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Sages/Inquisitors are WAY TOO OP!!!


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A good player who knows their way around a sage/sorc know how to stay alive 1v1, its not hard to focus one to take them down, however, if there is more then two sorcs in an 8v8 match, it might get a little harder, but each class can be taken down if you know what your doing. I get a kick out of it when people get my sage down and I bubble, they keep attacking me, thinking I'll somehow die, but to say a specific class is OP is telling everyone you're not a good player and want the playing field on your level.


Well honestly.. bubble was a bad mechanic in WoW on Paladins.. and even worse on a class that are enormous tools.. err i mean on classes with such an enormous tool kit. These OP classes provide cover for avg to below avg skilled players.. they still look good playing this silly class. Not saying great players dont also play this class as I'm sure some do.. they just throw up a lil in their mouth when looking in a mirror.

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What is with the sorc hate lol. I'd rather keep sorc heals in its current iteration rather than have no healer able to match burst damage under pressure. And madness isn't exactly a jugg tank, get up close and interrupt, cc, burst them. Lightning isn't even something to bring up in a thread like this, it's under performing
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What is with the sorc hate lol. I'd rather keep sorc heals in its current iteration rather than have no healer able to match burst damage under pressure. And madness isn't exactly a jugg tank, get up close and interrupt, cc, burst them. Lightning isn't even something to bring up in a thread like this, it's under performing


Good luck trying to be objective in this whine thread. No one has time to consider what you are saying, they are too busy manufacturing an ocean of tears.

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All this QQ about phasewalk... People seem to forget forcespeed cooldown was increased. Sure, they didn't "need" phasewalk, but.... Currently, you HAVE to use phasewalk, and use it properly, to survive. Before it was force speed and kite kite kite, force speed. Now it's force speed, kite, phasewalk, kite kite kite, drop phasewalk again (which needs to be planned on cooldown, also taking away time from healing or dpsing)... you get the picture? A sorc is just rather annoying with phasewalk, and in some ways it reduces their potential performance.... But they would still be kiting you at a similar rate of escapes.



Anyway, I would have much prefered mobile Force Lightning over phasewalk. Now, that would have been fun! :)

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Well honestly.. bubble was a bad mechanic in WoW on Paladins.. and even worse on a class that are enormous tools.. err i mean on classes with such an enormous tool kit. These OP classes provide cover for avg to below avg skilled players.. they still look good playing this silly class. Not saying great players dont also play this class as I'm sure some do.. they just throw up a lil in their mouth when looking in a mirror.


To say that this "OP class" provides cover for avg-to below avg skilled players, is a little wrong. Sages are not immortal. They are just able to out heal your dps while they dot and stun you.


A few tips for taking out healers:


1. Interrupt and stun them while another players attack them.

2. throw a "marker" on them and let people know to CC or focus them.

3. CC the healer yourself.

4. focus the healer to the point that they either have to bubble, or focus healing themselves and not their teammates.

5. If you are unable to do any of the above, re-gear, re-spec, or let your teammates handle the healer.

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To say that this "OP class" provides cover for avg-to below avg skilled players, is a little wrong. Sages are not immortal. They are just able to out heal your dps while they dot and stun you.


A few tips for taking out healers:


1. Interrupt and stun them while another players attack them.

2. throw a "marker" on them and let people know to CC or focus them.

3. CC the healer yourself.

4. focus the healer to the point that they either have to bubble, or focus healing themselves and not their teammates.

5. If you are unable to do any of the above, re-gear, re-spec, or let your teammates handle the healer.


Except with skills such as roaming mend, interrupter and casting while moving healing trance and insta-pubble proc make it really easy to keep your teamates and yourself up while under pressure.

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I main a sorc heals. have since launch day. on BC.


i fully support the fact that we are wayyy to OP at the current build.


we do not need a nerf, we need an adjustment.


what i believe would make pvp much more fun.


- remove completely the +healing from expertise.

- decrease sorc healing overall 1%

- buff other 2 healing classes 2%


i believe this will make the other healers a bit more competitive and healing all around less match breaking than it currently is.


i write this because as a sorc being able to easily tank 1-3 people focusing me, between all my utility and ability to run around while channeling innervate with a decreased c/d is just sad. i swapped to dps, because it feels like cheating to heal as a sorc in this game currently.

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I main a sorc heals. have since launch day. on BC.


i fully support the fact that we are wayyy to OP at the current build.


we do not need a nerf, we need an adjustment.


what i believe would make pvp much more fun.


- remove completely the +healing from expertise.

- decrease sorc healing overall 1%

- buff other 2 healing classes 2%


i believe this will make the other healers a bit more competitive and healing all around less match breaking than it currently is.


i write this because as a sorc being able to easily tank 1-3 people focusing me, between all my utility and ability to run around while channeling innervate with a decreased c/d is just sad. i swapped to dps, because it feels like cheating to heal as a sorc in this game currently.


I can't help but remind people that in regs sorc healers seem to be overperforming. In 4v4s not so much. Against a competent group, sorc heals do what their supposed to but they are not that difficult to kill.


Much of the complaining is coming from one perspective and that's from those who play regs only, and have not had much experience in 4v4s recently.


I don't even play ranked often anymore, but I have been in countless matches of 4v4s against very good premades, and as a sorc healer I have experienced what burst classes are capable of.


If you nerfed sorcs because of regs, that nerf would drastically alter the landscape in 4v4s. I also think there would be no reason to play a healer especially in ranked.


If the only healer capable of managing all the CC, stuns, and burst got nerfed, the healing position in ranked probably ought to just get yanked altogether.


Just do it. In fact, nerf all the healers to a point they are all useless. Why not?


That would be funny seeing group comps for ranked and regs succeed most without having heals, instead focusing on dps that have multiple stuns and CC instead along with tank guard.

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I can't help but remind people that in regs sorc healers seem to be overperforming. In 4v4s not so much. Against a competent group, sorc heals do what their supposed to but they are not that difficult to kill.


Much of the complaining is coming from one perspective and that's from those who play regs only, and have not had much experience in 4v4s recently.


I don't even play ranked often anymore, but I have been in countless matches of 4v4s against very good premades, and as a sorc healer I have experienced what burst classes are capable of.


If you nerfed sorcs because of regs, that nerf would drastically alter the landscape in 4v4s. I also think there would be no reason to play a healer especially in ranked.


If the only healer capable of managing all the CC, stuns, and burst got nerfed, the healing position in ranked probably ought to just get yanked altogether.


Just do it. In fact, nerf all the healers to a point they are all useless. Why not?


That would be funny seeing group comps for ranked and regs succeed most without having heals, instead focusing on dps that have multiple stuns and CC instead along with tank guard.


What would pretty much not affect sorc in ranked would be the removal of on the move innervate.

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sorc heals on it's own isn't so much of the problem. it's cheesey premades queueing up with 2 of them with their own pocket tanks. yeah, that happens a lot. try 4v4 in a pug versus, 2 heal sage premade cross healing each other, not fun.


what needs to happen is cross server queues with a real matchmaking system. one that splits up healers properly, and seperates pug from premade.

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