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The Villains of SWTOR - Who's your favourite? Who's the disappointment?


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The game really made you want to murder Darth Thanathon.

I mean even on the last planet (before where you fight him) you go to like 5 different places to be let down when he either wasn't there or ran. It frustrated me so much I was so happy to murder him. Though combat wise he was a wimp.

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I have a soft spot for Thanaton. The game does a really, REALLY good job of making you hate him. He sends you to your death, kills people close to you, and acts with everything in his power to make your life a living hell. In addition to this, his cowardly personality and his constant escapes from your attempts to kill him enrage you and make you want to kill him even more. He is like the Handsome Jack of SWTOR, in my opinion.


Baras is a close second, however, with Thanaton you get the feeling that you are managing to kill something far out of your league. It feels like a massive accomplishment. Baras, on the other hand, simply does not convey that tone.


Zash comes in third. Her manipulating you to bring yourself closer and closer to what is supposed to be your death without you even knowing is perfectly executed.


Tied with Zash for third is Chance from the Agent story. He always seems to be one step ahead of you, and constantly pulls the rug out from under your feet.



Some honorable mentions before I go into terrible villains:

Grand Moff Kilran

Emperor Vitiate

The First Child


Darth Jadus (though he is really more of a pseudo-antagonist)

The Dread Masters



Now, for the enraged reply fuel:


The Voidwolf. As mentioned in previous posts, he just kind of is... "there." He never really does anything. Completely forgettable


Valynn. 100% Valynn as a terrible villain. Her entire character is a walking cliché, from the way she acts, to the way she talks. The archetype of the psychotic damsel with massive power is overplayed.


Chapter 1 knight villain, whatever his name is. This villain is so forgettable, I literally cannot even remember his name.


Valkorian by far takes the cake for me for terrible villains. He simply is not a believable character, and seems lazily designed in terms of his story and personality. It alludes to some pretty massive plot contradictions.

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Nobody mentions Darth Marr? The guy was a beast! Around him, you would feel really small. That guy had power!

I see no point in any of my encounters with him that I'd consider calling him a villain. He's a bad man, no doubt about it, but he isn't a villain. Baras, Thanaton, Skavak, Hunter, Garza, all of them, they are villains, but not Marr.

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I see no point in any of my encounters with him that I'd consider calling him a villain. He's a bad man, no doubt about it, but he isn't a villain. Baras, Thanaton, Skavak, Hunter, Garza, all of them, they are villains, but not Marr.


Ok, I see your point.


Then, my vote goes for Malgus, a misunderstood villain (I would definitly join him if I could) and of course Baras. Darth Baras was awesomely written character, so much I wanted to kill him so bad during the game.

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Clearly You Haven't Played Attention To Tenebrae's Personality,The Man Really Has The God Complex,His Objective Is To Defy The Very Laws Of The Universe And Become A God At Whatever The Cost.
99% of Star Wars villains have a God complex, it's just "power and rule the universe". What's fresh or interesting about that? Not to mention that Vitiate keeps jumping from one idea to another "a painter, a simple man, a ruler of the galaxy, now I'm a daddy & Senya's lover". Clearly not even the writers know what he wants to be and it doesn't make any sense. You don't need to devour planets to be a simple farmer, seriously. Dressing up such an idea in pseudo-philosophical monogloues doesn't make it grand or deep. Combining a ton of unrealted ideas/goals doesn't create a visionary character that's beyond "our" understanding. Edited by Pietrastor
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99% of Star Wars villains have a God complex, it's just "power and rule the universe". What's fresh or interesting about that? Not to mention that Vitiate keeps jumping from one idea to another "a painter, a simple man, a ruler of the galaxy, now I'm a daddy & Senya's lover". Clearly not even the writers know what he wants to be and it doesn't make any sense. You don't need to devour planets to be a simple farmer, seriously. Dressing up such an idea in pseudo-philosophical monogloues doesn't make it grand or deep. Combining a ton of unrealted ideas/goals doesn't create a visionary character that's beyond "our" understanding.


Actually most of the real life villains have this "power and rule" goal.


Vitiate's problem is that he wasn't really built as a character, just a terrible threat. He has little personality before KotFE. In KotFE he was disconnected from the previous personality.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Garza takes the cake by far. Since fricking Coruscant I have wanted to kill her. She is the opposite of what you expect from a Villian, but she takes the cake. She tries to have you betray your status as the righteous man/woman who fights despite all odds continually. She is the biggest villian in the game and no one notices. I have hated her since the cyborg thing on Coruscant.
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Garza takes the cake by far. Since fricking Coruscant I have wanted to kill her. She is the opposite of what you expect from a Villian, but she takes the cake. She tries to have you betray your status as the righteous man/woman who fights despite all odds continually. She is the biggest villian in the game and no one notices. I have hated her since the cyborg thing on Coruscant.

For some reason (having done it again recently, I think I'm just wrong), that cyborg thing came off to me back then (mid 2013) as having an undercurrent of "cyborgs are evil-dangerous scum" in her attitude, which didn't sit well with my cyborg trooper...

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For some reason (having done it again recently, I think I'm just wrong), that cyborg thing came off to me back then (mid 2013) as having an undercurrent of "cyborgs are evil-dangerous scum" in her attitude, which didn't sit well with my cyborg trooper...


And for some reason, the trooper can't just go ''Uh, Sir. Why don't we just take the cyborge's prisoner, restrain them in a cell and scan them for cybernetics. That way we can easily find the threat WITHOUT harming civilians"


Garza: ....So you're saying...not ...to...kill?

Trooper: Yes, Sir.

Garza: You're a soldier, not a peacekeeper! Now go back in there and slaughter those civilians!

