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Hey Devs, show some pride in your work and clean up the crap in this game


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Uhm. it's my and every other subscriber's money that they're wasting on other stuff except the ones that need fixing.

If they worked for free, sure a nicer tone might be appropriate. Since they don't and this isn't something that just came up, OP's tone is spot on.


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SOOOOO many issues that have been going on around for weeks, months (years???)


Things like Voidstar bridge doors have been invisible since 4.0 launched 3 months ago

Jugg leaps in huttball go through the ramps (years)

Jugg leaps in Novare fall through the ground (years)

New teleport abilities for Sins & Ops don't take into account elevation changes (3 months)

The December events didn't work and response was "meh see you in January"

I don't have time to go through all the other countless issues


Don't you guys get embarrased when you see this happen in streams and how poorly it looks upon you? People pay money for this game so you have a job, the least you can do (since obviously you have zero self pride in correcting errors in a timely fashion) is to try and do things promptly for your customers sake....but then again you don't really give a crap for them either


These are all minor and also have you noticed they've made an entire galaxy? 8 Classes all with different stories. This game is bursting with content and your complaing about invisble doors... It's harder then it looks so stop.

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These are all minor and also have you noticed they've made an entire galaxy? 8 Classes all with different stories. This game is bursting with content and your complaing about invisble doors... It's harder then it looks so stop.



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These are all minor and also have you noticed they've made an entire galaxy? 8 Classes all with different stories. This game is bursting with content and your complaing about invisble doors... It's harder then it looks so stop.


Most of that galaxy and all of the 8 class stories existed at launch. There's no excuse for bugs that have literally gone unfixed for years. The Saber Marshal's armor clipping bug existed in patch 1.2 and has never been fixed. Weapons and sound effects go missing in cutscenes. These should be simple to fix if they would just decide to fix them.


Don't act like people are being unreasonable. There are other MMOs, even free to play ones that take the time to squash bugs. EA has no excuse.

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Most of that galaxy and all of the 8 class stories existed at launch. There's no excuse for bugs that have literally gone unfixed for years. The Saber Marshal's armor clipping bug existed in patch 1.2 and has never been fixed. Weapons and sound effects go missing in cutscenes. These should be simple to fix if they would just decide to fix them.


Don't act like people are being unreasonable. There are other MMOs, even free to play ones that take the time to squash bugs. EA has no excuse.


I agree with you but ease up a bit the game is great. Just report the bugs then ignore them. Complaining isn't going to help.

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Some old fashioned polishing wouldn't hurt.

The game is good, but there are some bugs that have been around for years. Years.


Inaction sends signals of indifference, which is devastating for an MMO.

Edited by Wallner
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Some old fashioned polishing wouldn't hurt.

The game is good, but there are some bugs that have been around for years. Years.


Inaction sends signals of indifference, which is devastating for an MMO.


This is exactly what I'm saying.

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Lets say you hire a personal chef for $15 a month and he f---- up something on every one of your meals. Are you seriously going to repeat that little speech with a straight face?


Yes. You get what you pay for. If I'm paying someone less than the cost of eating for a week, on a monthly basis to prepare meal ingredients for me that easily exceed 500% of their 'salary', I'm surely not going to have the audacity to complain in any capacity if they burn every other dish or even spit in my food. Those are sweat shop labor wages. Best thing to do is kiss their boots, pay more and hope that they don't alert the nlrb to my labor wage malpractices.


It doesn't matter how big or small the payment is into the game (unless it's zero). $15 is small but not insignificant when loyal people will continue to make that payment. But it doesn't matter what you want to call it. There are those of us who invest in the game. How do you expect anyone to get better without positive and negative feedback?


I never said 15 dollars was meaningless nor did I say one shouldn't give feedback. What I said was that it gives weight to your opinion as a paying customer, but it's nowhere near enough to condone that opinion in a belligerent manner. Your 'loyalty' however is the insignificant factor here, as it's given of your own volition. Bioware didn't ask for it or beg for it. They simply showed you a product and you threw your money and loyalty at them willingly. To call that an investment is simply too cute. You haven't invested a dime in the company, you engaged in a business transaction of goods for services. All you, I and every other subscriber were promised in the tos was access to the game. As long as we can login, bioware has honored its contractual agreement.


