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how do I disable graphics update?


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After logging in to one of my characters, the game asked on the top left of the screen if I wanted to upgrade graphic settings, so I clicked the green check. Ever since doing that I have noticed a decrease in the performance. I went under the graphic settings under preference and there is no option there to disable the new graphics update that I accepted. So how do I disable it so it is back to the way it was? At the moment it doesn't matter if I put the graphic settings in preference at there lowest or highest. it gives me the same performance. So I need to reverse that graphic upgrade pop up that I accepted. How do I do that?
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Just change your graphics settings- that "graphics update" thing is a lie- I normally run the game on max settings, then the "graphics update" changed it to the low preset.


I already tried that. It doesn't matter if I use the lowest or highest graphic settings. I now have a reduced performance no matter what I put it on ever since I clicked the check for the graphics update. The graphics update has permanently made my performance worst no matter how I adjust the settings. How do I reverse the graphics update?

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The only time you can revert an in-game change to the graphics settings is before you accept it - you get the "Changes have been made, Accept/Revert" dialog box.

Once you have accepted the changes, your only option is to keep tweaking the settings until you find one that works for your systems.


If the graphics update is an out-of-game update of the graphics drivers on your computer, that can be reverted by uninstalling your graphics drivers and re-installing the version of the drivers that you had previously (if you can remember the version number). But that does not sound like the problem you have here.


My suggestion for improving the performance would be to start by reducing the shader complexity, shadow resolution, bloom, and visible character limit options. Also, you can go into the Nameplates section and turn off some of the items there - nameplates are often a surprising cause of graphics lag in this game.

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Don't just play with the drop boxes that give you the option of settings from low to max. The sliders for various things like draw distance and shadows can very easily be the issue.


Also make sure that your monitor settings are correct. I have two monitors of different sizes and resolutions and for some reason the game wants to switch resolution to match the smaller monitor I use for the web instead of the larger monitor I actually keep the game on.


You may need to experiment a bit to find out exactly which setting is causing the issue.

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Don't just play with the drop boxes that give you the option of settings from low to max. The sliders for various things like draw distance and shadows can very easily be the issue.


Also make sure that your monitor settings are correct. I have two monitors of different sizes and resolutions and for some reason the game wants to switch resolution to match the smaller monitor I use for the web instead of the larger monitor I actually keep the game on.


You may need to experiment a bit to find out exactly which setting is causing the issue.


They are no sliders for distance or shadows in the graphics setting.


No matter what I change it doesn't fix the problem. Also everyone on in this thread seems to be ignoring the fact that the change that messed up the performance has absolutely nothing to do with settings in preference. I don't know how to be any clearer but let me try to explain it to you again. When I logged in for the first time in a while, there was a popup on top of the general tap (remember this has nothing to do with changing settings in preference) asking me if I wanted to upgrade graphic settings. There was an option to either click the red x or green check. sadly I clicked the green check. That somehow messed up the performance without altering the graphic settings in preference. The settings in graphic settings in preference has no impact on performance now. It doesn't matter if I put everything on the lowest setting and turn everything off. That has no impact. I need to know how to undo the graphic upgrade popup that shows up on top of general chat after logging in for the first time. that magically messed up performance without altering the graphic settings in preferences . Does anyone know how to reverse that? Again this is not a change I made to the graphics in preferences. It is a change from that in game popup I accepted that doesn't not show in the game settings.

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I don't know of any "graphics update" thingy that comes up in SWTOR. It sounds though, from your description, that you may have been running SWTOR (and perhaps even your desktop) and a resolution less than the native resolution of your display.

You, of course, gave us no idea of the specs of your system, other than to say it's a laptop, so it's very hard to help.

My gut feeling is that the graphics in your laptop are not good enough to run SWTOR at the native resolution, but you may have had SWTOR set to some lower rez before.

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Are you absolutely sure that this pop-up was a SWTOR dialog box and not a window spawned by Windows, your graphics card Updater, or computer manufacturer updater, or any sort of graphics optimization software/bloatware installed on your computer?


The reason I ask, is that anything that you clicked that was a SWTOR dialog box should be undoable in the preferences menus. Mostly under the graphics tab, but turning off nameplates can also have a pretty big impact in crowded areas.


If it was a non-SWTOR graphics change, then you'll need to revert whatever software or settings made the change.


It's also possible that this is pure coincidence, and some sort of hardware or software problem happened at about the same time.


Once I spent about a week reconfiguring hardware and tweaking software after installing a new hard drive, only to eventually discover that the proper fix was to spend 30 seconds cleaning the dust off my heat exchanger fins.



SWTOR updates through its launcher/updater, and if you don't have the most recent patch it won't let you log in to play. The updates are automatic and mandatory, so I wonder if whatever dialog you clicked on was really a SWTOR dialog.


You can also get in game, and press Shift+Control+F to bring up the frame rate counter. It appears in the bottom left of the screen in a tiny font by default. The color of the font tells what SWTOR thinks is the limit on FPS:


RED = GPU limited

Yellow = CPU and GPU limited

Green = CPU limited


You can google SWTOR framerate, SWTOR FPS, and SWTOR Graphics problem, and you should come up with several threads from the forums and from reddit that have basic graphics troubleshooting steps.

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I don't know of any "graphics update" thingy that comes up in SWTOR. It sounds though, from your description, that you may have been running SWTOR (and perhaps even your desktop) and a resolution less than the native resolution of your display.

You, of course, gave us no idea of the specs of your system, other than to say it's a laptop, so it's very hard to help.