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Baras may actually be my favorite Star Wars villain overall due to the fact that he failed due to plot armor. Add in his awesome voice, brilliant dialog and strangely charming personality and you have a winner. He also gives the best apprentice/master combo tbh, the interactions between him and the Warrior feel realistic. Another thing that I love him for is that his plan was amazing, he literally outsmarted the Sith Emperor and almost got away with it.


As far as a disappointing villain goes it's either the Voidwolf or Vitiate. The Voidwolf had some good dialog and a good VA but he didn't feel threatening, he was just kinda there, personally I just wish he had been implemented earlier. As for Vitiate, I feel he should have either ended at the JK story or Ziost, I'm just not a fan of the world eating villain archetype. The fact that BioWare did a complete 180 with him in KOTFE bugs me too.


I don't know if he out-smarted the Emperor.or not. The emperor didn't seem too worried. A minor set-back, but nothing major.

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  • 7 months later...

Recently finished Smuggler and I really enjoyed hating Skavak. He was the perfect villain for my mostly light side Smuggler. He was a totally amoral backstabber but had enough charm and personality that you could kind of see how he kept getting away with it (unlike Tarro Blood). Plus he looks pretty cool (unlike Tarro Blood). I had to fight force apparitions of him in KOTFE and I Dirty Kicked them extra hard every time. Put a smile on my face.


Like a lot of people already said Voidwolf is less interesting. I like that his Codex entry sets him up as the anti-Smuggler, a pirate who went from Imperial Privateer to Admiral, but you only meet him face to face at the end of the game and then you just kill him.


I don't want to give too many spoilers but there is a pretty good bait and switch in Act 3 so maybe that's enough to justify Voidwolf's lack of development.

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Major smuggler spoilers (and my fav):


Darmas Pollaran. First time I did a full story was as a DS female smuggler, who romanced the heck out of Pollaran. So to be betrayed by him was one of the coolest story moments I've had in this game. I ended up letting him live because of the romance sympathy, even offering to stow him on my ship, but I regretted breaking character and not killing him. And yet, was it breaking character to let him live, given that my character had gotten close to him?


It was such an emotionally confusing moment for me and that's why it was so memorable. And I didn't see it coming at all. After that, I was on the watch for twists around every corner.


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From best to worst:


1. Darth Malgus - Just for his depth, and the causes he believed in (save for his hatred). It'll always be my personal headcanon that the Empire's Fury failed against him, whereas the Coruscant Aegis triumphed.


2. Lord Scourge - So much lore (not to mention his engaging conversations).


3. Darth Baras - Never a dull moment when he's around.


4. Darth Tormen - Everything about him screams "I deserve to be a Dark Council member."


5. HK-47 - What with his amusing quips and history.


6. Arcann - I already like him. Just an honest man doing whatever he can to ensure his father perishes for trying to use him as a scapegoat. Might've been like him if I ever felt I had the right to get upset at anyone else.


7. Darth Soverus - For impressing me and alluding to Spindrall.


8. Gate Commander Draxus - Nice armor (and proof that non-Force-sensitives can fight on almost the same tier as space wizards).


9. Darth Jadus - I don't really like him (mostly because of the fact that he's a psychopathic coward who wouldn't hesitate to throw his daughter's life away for his own benefit while the Eradicators turn the very Empire he depends upon into a pointless hellscape). He gets points for clever scheming and teleportation, tho.


10. Darth Thanaton - He's a hypocritical sock-cucker, but he should at least get recognition for (barely) taking down Exal Kressh.


n-4. The Dread Masters - Just 'cause they weren't very impressive in the end. Worse, they lack depth (aside from Calphayus).


n-3. Soa - For being stronger than Malgus.


n-2. Skavak - Wish there was at least one cutscene where you could make that [EXPLETIVE]-nozzle scream/whimper. Or cry. Or beg.


n-1. Revan - Disappointing how he just gave up and died like that; wish I at least had reason to believe he surpassed the Sith Emperor.


n. Valkorion / Vitiate - He's getting old. And he's never impressed me. The only depth he has is that he's a coward.

Edited by NekoAggelou
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Have not yet played Shadow of Revan as i wanted to see what Knights of the Fallen Empire is like. And then i just got stuck with it, and i love Valkorion.

Others who i remember are Darth Zash and Baras. There are still plenty of them to face, but no doubt that Valkorion is my absolute favorite of those who i have seen yet. Altough i do wonder how much i would like others if they would be made as well as in KOTFE. I just mentioned Zash and Baras becouse they were ones that i could remember (among those who i have yet seen), but neither of them made me similar impression what Valkorion,

Also loved Darth Malak at the KotFE.

And my Sith Inquisitors - my dark side inquisitor and light side inquisitor are certainly greatest of villains, depending on which of them i play as. Pitty i can`t pit them to fight against each others. Maybe in the future, would be great expansion!

Would love to say that i love my Imperial Agent, but he is lightsider and if i pick everyone who i just love or is enemy to someone this list would get bit long :p


1. Valkorion

2. Maybe Darth Malak.

3. Vaylin

4. Arcann

I love Knights of the Fallen Empire. Best expansion yet, for me at least.

Edited by TheRomanRuler
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I was always really disappointed in Darth Thanaton, enough sense to know its bad policy to promote people for killing their boss but dumb enough to have an irrational fixation on killing the inquisitor even if you are playing a reasonable one who pretty much agrees with him on everything. His 'I wish it hadn't come to this' line near the end if you pick the right dialogue options makes me want to slap him upside the head for acting like this was an unavoidable situation instead of something he could have easily avoided.


Also, I was kind of miffed that you don't actually get to kill him yourself. Some kill stealing jerk feels bad for him because you are drawing it out and humiliating the guy and gives him a mercy kill.

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