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I want to pvp but I dont want to suk


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Can anyone help me understand the best way to target a player. In pve I just use my mouse and that works fine but in pvp there is so much movement and spell affect that I cant see my pointer so its not a good solution. Any help will be good for all if I end up in your wz ;)

please refrain from the l2p comments cause thats why im here.

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Tab targeting may not be the most precise or efficient method of targeting, but here's a tip to make it pretty effective and easy.


Applying tab-target will focus on any potential target closest to the center of your screen. Practice maintaining screen control and not only will tab-targeting become much more intuitive, but your overall battlefield awareness should improve as well.

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I keybind and use [target nearest enemy], especially if I'm playing melee...if i want to use a gap closer to get to a further player then i will just screen click. Tab targeting seems to random.


Also, the key imo, to not sucking in pvp....movement, movement in pvp is king, everyone can lrn a rotation, but movement needs to be trained.


LoSing ranged, especially sniper/slinger. you can render a sniper/slinger useless with a pillar if you know how to move. Using the environment in pvp is crucial to being a good player.

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Think its best to start with simple tabbing to target and then when you are comfortable you can move on to diff things . Also :



maintain a competitive / strong mentality .


-ppl are gona call you out for whatever reason and when you are good you will still get called out . dont let bads and cocky *****s get you down.


know your class inside out


-take the time to learn the skill ceiling of your class, know the optimal rotation ; duel good players to see the class's maximum potential.

Edited by Dzillah
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Tab targeting pisses me off in so many situations, but there's no real alternative to it =/


click target is worse, marking people to target is extremely situational and messes with focusing healers and such, and target next or closest enemy is basically the same thing as tab targeting while wasting keybinds.

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95% of the time tab targeting works fine for me to be honest, occasionally there will be an enemy right in front of me that the game refuses to target but it's quite rare.


^^^ that. Of course, since the one it refuses to target is ALWAYS the guy capping or planting a bomb, it just seems like it fails all the time. :D

Edited by Banderal
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Tab targeting may not be the most precise or efficient method of targeting, but here's a tip to make it pretty effective and easy.


Applying tab-target will focus on any potential target closest to the center of your screen. Practice maintaining screen control and not only will tab-targeting become much more intuitive, but your overall battlefield awareness should improve as well.


Think its best to start with simple tabbing to target and then when you are comfortable you can move on to diff things . Also :



maintain a competitive / strong mentality .


-ppl are gona call you out for whatever reason and when you are good you will still get called out . dont let bads and cocky *****s get you down.


know your class inside out


-take the time to learn the skill ceiling of your class, know the optimal rotation ; duel good players to see the class's maximum potential.


These two are good place to start. Dont expect an MVP unless your a healer or have a premade. :rolleyes:

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I use Center Screen Enemy (ranged, on a side mouse buttons), Nearest (melee, wheel down), and Target or Target. I tried Focus Target's Target, but I try to keep Focus for Healers. Just try out different options, and binds, and you will find ones that work the best for you. Edited by DomiSotto
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You can try going to a fleet dummy and push yourself to execute your attacks while moving. You have a fair bit of space around it, so you can make a figure 8 while always facing the target, a circle at a 15+ m range with the target in the middle (well half a circle, cause the wall is still too close!), or a famous operative's strafe jerk while simultaneously hitting the dummy. Good luck!
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1. find the enemy hear(s) and make sure they get marked (I like Target and Saber, they tend to stick out better). Let the WZ know which one you are focusing... that way if there is at least one more competent person in the WZ you will have some focus fire.


2. Set the priority target as your focus target (alt+F), then you can keybind the focus target to target them as soon as they come into range.


Beyond that, like people said, TAB for cycling through the targets until you hit who you want to kill next.

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Pretty much what people have said here -

Keybinding is hugely important - but don't necessarily rely on what works for someone else - try to develop something that suits you - and bear in mind keeping the same types of skills on the same key if you change class.


For instance, use the same key for all characters for adrenal, medpack, interrupt, AoE etc.


I found that Target's castbar nice and prominent on your screen is helpful to see what can be interrupted.


You might want to move or re-scale buffs and de-buffs depending on your class. - helpful for healers especially - using their cleanse pretty much on CD. - Enabling Raid frames can help you keep an eye on everyone else too.


