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Sith Inquisitor Story Mission's bugged?


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Hey Guys,


So I'm level 27 and just finished my Class Story on Nar Shadda. I got the artifact for Zash and went back to my ship, completed the mission and got the rewards. And then nothing happened. No new story mission proc'd, I have no idea where to go next (nor is it telling me).


When I go to my Missions tab, there is nothing there. From reading online a cut scene should have started after I finished my mission but I didn't get it. I've tried travelling to random planets, but nothing.


I opened a ticket almost a week ago but have received no response. Any thoughts on what I can do?

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That's strange and definitely not good. Have you tried clicking on the holo terminal on your ship? Not sure what else to suggest except maybe opening a ticket or calling Customer Service. I googled to try and help and this seems to be an issue quite a few people were/are experiencing with the Sith Inq storyline. :(
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Sometimes the quests can get bugged because of all the ways they've introduced to travel around the game over the years.

Basically the quest expects certain triggers that don't happen when you quick travel around.


After giving the thing to Zash, go back to the starport and enter your ship via the hangar.

Use your ship to travel to different planets.


In other words, travel around the long way for a bit without using strongholds or fast travel abilities.

Edited by Rankyn
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