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Pre-made BS in Regs needs to be fixed


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Dude I feel this one and I think I know exactly what guild you're referencing. I've personally called them out for their 'methods' and got hit with a flurry of crap like


Then they say **** like "GO BACK TO CALL OF DUTY LOL" when they're the ones who are circle jerking over numbers. It's the most MLG tryhard crap I've ever seen in my life and it makes me seriously embarrassed to tell anyone I play MMOs.


Ahaha, ikr. Are you from Begeren Colony, Jung Ma or The Harbinger? man I know some bad ones there. Ive got some screenshots of how bad they are, all in my master plan when S7 starts.

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Ahaha, ikr. Are you from Begeren Colony, Jung Ma or The Harbinger? man I know some bad ones there. Ive got some screenshots of how bad they are, all in my master plan when S7 starts.

I'm in BC currently. Wanting to switch servers because I feel the only really good time to get in some fair PVP time in is early morning when it can take up to 15-20 minutes to pop. I wanted to switch to Harbinger because of the higher population but I hear PVP is just as bad lately.

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I'm in BC currently. Wanting to switch servers because I feel the only really good time to get in some fair PVP time in is early morning when it can take up to 15-20 minutes to pop. I wanted to switch to Harbinger because of the higher population but I hear PVP is just as bad lately.

I know who you're talking about. But yeah, ive thought about moving, its more the fact I'm locked in with my guild.

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Nope im not attacking the person sorry your butthurt about the issue . theres so many crybabies and qqrs like seriously am i supposed to feel sorry for you? Bioware isnt going to hold your hand and baby you just because there are premades thats just how active guilds are bioware isnt going to stop it just because a few ppl cant stop crying about it . Its ridiclous really thays like saying forguilds to stop conqiesting together and or pvp in large quanities just stop . Its not our fault your guildless and or in a small guild . Either run im a well geared group of pugs and or stop crying .


The dumb in this hurts...Nope im not attacking the person......Stop being cry babies...lol you are awesome, completely mental and dumb...but awesome.

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It's hilarious how, when one of these types of posts come up, the obvious premade for rofl stomp people come flying and screaming about cry baby solo quers. I'll bet you, if you could guarantee them no change in que times if a solo que was added...they would still ***** and throw tantrums and hissy fits.......I wonder why...
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I like the post citing the 12 year old mentality premade jeering at the losing pug team as it pretty much nails the demographic that feels the need to run premades in lowbies/midbies, and unranked. I look forward to the day one of the devs dips into PVP and witnesses this first hand cause that will be the day they decree: Teams of 4 only for unranked/ranked 4v4 arenas, solo queues 8 v 8 and 4 v 4. It will be an instantaneous moment of clarity.


In the mean time my best advice to fellow gluttons for punishment solo que pvp'ers:


1. Only play a self-healing FOTM class i.e. the ones people create 'Nerf this class' threads about

2. When half the pug team dies in the first 20 seconds of a match and you realize you are playing that premade again just leave. You won't accumulate any medals by staying probably 7 or less (90 warzone comms). Leaving makes the match a little less fun for the premade, they eventually get bored if people keep doing it.

3. Turn of 'emotes' and 'whisper' chat channels as they will troll you with them

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I like the post citing the 12 year old mentality premade jeering at the losing pug team as it pretty much nails the demographic that feels the need to run premades in lowbies/midbies, and unranked. I look forward to the day one of the devs dips into PVP and witnesses this first hand cause that will be the day they decree: Teams of 4 only for unranked/ranked 4v4 arenas, solo queues 8 v 8 and 4 v 4. It will be an instantaneous moment of clarity.


In the mean time my best advice to fellow gluttons for punishment solo que pvp'ers:


1. Only play a self-healing FOTM class i.e. the ones people create 'Nerf this class' threads about

2. When half the pug team dies in the first 20 seconds of a match and you realize you are playing that premade again just leave. You won't accumulate any medals by staying probably 7 or less (90 warzone comms). Leaving makes the match a little less fun for the premade, they eventually get bored if people keep doing it.

3. Turn of 'emotes' and 'whisper' chat channels as they will troll you with them


I'm not gonna reroll or quit like a child because of premades.

I'll take my loss like a man and expect my Pug to do the same.

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I'm not gonna reroll or quit like a child because of premades.

I'll take my loss like a man and expect my Pug to do the same.


I play to win, but I will accept defeat when things are fairly balanced. No one with any shred of sanity would remain and endure being stomped and farmed over and over.

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I play to win, but I will accept defeat when things are fairly balanced. No one with any shred of sanity would remain and endure being stomped and farmed over and over.


Unless your entire team is garbage there should be no reason to get three capped and remain three capped for the entire match.


Three caps means they over extend themselves so one or two nodes are left loosely protected or not at all.

A stealth player should probe the area and tell the team if it's clear or to support the node that he is capping.

Death match at the node until time runs out.


Or if you keep going to mid one by one to get stomped, then GG.

Edited by Ruhun
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You can be stomped without getting 3-capped. Being able to only barely hold one node, is still a clear indicator of a woefully unbalanced match.


In theory I could still put up a fight and try to annoy them with all I got, but one player can only do so much, and I don't want to feed their ego and give them a sense of accomplishment.


1 vs. 1 queue thank you.

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You can be stomped without getting 3-capped. Being able to only barely hold one node, is still a clear indicator of a woefully unbalanced match.


In theory I could still put up a fight and try to annoy them with all I got, but one player can only do so much, and I don't want to feed their ego and give them a sense of accomplishment.


1 vs. 1 queue thank you.


1 v 1 would be so laughably unbalanced.


Jugs and PTs would win almost all the time, followed by Sins and Ops.

Healers wouldn't win because they can't dps enough, but a madness sorc would be able to DoT enough and has enough self heals to make a noticeable difference.


When you hold that one node practice during the match, its what I do.

Its better than dummy parsing since they hit back and you have to learn how to use your DCDs properly.

Its in those matches where I get the most solo kills, because they get overly confident and think they can solo me.

Truth is, without their healer they get burst down fast.

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Well I still think a solo queue could be a lot of fun, and what might be a given in theory is possible not a reflection of actual matches.


As for using a terrible unbalanced match for training purposes, well, no thanks, I will pass and find a new warzone instead :)

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Well I still think a solo queue could be a lot of fun, and what might be a given in theory is possible not a reflection of actual matches.


As for using a terrible unbalanced match for training purposes, well, no thanks, I will pass and find a new warzone instead :)


It would be just like most 1v1 matches that are held by different guilds.

The "heavy" classes will always win against the glass cannons.


There's always a separate bracket for stealth too.

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