I'd also add that just playing your class and role to the max is a good start - follow the main crowd and heal/DPS or tank..... After a while you'll start to know when you're holding back, over-extending or running around firefighting and all those subtle things that have quite a bearing on a match.


Experience is also key- the more you play the more you'll learn. And it'll help no end in your PvE experience.


Keep an eye on the chat if you're solo - get some form of Voip if you're with friends.


Watch a few WZ on Youtube if the game isn't giving you WZ triggers - and find something you can do between matches - be it decorating your Strongholds, or doing dailies or crafting or exploring or datacrons - or even watching a movie - Coz there will be times when you can get bored simply waiting for a match.


Don't expect to win every match - But if you have fun and learn something from a thumping loss - at least you benefit, and can come back stronger.


And no 1 person can win a WZ single-handedly.


If you're new, then always pick up the daily/weeklies. Commendations are important at level cap - You'll need to have saved around 20K to get the top level of gear - and a million credits or so to augment it and put it in legacy gear - so plenty to do while you wait.


Read the section on Bolster and the other guides here and on Dulfy- info is important.


Have fun and good luck.:)

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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OP ...


You received lots of suggestions that are good. But you do need to keep some things in perspective.


First, if you are already max level when you throw your hat into the PVP element of the game, you are going to suck at it. There is just no way around it. You will be facing players in full augmented Tier 2 PVP gear who are going to wipe the floor with you until you can put on your full tier 1 set. And don't mix and match your pve and pvp gear. Stay with pve until you can put on the full set. And to get your full 2018 expertise, you will need to put expertise crystals in your main and off hand. But this only works on pvp equipment and won't work on pve weapons.


The good news is, the average cost of those tier 1 pieces is about 200 - 300 warzone comms each, so it doesn't take too long to get them. But to be honest, the time to do pvp isn't when you hit 65. The time to do pvp is when you are 50+. Then you have access to most of your skills, you aren't facing many players in augment or expertise gear, and pretty much anything you wear will bolster properly. It is as good a scenario to hope to play in with mid bracket.


And speaking of bolster, if you are maxed level already, you need to find you a set of 190 gear. 190 gear will bolster properly but it won't get you to the full 2018 expertise. But it will get you close.


The only other advice is to learn your crowd control (CC). All those special abilities you probably never even needed to use in PVE but are absolutely crucial in pvp. Find them, learn them, and know them well. Interrupts, knockbacks, mezzs, roots, and stuns are you friend. The good news is you probably won't be on the receiving end of too many of those. The bad news is that you won't be on the receiving end of them because the opposing players won't waste them on you until you can prove yourself a threat. Which won't happen until you have at least tier 1 pvp gear.


When it comes to 4 v 4 arenas, you will be a quick kill until you get your pvp set. In 8 v 8, you stand a chance of getting lost in the crowd. But getting that set (especially tier 2) is critical to doing well in pvp ... or at least to survive through one stun worth of focus.

Edited by ForceWelder
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I use the wheel mouse to target, down to select nearest enemy, up to select next enemy. So i can cycle to enemies very fast with the wheel mouse


Then i use ALT+wheel mouse to select nearest and next friends.


I use secondary mouse buttons to acquire focus targets's target and acquire target of target.


I dont use select center screen target.


This works for me as a healer , tank or DPS, i can target almost everything pretty fast and simple.



Further info:


I strategically assign my keybinds on keyboard zones, movement keybinds in one zone, ranged attaks in another, dots in another, melee attacks in another, taunts in another.


If there's a main rotation i use 2-3-4-5 buttons to that, in order, so I know which should be the correct order, but in pvp things are not as expected...


My interrupt and CC buttons are always the same no matter the class and spec I play


I use tab and \ as a focus modifier and self modifier buttons


My taunts are also in secondary mouse buttons (9 buttons mouse).


I also keybind the autorun into ALT+S, the CC breker to ALT+d, the root breaker to ALT+w, the 30m teletransporter to ALT+a. assigning WS to move and AD to strafe. Dont use AD to turn, is not needed (BEST ADVICE EVER GIVEN TO ME!!!)


Some people changes the AWSD to SEDF


I tried to assign the strafe buttons to the mouse buttons; if u press the 2 main mouse buttons at the same time (left and right click) its like running, so its worth trying to manage the movement only with the mouse, and leave the left hand free to press any button, but its been many years with the AWSD system and my brain cant learn this...:p

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