on another note, stop asking for something they should give you in return because they have problems and are trying hard to solve them.. they're doing the best they can to bring the servers back online and now you want free stuff or whatever..


so when you call a taxi and the driver has an accident and he comes late to pick you up or whatever, you gonna demand "hey, dude, you scr***d up, you owe me a free ride.."?


They have live test servers, and I would assume in house test servers also (or should). These issues are something that should be ironed out before a release. Especially if it's a "someone ****ed up and left a mission line in the patch that's not supposed to be released yet" issue.


Testing is for alpha and beta releases. Not live for people that pay for the game.

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Take a day off work for the plumber, tell us how you feel when he no-shows.


The plumber is a service. Him/her not showing up when they were expected WITHOUT LETTING YOU KNOW is a problem.


This, however, to use your analogy, is more similar to the plumber getting delayed by traffic or a car accident or what-have-you, and calling to let you know they are behind schedule, and not sure when they'll get there.

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I've been watching twitter and now I've read this forum.. Why is everyone hating on BW? They're doing the best they can.. They're trying to solve this issue.. maybe even some guy got called home to come back in and help solve the issue.. and everybody is just c****** all over this delayed maintenance.. they're not out there to scr*w you and make you hate them.. they want the best for their users and they're trying to solve an issue which they noticed a little too late, so they're trying to fix it asap..


and on another note, stop asking for something they should give you in return because they have problems and are trying hard to solve them.. they're doing the best they can to bring the servers back online and now you want free stuff or whatever..


so when you call a taxi and the driver has an accident and he comes late to pick you up or whatever, you gonna demand "hey, dude, you scr***d up, you owe me a free ride.."?

Uncle Tom

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Let's hope that after this patch they don't break something which is currently working fine...cannot remember the last time a patch was performed without profanity flowing freely


If your referring to swearing, "Mature Language Filter" is something you can turn on. They can change the game, but they cant change the people who play it. lol...

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