First off, expecting someone who is dissatisfied with a service not to complain is ridiculous. Second, don't act like the devs and PR people aren't directly to blame for both the tone and volume of complaints on these forums. Their policy from day one has been silence and absenteeism. Paying customers don't like to be ignored. When we provide constructive feedback and continuously get no response, that builds frustration and ill will. Eventually people increase the volume or change their tone. If I let a client's mail server crash and go offline for 3 days while I ignored their feedback, I would absolutely expect to be chewed out. If the self esteem of these devs and PR folk is so fragile that they have to hide from these forums and pretend they don't exist, maybe they shouldn't allow situations to escalate to the point that the people paying their salaries become...unkind.


No, ridiculous is not bothering to read more than two post, jumping on the hype train and piecing together a sensationalized reprimand from that alone. Again, I never said people shouldn't complain, only that they be more respectful in their criticism. Also, I've been here since launch, so I know the developers always having been silent is a complete lie. Devs used to flood these forums updating the tracker and fixing game issues, as well as account issues from the forums. All was well until some passionate community members figured it was acceptable to voice their displeasure with death threats, name calling and insults.That's when the developers stopped visiting the zoo. bad apples spoil the bunch ya know.


Also what's with this wallet defense again? You don't even pay enough monthly for the janitors lunch money or bus fare through the week and you have nerve to primp your mouth about whose salary you're commissioning? Hahahahahaha! omg thank you. Haven't laughed quite that hard since your arguments predecessor. Anyways, when you pocket the 15 dollars in lunch money and pull out the 15,000 in stock money, we can take your assertions about who owes their livelihood to you seriously. Until then give your opinion, but let the grandiose delusions of how much power is backing that opinion die. it's embarrassing.


If they can only stand positive feedback, there are 2 ways to change that. Fix the root of the problem and communicate, or find another job. I provide a service for a living as well, so I'm well-acquainted with "the other side". Treating your paycheck provider as the enemy is setting yourself up for failure. I have come up with one inescapable rule of success in the service industry. You know how I ensure my clients love me and don't have reason for the kind of complaints that appear on these forums? I do my god-d***** job and communicate with them.


Respectful feedback isn't a choice here, it's an obligation. If you don't tow a line of respect here, you find your thread gathering rust in the off-topic graveyard or find yourself muted. L2politic.


Paycheck provider... lol dat megalomania. :D

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This is kinda ridiculous. Can we MAKE them do anything? No, however since we pay a recurring subscription we certainly have a right to make certain demands. Yes eventually if they aren't met you do what I did, cancel said sub.


No, you really don't. We just pay for what we were promised, access to the game. Any allowance of opinions is a privilege by Biowares good graces. Whether the game sinks or swims, aside from keeping the gates open, they aren't obligated to hear us out at all. Don't like the game, just take your money & go, but don't overstep the reality of your importance.


Additionally I might see SOME validity to your point if the OP and others were complaining about the actual make up of content. They aren't however. They are talking about bugs and such. I can see someone saying I cant demand my $1.99 Wendy's chili canit be made with hand ground Filet Mignon but I can certainly demand it be cooked, hot and not cold or lukewarm etc.


You can't see any validity to my point, because you can't see the point at all. The point is not that they're complaining about bugs, it's how they're complaining about the bugs. As for your analogy, 2 dollars is barely enough to cover the retail cost of the chilly and wats being used to cook it. In the end, all you're giving is a few dimes in profit, and for that, you take it how you get it or shove your coffee change & move on out the door. :rolleyes:

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No, you really don't. We just pay for what we were promised, access to the game. Any allowance of opinions is a privilege by Biowares good graces. Whether the game sinks or swims, aside from keeping the gates open, they aren't obligated to hear us out at all. Don't like the game, just take your money & go, but don't overstep the reality of your importance.