My gut feeling is that the graphics in your laptop are not good enough to run SWTOR at the native resolution, but you may have had SWTOR set to some lower rez before.


The graphics update popup is only a one time thing for the first time you log in, so you probably don't remember. Its probably why everyone here has no idea what I'm talking about.


My specs are way above the recommended requirements. Here is a link for the laptop I am using:




Its also worth mentioning that I upgraded to 16 GB of ram. that made no difference at all.

Edited by watermelonfan
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Are you absolutely sure that this pop-up was a SWTOR dialog box and not a window spawned by Windows, your graphics card Updater, or computer manufacturer updater, or any sort of graphics optimization software/bloatware installed on your computer?


The reason I ask, is that anything that you clicked that was a SWTOR dialog box should be undoable in the preferences menus. Mostly under the graphics tab, but turning off nameplates can also have a pretty big impact in crowded areas.


If it was a non-SWTOR graphics change, then you'll need to revert whatever software or settings made the change.


It's also possible that this is pure coincidence, and some sort of hardware or software problem happened at about the same time.


Once I spent about a week reconfiguring hardware and tweaking software after installing a new hard drive, only to eventually discover that the proper fix was to spend 30 seconds cleaning the dust off my heat exchanger fins.



SWTOR updates through its launcher/updater, and if you don't have the most recent patch it won't let you log in to play. The updates are automatic and mandatory, so I wonder if whatever dialog you clicked on was really a SWTOR dialog.


You can also get in game, and press Shift+Control+F to bring up the frame rate counter. It appears in the bottom left of the screen in a tiny font by default. The color of the font tells what SWTOR thinks is the limit on FPS:


RED = GPU limited

Yellow = CPU and GPU limited

Green = CPU limited


You can google SWTOR framerate, SWTOR FPS, and SWTOR Graphics problem, and you should come up with several threads from the forums and from reddit that have basic graphics troubleshooting steps.



The popup that happened is a part of star wars the old republic. It was NOT an update from any software on this computer. It was a swtor dialog box. Its not a pure coincidence of some software or hardware because it happened on both of laptops when I clicked the green check in the swtor dialog. And no its not a mandatory update because there was a red x next to the green check that I clicked on. I could have declined. I have messed with every graphic setting in preferences. I can't get the performance back to the way it was. I tried reducing the nameplates and that doesn't fix it either.

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it probably the allowcolorremapping setting., but this pop is forceable, just delete the client_settings.ini






replace yourusername with what ever your username is

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I'm pretty sure I recall the popup he is talking about. It had nothing to do with graphic settings in the preference menu. Was in fact a patch if I recall correctly. Check the patch notes.


To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to remove the "graphic update" besides doing a complete uninstall, but I also think that there is more to your problem then just that.


The best thing for you to do is to save any game files you might have for your game settings, uninstall SWTOR, THEN update your graphic and sound drivers with a completely clean install of both, THEN reinstall SWTOR.


Is doing this a pain? Yes it is, and I've had to do it for other games in the past because my performance was tanked due to either a game update and/or a software update involving my graphic and/or sound settings. If you don't know how to do a clean install then find a friend who does and in the process learn how to do it yourself.




Edited by Kernel_Cinders
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I'm pretty sure I recall the popup he is talking about. It had nothing to do with graphic settings in the preference menu. Was in fact a patch if I recall correctly. Check the patch notes.


To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to remove the "graphic update" besides doing a complete uninstall, but I also think that there is more to your problem then just that.


The best thing for you to do is to save any game files you might have for your game settings, uninstall SWTOR, THEN update your graphic and sound drivers with a completely clean install of both, THEN reinstall SWTOR.


Is doing this a pain? Yes it is, and I've had to do it for other games in the past because my performance was tanked due to either a game update and/or a software update involving my graphic and/or sound settings. If you don't know how to do a clean install then find a friend who does and in the process learn how to do it yourself.





I already tried uninstalling the game and I used a program called Iobit uninstaller to delete all the leftover files. That did not fix the problem. Granted I did not do a clean install for my graphics driver before reinstalling the game, but since it was that popup in the game that messed up the performance, I don't see how doing a clean install of my graphics driver will fix the problem. what other problems do you think there are? And why didn't a clean install of the game work?

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it probably the allowcolorremapping setting., but this pop is forceable, just delete the client_settings.ini






replace yourusername with what ever your username is


I just tried deleting that file. That didn't fix it.

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Windows key + R and type




scroll down and delete the swtor folder and the swtorperf folder in this area


start the launcher , the game will be like starting for the first time again , there is no need to delete the main game files


Edit - I would try using an older video driver like 355.98 some of the later drivers caused issues with mobility cards and fps

Edited by OwenBrooks
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Windows key + R and type




scroll down and delete the swtor folder and the swtorperf folder in this area


start the launcher , the game will be like starting for the first time again , there is no need to delete the main game files


Edit - I would try using an older video driver like 355.98 some of the later drivers caused issues with mobility cards and fps


That fixed the problem. thank you for your help. The performance in this game has never been great, but that undid the new lag caused by the graphic setting upgrade popup. Thank you for your help.

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Glad you got it fixed so you can enjoy the game again! :)


As for video and sound driver updates, anytime I get ready to install a new game I check to make sure my drivers are all up to date and compatible with that particular game. I try to make sure I don't run into any "surprises". :rolleyes:


It's a habit learned after a lot of headaches since the 90's (56k dial-up w00t!) and before I install anything I check the boards for information regarding the game and drivers to see if there are any current and/or potential issues.


Enough of me prattling on! I have crystals to pharm! :D




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