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System Information


Time of this report: 1/7/2016, 23:18:39

Machine name: KRESO-PC

Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.150316-1654)

Language: Croatian (Regional Setting: Croatian)

System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.

System Model: To Be Filled By O.E.M.

BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG

Processor: Intel® Core i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz

Memory: 16384MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 16280MB RAM

Page File: 5789MB used, 26766MB available

Windows Dir: C:\Windows

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

User DPI Setting: Using System DPI

System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)

DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled

DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 64bit Unicode

dont wanna post the whole thing. Ok so The fps goes all over the place when im steady in Fleet where there are no people arround its over 100+ with Maxed out settings also with very los settings its the same when there are people arround me ex. fleet fps drops to 50-60, when im doing warzones fps goes to 30ish something with alot of stuttering, Doesnt matter if settings are maxed or at the lowest fps are the SAME even with v-sync on.

also fps drops ocurr when i open up inventory, and other tabs, As for the solutions ive used nividia experience to optimize the game for me, nothing. Ive installed directx 9, nothing. Ive tried to delete main art fx.tor file it helped for some ppl but the launcher updates the file and downloads it again, so thats about it


Your system information says you have Direct X 11, but I have seen posts saying SWTOR uses Direct X 9. See the link at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=259967 and see if that doesn't fix your problems.

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Yea i will download dx9, but people dont understand that changing ingame graphic settings has 0 fps difference its tne games fault here


Here are some screenshots in the fleet mind that fps here are still decent, not alof of ppl arround gtn

heres the first one with everything on highest settings: http://prntscr.com/9o9vs7,

Second one when i use AoE skill in fleet with highest settings: http://prntscr.com/9o9vxp

One with lowest settings: http://prntscr.com/9o9vim

went to warzone on novare coast fps dipped to 20-30 depending on the amoung of ppl arround me

also u can see cpu and gpu usage is very low

Edited by RedMercyyy
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This is imho the worst advice I read here. No-one is upgrading to Windows 10 if he or she doesn't really have to. Especially in firms no-one does. They all use Windows 7 instead.


Windows 10 is buggy yes, but I still prefer it over windows 7 that's me though and says Windows 7 will come to an end in 2020, but that gives them 4 years to decide :D

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Pls stop drifting from the topic my patience is growing thinner and thinner


Just say I have am the perfect target to feed of instead of all of your post that beat around the bush. This is the weekend there no mods for ****s sake.

Use the *********** integrated card to play this game.

Edited by adormitul
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The problem with the game is that it doesn't use all the CPU power available.


I've got 2 of my quad core CPU (one for each process of the game) dedicated only for SWTOR when I play. It doesn't reach over 30% of the CPU usage on either core and doesn't reach the 4 GB limit of the Ram available per process due to directx 9.0c 32bits architecture. I've monitored the use of my PC ressources when my FPS drop and the only thing that is higher than normal is the CPU usage. All the rest, including GPU and ram drop slightly. It show that for my system, the bottleneck is the CPU, but the engine isn't using everything that is available to it.


The only way to really fix it is for Bioware to change the game engine to run DirectX 11 instead of 9.0c like right now. It would greatly improve performance, but people with Windows XP and 32 bits systems wouldn't be able to play on their computer anymore.

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The problem with the game is that it doesn't use all the CPU power available.


I've got 2 of my quad core CPU (one for each process of the game) dedicated only for SWTOR when I play. It doesn't reach over 30% of the CPU usage on either core and doesn't reach the 4 GB limit of the Ram available per process due to directx 9.0c 32bits architecture. I've monitored the use of my PC ressources when my FPS drop and the only thing that is higher than normal is the CPU usage. All the rest, including GPU and ram drop slightly. It show that for my system, the bottleneck is the CPU, but the engine isn't using everything that is available to it.


The only way to really fix it is for Bioware to change the game engine to run DirectX 11 instead of 9.0c like right now. It would greatly improve performance, but people with Windows XP and 32 bits systems wouldn't be able to play on their computer anymore.

