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GSF BOTS - A proposal


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I was just in a galactic starfighter match of 8v8 deathmatch, during the entire match there were 4 people on my team with 0 kills, 0 assists, 0 damage, and 0% hit ratio. I vote kicked a number of them while I was getting dead, which miraculously, they were not for unknown reasons. Then the system decides they 'initiated combat' and the vote kicks were cleared.




Would it be too much to ask that anyone who does not hit a single target and may or may not fire a weapon gets no rewards at all. No EXP, no fleet comms, zero count on the dailies, and no credits...


you did nothing, you earn nothing! PERIOD!


That should clear up the script kiddie gold miners from abusing GSF because they somehow get rewarded for nothing...

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