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New player looking for Guild


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I'm coming from a slew of MMOs, most recently Archeage. I bounced around between PS2 and a few other F2P games for the past few years after finishing my time in WoW. I've always played main or off-tank (Control Tank) and really haven't deviated from it because I love the play style. In Swtor I've rolled a few healers though, it's interesting to be the Vital point of the group, additionally I think it's really cool to be able to dish out damage when the group isn't straining to stay alive.


I'm able to roll a lvl 60 character right now but haven't really set anything in stone just yet. I'm looking for a Guild to learn from. I'm looking for an older, mature guild with mature players. I don't play with kids as a general rule, no offense but after over 10 years in the MMO world I've had my fair share of playing with children. I'm looking for an organized and structured guild, (Ex)Military preferred, positive Guild Culture is a must...if you don't know what that is then I don't belong in your guild. I'm open to any role although Tanking and Healing are what interest me most. I'm Meta focused, enjoy PvE as well as PvP and operate very well under stress. I can handle command and control as well as subordinate positions alike.


TS3 or equivalent is a must.

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Check out Dynamite at dynamiteguild.com


We are a republic guild that runs Tuesday to Saturday from 7PM-9PM (PST) server

We use TS3 and Starparse for our operation runs.


You can message me here or apply at our website with in game contact info.


Good luck in your search.

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Greetings !

Perhaps you would consider Order of Serenity? Granted we are not (Ex) Military, but we do have a structure and code we follow, and it goes for our guilds on both factions. We run raids and other events and use Ts3 and starparse.

At the moment we are looking for raiders for both sides and possibly raid leads.. You can view our profile here on the forums for more details about our guild, ( the link is on my signature) If have any questions or think we would be a good fit for you, then please feel free to PM me here or contact one of the officers from the list at the bottom of our profile..


Good luck and happy hunting!

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Hello there,


I am the co-GM of <Barsen'thor Buddies> [Republic, PST/West Coast]. We are a small but close knit guild with a firm policy on recruiting members over the age of 18, who are mature and respectful. We pride ourselves on being inclusive to individuals of different backgrounds. We have members who are currently in the military, so we are flexible with scheduling. In addition, we would consider our style of gaming to be relaxed but focused on completing our goals. We use TS3, Star Parse, and an enjin website to keep things organized.


We are looking for a second tank or a second healer to complete highlighted hardmodes for our Saturday 5-8 pm PST team. We also participate in guild pvp (regular and ranked warzones).


If you would like more information, you are welcome to check out our guild website: http://barsenthorbuddies.enjin. com. You can also whisper me in game on Gaerwen (or any of my toons listed in my signature) or you can message me here or on enjin. Thank you for your time! Good luck!

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Welcome, cbcullen!


I invite you to check out <Aethereal>. We are a US based guild with east and west coast raid and PVP teams. We have quite a few current and ex military (mostly ex) in our guild. We are a social, casual, but serious guild with a friendly and fun environment. You can learn quite a bit about us from our home page (great FAQ) here:




You can also jump in and join us on Discord during prime time hours at http://discord.aethereal.club/.


Talk to you soon!

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