Well no wonder the game worked better on my old 32bit rig xD,

Ive uninstalled the game and its downloading again i hope something will get fixed but i highly doubt ive made a new char and fps is all over the place from 111 to 50-60 chances are low it will get fixed the the game is fully downloaded

Edited by RedMercyyy
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In game settings


Put those tree and grass sliders to 0

AA set it to medium

Shadows off

Shades to medium

Shader slider full Left

Turn off vSync

Run game in Fullscreen (Windowed) mode


That will improve frame rates on any system


I'm running i7 4700mq

16 GB ram @ 1600

Nvidia GT 755m x2 in SLI AFR2 mode

Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit Build 11082

OS and game on SSD


i7 4770K

16 GB ram @ 2400


Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit

OS and game on SSD


i7 4770K

16 GB ram @ 2400

Asus GTX 760 DirectCUII

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit

OS and game on SSD


All use those settings and run great. Naturally the 780TISC rig runs the best and is on a Qnix 27" IPS @ 2560x1440 at 110 Hz whereas the other 2 run at 1080


Your system should be running at least as well if not better.

Everyone tales frame rate hits inside War Zones and during any combat. The game runs 2 swtor.exe and the engine isn't optimized very well. You can have over 120 FPS standing around on fleet but once you move, start combat, or enter a WZ it will drop. You'll be lucky with more than 40 FPS inside war zones no matter what parts you have

At least Liquor here posted real information while others just pretend the game engine is the most magnificent thing in the world. Yeah the game runs well when you nerf the **** out of settings for a 4 year old game. Everyone who is computer literate knows the game engine has problems and the other people on the thread that are pretending like it doesn't are just ignorant.

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Are you running the bitraider version of the game? That can cause issues much like you are having and it seemed you mentioned you were testing it as it downloaded implied you are?


If so try the full downloaded version, not bit raider. There are guides on how to do those on the forums ( somewhere ) so you might need to search for the info - posts by a user called OwenBrooks were the ones that helped fix this.


The only other time I've had similar issues was with the anti aliasing changes they brought in so turning off AA ( and ensuring it's not forced by my drivers ) helped - in time I completely wiped my systems GPU drivers using an app called DDU and then reinstalling an older driver I had no issues with though lately the newest drivers seem to be ok also so the DDU step can help a lot.

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Are you running the bitraider version of the game? That can cause issues much like you are having and it seemed you mentioned you were testing it as it downloaded implied you are?


If so try the full downloaded version, not bit raider. There are guides on how to do those on the forums ( somewhere ) so you might need to search for the info - posts by a user called OwenBrooks were the ones that helped fix this.


The only other time I've had similar issues was with the anti aliasing changes they brought in so turning off AA ( and ensuring it's not forced by my drivers ) helped - in time I completely wiped my systems GPU drivers using an app called DDU and then reinstalling an older driver I had no issues with though lately the newest drivers seem to be ok also so the DDU step can help a lot.


Sadly the fully downloaded game has the same issue as before il try the driver thingy tommorow but the latest nvidia driver crashes my battlefield 4 and other games im using one from june 2015 i cant check now since im on my phone. So yea ive watched some vids on youtbe and alottttt of swtor youtubers have **** fps. Therd might b a solution to disa ble ingame aoe circles and effecfs i think thats main art fx.tor file but when i delete it the launcher redownloads it.

Forgot to mention using aoe skills fps dips y 20-30 and warzone is a mes stady 20ish sometimes 40 but thats in 4v4.

So ye thats it also il keep this thread going until its fixed. :mad:

Edited by RedMercyyy
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Before the big optimization patch on making graphic files binary instead of large text file i would have to agree large amount of people. What people do not realize when they say beef up computer the skimp on CPU's take a friend of mine he thought he had a top of the line gaming rig. Only to find out his CPU being the main issue with his performance on FPS. He bought a Cheap AMD CPU that was causing a bottleneck on his system.


A bad one at that players were stuttering around on him an warping to other location. He always accused others of hacking. Because after all his top end system could not be causing this it was hackers... Guess what we went trough his system piece by piece replacing each piece starting with video card all the way up to mother board ram and cpu was the last. Guess what happened when he put the new cpu in people stop stuttering and warping around.. You say top of the line but with out doing testing every piece of hardware you just don't know.


It is what we PC tech call known good you replace one piece at a time and find the week link. Turns out his processor was not handling multimedia very well and was defective. Every thing else worked worked fine on his pc. When he ran Swtor poof bad fps at 15fps in warezone with people stuttering and warping around... So unless your a PC tech and have tested each and ever piece of hardware before you blame BW to patch the game to fix a performance issue your having..


Now you will say but game B works fine on my PC it must be Swtor..


You're not a tech. At least I hope not,after reading your post...