You can't see any validity to my point, because you can't see the point at all. The point is not that they're complaining about bugs, it's how they're complaining about the bugs. As for your analogy, 2 dollars is barely enough to cover the retail cost of the chilly and wats being used to cook it. In the end, all you're giving is a few dimes in profit, and for that, you take it how you get it or shove your coffee change & move on out the door. :rolleyes:


I am going to assume you never worked/ran a business. Here is how it works. First business makes a product/provides a service. Customers then have a right to provide feedback. As a matter of fact Bioware SPECIFICALLY asks us for feed back right here and most on topic here. Among other places. Also Eric specifically stated, when he was letting us know they would be addressing Companions in a forum post AND in the first post KotFE live stream "we read the forums and the Reddits to see what you the players want."


You also completely dodge my point by making a baseless (and false) comment about the small profit off the Chili. The point is even though it is cheap I can expect a minimal amount of quality control to include temperature and food safety. The same here. The OP, while caustic, isn't saying "give me more FPS" or some such, they are talking about bugs that have been in the game for years. BW says they want feedback, they have a specific forum for the report of bugs in particular. As for how they are complaining, after being here for a couple years now I can tell you from experience that such methods are the ONLY way BW takes notice. They seem to say "well that person was calm and rational, it must not be a big issue. Now these people are having a meltdown, we better get on that fast." I also know some devs for different games (not this one but games on the "usual" top 10 MMOs lists) who come right out and say, in the words of one, "the squeeky wheels get the grease first" in terms of how they address bugs and balance issues.


Now as i said I think eventually common sense should kick in and if issues you see as being important are not addressed in what you see as a timely manner you should give the ultimate feedback, stop giving them money. I think SWTOR is especially vulnerable to this type of persuasion atm actually.

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Was the bug always there that my companions lose their buffs every time I switch instances or mount and dismount? I have to keep reapplying them all the time. Yes, they don't really need them, but it is annoying non the less.


Also, I tried one of the newer hairstyles on my vanguard just before playing the KoTfE story, and was so sorry I did. She was half bald in most of the cut scenes, it was so distracting. The whole back of her head had no hair. I won't make that mistake again.

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Was the bug always there that my companions lose their buffs every time I switch instances or mount and dismount? I have to keep reapplying them all the time. Yes, they don't really need them, but it is annoying non the less.



I think it's recent - at least I've only noticed it happening in the past month or two.

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As annoying as bugs are, they happen....in every single game out there. Heck, some bugs in SWG were there since launch and stayed until they turned off the lights....what? Nine-ish years later? Some bugs just don't get fixed, while others do. Don't know why. Maybe they don't know how to fix it, maybe it just isn't a high priority over some other bugs. Luckily most of the bugs I've encountered are more frustrating than game-breaking, probably a good thing I guess? I still hope they'll get around to fixing a lot of these. I know there is a Game Update 4.0 Known Issues thread but is there any other list anywhere? Not sure if that would be helpful to the devs but, you never know, right?


I do wish they would go back to using PTS again, though.

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Yes. You get what you pay for. If I'm paying someone less than the cost of eating for a week, on a monthly basis to prepare meal ingredients for me that easily exceed 500% of their 'salary', I'm surely not going to have the audacity to complain in any capacity if they burn every other dish or even spit in my food. Those are sweat shop labor wages. Best thing to do is kiss their boots, pay more and hope that they don't alert the nlrb to my labor wage malpractices.


I was making a point about paying for a service. I didn't say it was proportionate in value. So...yeah, nice straw man.


I never said 15 dollars was meaningless nor did I say one shouldn't give feedback. What I said was that it gives weight to your opinion as a paying customer, but it's nowhere near enough to condone that opinion in a belligerent manner. Your 'loyalty' however is the insignificant factor here, as it's given of your own volition. Bioware didn't ask for it or beg for it. They simply showed you a product and you threw your money and loyalty at them willingly. To call that an investment is simply too cute. You haven't invested a dime in the company, you engaged in a business transaction of goods for services. All you, I and every other subscriber were promised in the tos was access to the game. As long as we can login, bioware has honored its contractual agreement.


Obviously I wasn't talking about investing in a stock. Spending money on this game is investing in the game's future. If so many people didn't buy the game at launch and pay a sub this game would have been shut down. If the best you can do to discourage people is to quibble over minutiae and pick apart my post word-for-word, go for it I guess.


No, ridiculous is not bothering to read more than two post, jumping on the hype train and piecing together a sensationalized reprimand from that alone. Again, I never said people shouldn't complain, only that they be more respectful in their criticism. Also, I've been here since launch, so I know the developers always having been silent is a complete lie. Devs used to flood these forums updating the tracker and fixing game issues, as well as account issues from the forums. All was well until some passionate community members figured it was acceptable to voice their displeasure with death threats, name calling and insults.That's when the developers stopped visiting the zoo. bad apples spoil the bunch ya know.


I was here at launch too. Where was this torrent of "dev responses" when the community was on fire over performance issues and game-breaking bugs? Agree to disagree.


Also what's with this wallet defense again? You don't even pay enough monthly for the janitors lunch money or bus fare through the week and you have nerve to primp your mouth about whose salary you're commissioning? Hahahahahaha! omg thank you. Haven't laughed quite that hard since your arguments predecessor. Anyways, when you pocket the 15 dollars in lunch money and pull out the 15,000 in stock money, we can take your assertions about who owes their livelihood to you seriously. Until then give your opinion, but let the grandiose delusions of how much power is backing that opinion die. it's embarrassing.


You can't be serious. Where did I say I'm solely supporting the game? What does that have to do with expecting a better level of quality and trying to make things better? Your opinions are quite clear. You try to disguise it in verbosity, but all you really have is pseudo-intellectual nonsense.


Respectful feedback isn't a choice here, it's an obligation. If you don't tow a line of respect here, you find your thread gathering rust in the off-topic graveyard or find yourself muted. L2politic.


Paycheck provider... lol dat megalomania. :D


Again with the straw man. And a borderline ad hominem attack. Hey, whatever makes you feel bigger than the rest of us. But take your own advice maybe. Stay out of the thread if you can't bring something more than content that boils down to veiled "LOLz" and pejorative phrasings.


Either way, I'm done with you. Deuces.

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I was making a point about paying for a service. I didn't say it was proportionate in value. So...yeah, nice straw man.




Obviously I wasn't talking about investing in a stock. Spending money on this game is investing in the game's future. If so many people didn't buy the game at launch and pay a sub this game would have been shut down. If the best you can do to discourage people is to quibble over minutiae and pick apart my post word-for-word, go for it I guess.




I was here at launch too. Where was this torrent of "dev responses" when the community was on fire over performance issues and game-breaking bugs? Agree to disagree.




You can't be serious. Where did I say I'm solely supporting the game? What does that have to do with expecting a better level of quality and trying to make things better? Your opinions are quite clear. You try to disguise it in verbosity, but all you really have is pseudo-intellectual nonsense.




Again with the straw man. And a borderline ad hominem attack. Hey, whatever makes you feel bigger than the rest of us. But take your own advice maybe. Stay out of the thread if you can't bring something more than content that boils down to veiled "LOLz" and pejorative phrasings.


Either way, I'm done with you. Deuces.


Cupelixx don't keep arguing with this "deluded" individual you can't fix stupid. They have their head in the gutter and obviously don't care about the long term prospects of this game. This is easily seen when their default response to anyone being harsh or disrespectful to Bioware is take your money elsewhere. I'm sure people would take their 15 dollars elsewhere if there was another star wars MMO out there. If Bioware and it's loyalists want people to be respectful and constructive they must earn that privilege!

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Also, I've been here since launch, so I know the developers always having been silent is a complete lie.


Actually, you've been here for about 3.5 months after launch.



Also, I guess you aren't familiar with the Dev Tracker. Let me show you:




Tell me again about how they were communicating a lot... I'd really like to see it. Because one might think that over the course of 4+ years there might be more dev posts than a single thread. There are multiple threads with over 220 pages of posts in it AND the dev thread is filled with fluff like 'We know the servers are down, we're working on it'.

Edited by EnkiduNineEight
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I am going to assume you never worked/ran a business. Here is how it works. First business makes a product/provides a service. Customers then have a right to provide feedback. As a matter of fact Bioware SPECIFICALLY asks us for feed back right here and most on topic here. Among other places. Also Eric specifically stated, when he was letting us know they would be addressing Companions in a forum post AND in the first post KotFE live stream "we read the forums and the Reddits to see what you the players want."


You seem to be confused as to what a choice and obligation is. Bioware ask for opinions because they want to hear our opinions, not because they're compelled to do so. They could easily shut down all forms of community contact and leave us to backwaters like Reddit with no legal consequence. So from what foundation does this right to feedback formulate?