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I'm jumping in late with some last straws here. Turn every effect off, Do Not run in windowed mode (full screen only) and definitely have V-Sync off. I have heard of problems with V-Sync in ways that made me shudder:)


What is the minimum resource result for the game and associated processes in this state? Always keep Vertical sync OFF and do not use windowed mode. Try tweaking one aspect only, say 'shadow detail' as an example. Turn it up one point at a time and check results. Turn back off. Do the same for the other settings (if you are patient and you want to fix it this is one way to diagnose issues in communicating streams of data. It took me two hours to find the blooming bug:) Yes 'blooming as a setting:))


At some point (if your absolute base setting was usable) you might find a setting which disagrees with your setup, just one setting can cause this.


Don't use windowed mode, and don't use V-Sync.


I had an issue where occlusion (the light dark effect your eyes get when you move from a dark room into bright sunlight) was initiated into the game and had an effect on blooming (the gentle light spreading around brightening objects) and a purely random match of settings gave me about 25/30 more fps.

Edited by sundogalmighty
Addition for clarity as to my reasoning.
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What is the minimum resource result for the game and associated processes in this state? Always keep Vertical sync OFF and do not use windowed mode. Try tweaking one aspect only, say 'shadow detail' as an example. Turn it up one point at a time and check results. Turn back off. Do the same for the other settings (if you are patient and you want to fix it this is one way to diagnose issues in communicating streams of data. It took me two hours to find the blooming bug:) Yes 'blooming as a setting:))



I had an issue where occlusion (the light dark effect your eyes get when you move from a dark room into bright sunlight) was initiated into the game and had an effect on blooming (the gentle light spreading around brightening objects) and a purely random match of settings gave me about 25/30 more fps.


Well check this

heres the first one with everything on highest settings: http://prntscr.com/9o9vs7,

Second one when i use AoE skill in fleet with highest settings: http://prntscr.com/9o9vxp

One with lowest settings: http://prntscr.com/9o9vim

low settings and maxed settings make almost 0 fps difference fps drops even with everything turned down same as everything on max :S also new update 4.0.4 was expecting some fixed but.. nah

Edited by RedMercyyy
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40-50 FPs might be all you're going to get on that CPU on fleet ... I'm of the opinion graphic settings don't help when what is most likely limiting your FPS is all the processing power being used for all the other players etc. on fleet.


Thus similar results to fleet for you would be found in operations/PVP.


You're old CPU ran @ 3.7 - new one @ 3.4 ... logic dictates you will get worse performance in this game. I would wager you could run this game on say a q6600 @ .5 Ghz faster than the latest skylake cpu and it will run better on the q6600. I see nothing to suggest any improvements in architecture etc. are going to be of much benefit to this game ( especially considering it's a single threaded game ). Raw single core speed is king unless of course you're using AMD where the FPU issue starts to impact on single core performance.


What is your FPS like in say a stronghold ( anywhere there are no other players ) doing aoe's etc. - I would suspect once you limit the other factors ( other players etc. ) then you would see FPS boosts in graphic setting if you don't already hit the 60 cap @ max.


went to warzone on novare coast fps dipped to 20-30 depending on the amoung of ppl arround me


I would expect this @ 3.4 to be honest.


Perhaps there is a means to turn off all the UI flashyness and somehow all the other players effects from their abilities etc. etc. as that is where the draw is likely going to be.

As I said in another thread, this game has far evolved beyond it's original requirements ( yet still states them ) and they've managed to do quite a good job adding in extra flashyness on the limited old engine they have unfortunately it's not seeming to translate well to the ability for players to be able to use it on their older hardware.

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Older quad and even duel core processors (up at 3.2/3.4 gig) can run the game better than later processors with twice the cores and twice the Ram. Interesting:)


Like I said above, speed is king so if you're running say an older 2600K those were kickass for overclocking so you could get those up easily to minimum of 4.3 on most after market air coolers.


I've got a 4690K @ 4.3 and the binning on these chips was a little more all over the place - mine I would consider lower end where better luck in the lottery yielded chips capable of close to 5.0 stable on air.


The 6600K seems like 4.6 is the low end of overclocking now so I imagine really nice performance from those for this game but damn you shouldn't have to upgrade like that to play a ****** looking game like this.

They should have stopped trying to add flashyness to their outdated engine because they were never going to bring the optimisation required to meet said flashnyess that by modern standards is pretty crap to begin with.


I think people would much prefer a lot of the effects reversed if it meant they could get their old performance back.

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the game ran BETTER on my i5 750 2.67 without oc to 3.7 gzh how can i5-3570 perform worse than that ? man stop defending the game and admit theres a problem and atleast try to help without bashing my cpu, and others Edited by RedMercyyy
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