You also completely dodge my point by making a baseless (and false) comment about the small profit off the Chili. The point is even though it is cheap I can expect a minimal amount of quality control to include temperature and food safety. The same here. The OP, while caustic, isn't saying "give me more FPS" or some such, they are talking about bugs that have been in the game for years. BW says they want feedback, they have a specific forum for the report of bugs in particular. As for how they are complaining, after being here for a couple years now I can tell you from experience that such methods are the ONLY way BW takes notice. They seem to say "well that person was calm and rational, it must not be a big issue. Now these people are having a meltdown, we better get on that fast." I also know some devs for different games (not this one but games on the "usual" top 10 MMOs lists) who come right out and say, in the words of one, "the squeeky wheels get the grease first" in terms of how they address bugs and balance issues.


I don't think I appreciate having my economically correct statement disingenuously called false. Aside from that, I didn't dodge your point, I simply took the self-important winds out its sails with a dose of reality. If you buy cheap, you get cheap. If a business is only making a few dimes off of you, their ears and energy is nowhere near motivated enough to humor you specifying demands on how they need to do things. If they listen, they're doing it out of the goodness of their own hearts, because time is money and you haven't purchased enough to warrant putting up with. Enjoy your chili. As long as it's edible and you don't get food poisoning, you don't have the right to demand no cramps. I'm sure if you ask nicely however and appear to their charitable side, they'll be much more inclined to alleviate your suffering.


Now as i said I think eventually common sense should kick in and if issues you see as being important are not addressed in what you see as a timely manner you should give the ultimate feedback, stop giving them money. I think SWTOR is especially vulnerable to this type of persuasion atm actually.


Really, save yourself the embarrassing strong arm business tactics and just go if you need to go. As I've said before, businesses will laugh you right out the door and throw that chump change right behind you over trying to make a capitalist stand with that pittance. That 15 dollars barely qualifies as lint in EA bank account. :p

Edited by Aeristash
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I was making a point about paying for a service. I didn't say it was proportionate in value. So...yeah, nice straw man.


Obviously I wasn't talking about investing in a stock. Spending money on this game is investing in the game's future. If so many people didn't buy the game at launch and pay a sub this game would have been shut down. If the best you can do to discourage people is to quibble over minutiae and pick apart my post word-for-word, go for it I guess.


I was here at launch too. Where was this torrent of "dev responses" when the community was on fire over performance issues and game-breaking bugs? Agree to disagree.


You can't be serious. Where did I say I'm solely supporting the game? What does that have to do with expecting a better level of quality and trying to make things better? Your opinions are quite clear. You try to disguise it in verbosity, but all you really have is pseudo-intellectual nonsense.


Again with the straw man. And a borderline ad hominem attack. Hey, whatever makes you feel bigger than the rest of us. But take your own advice maybe. Stay out of the thread if you can't bring something more than content that boils down to veiled "LOLz" and pejorative phrasings.


Either way, I'm done with you. Deuces.

Don't even bother feeding the troll. Nothing you say will ever get through...they have an agenda and that's it. Facts don't matter and nothing will sway their endorsement of all things Bioware.

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The "Time to Move" achievement is really bad to me.


It's a "hidden" mission that shouldn't be that hidden. You defeat some mobs as you move around, you save a civilian, and that should start the meter for the mission. Save X many civilians.


But the civilians that you save aren't starting the mission.


Then you get to a point where in order to advance to the daily zone you have to forgo ever completing the mission (and it rewards an exclusive decoration, too).

If I start KFE then I can not go back to this story if I am understanding, so I have one character stuck at this point and another rapidly approaching it. Those are the only two characters I want to continue to play. I do not want to make more alts. I have played every class through their story already, some multiple times, and I have decided on which two classes I want to continue to play.


Courting gifts haven't worked for me since KFE launched. I have a great many things in storage that I should be able to use to advance influence with specific companions (Elara and Mako in my case), but because they broke them they are just taking up space in my cargo and I have yet to even see them acknowledge this.


Those are the two that most aggravate me right now.

One has been broken for a while with no fix and the other since KFE without even a comment.

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