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PvP Gear in PvE, Ops and Flashpoints


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Noob PvP'er question:


I have done some PvP and used the Warzone Comms to buy the Cynosure Survivor's Gear. It gives me better stats than any of the PvE gear I have. Is there any reason not to wear this for my general PvE play?


The stats are the same in and out of PvP content right?

Edited by OtotheN
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For SM content most likely NOT an issue. Might get a few people complaining about it.


For HM or NIM content.. yea you will get a LOT of people complaining about it.


For the most part the gear is decent enough if you know how to play your class reasonably well. If you just button mash and watch stuff die (KOTFE Storyline) and expect same in FP's and OPS then you are likely going to be in for a bit of shock and some negative feedback from others in the group.

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Tactical and HM FPs and SM Ops have bolster, so I wouldn't sweat in on those.


The problem I run into with PvPers in FPs is with the ones who have no idea how to play PvE. They run around constantly (which I guess is supposed to make it harder to target them in PvP), but in PvE it is counter-productive (the computer is not going to have problems targeting the character). And they are sometimes totally unaware of PvE "trinity play."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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As mainly a PvPer that has done a significant amount of PvE the PvP gear is more then good enough for a lot of PvE content. Though as others have said you may get some negative comments from players that don't really understand.


As another said constant moving in PvE, especially as a tank, is counter productive and it is an adjustment as a PvPer as you usually are constantly moving in PvP. That being said most PvPers make just as good or better PvEers because we are used to using all of our abilities and usually are not "clickers" and 99% of the PvE mechanics are straight forward.


In short the transition from PvP to PvE is much much easier then the other way around and your gear should be fine (especially if augmented) except for the top end of PvE content.

Edited by Kawiki
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Expertise stat is useless outside of PvP so you are sacrificing power or other stats in the name of expertise. I would suggest that if your PvP gear is better than your current PvE gear, you need new PvE gear...


Except you're getting the set bonus on a full PvP gear set, which is more valuable than the slight loss of stats in equivalent PvE gear with no set bonus.

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I play PVP and PVE a lot. If you have a fully geared (208), fully augmented and optimized PVP set for your class and know how to play your class well, you're going to have no issues doing SM Operations and HM EV/KP, probably more. It really depends on the group you're with. Tactical and HM FPs aren't a problem either.
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The major problem with a pvp player is the constant moving around to the point I can't target them to heal them. If you are running out of my healing range that creates a problem. PVP you have to move around a lot but not so much in pve so please please do not move out of my healing range.
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Depends on your gear. In bolstered PvE content, you will most likely be fine, but accuracy could be your biggest issue if you are DPS specced. Most PvP BiS gear avoids accuracy, but you may not then have your accuracy bolstered high enough to be effective in PvE. I honestly don't know how the PvE bolster works. Tank or healer specs shouldn't have any issue. The 204/208 gear is most likely not good enough for HM content outside of EV/KP.
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Noob PvP'er question:


I have done some PvP and used the Warzone Comms to buy the Cynosure Survivor's Gear. It gives me better stats than any of the PvE gear I have. Is there any reason not to wear this for my general PvE play?


The stats are the same in and out of PvP content right?


The occasional SM, HM, and NiM Ops I used to run with guildies I mostly did in min/max PVP gear. I quit doing PUG FPs a long time ago, except for when the first tactical came out (forget name) and it was good for leveling. So no clue on current status with FPs as max lvl.


My guildies were good PVEers so if I ****ed up or created some slack to pick up they would. If you're running in PUGs I'd suggest getting and aug'ing PVE gear when you can. Just my take as a mostly ignorant, limited Ops runner, who's only had 1 good PVE gear set since launch.

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Except you're getting the set bonus on a full PvP gear set, which is more valuable than the slight loss of stats in equivalent PvE gear with no set bonus.


This is something I've been wondering. How does the PvP (set bonus) compare to PvE (no set bonus). Is PvP 208 roughly equal to PvE 208? Better? Still worse?

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This is something I've been wondering. How does the PvP (set bonus) compare to PvE (no set bonus). Is PvP 208 roughly equal to PvE 208? Better? Still worse?


Yeah, I had the same question. I just assumed the bonus made up for any drop in number. I've done a bunch of SM ops. Never had an issue with my fully augmented 208 PVP gear with expertise crystals in MH/OH. As long as you sort of know what you're doing, you won't need any carrying, and will likely be carrying other PUGs.


And yeah, I like moving around when I fight too. Just move side to side instead of running circles and you'll be good. Or just jump.

Edited by gocard
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many variables to take into account on what gear is sufficient for player skill/experience level, but let's just focus on the gear itself for simplicity. One conern I'd have off the bat is accuracy if a dps. Most pvp don't bring you to the 110% accuracy range so if you are in the 90% range you'd be missing on a lot of attacks. There probably is some happy medium you can ride until you get a better PVE set. It may be getting 216 comm non token gear and replacing the pve armoring with you pvp set bonus. That gives you pretty decent gear to use while you wait on getting the 216/220/224 token drops Edited by Jamtas
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Sufficient. You can also mix and match. PvP and PvE set bonuses stack to create a 6 piece. Best thing to do is use as much PvE mods and Enhancements and use PvP armorings. Also SM is bolstered so it doesn't matter but if you want the set bonus that is the most effective way to go. Edited by FerkWork
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token 216, the comms ones are still not that good compared to pvp stuff. you get more endurance and mastery but lose power and set bonus


I wrote that if all things were equal (that is, set bonus items since PVP items are set bonus items), then 216 gear is better, which holds true. I'm not referencing comm gear as there is no point in wearing that stuff.

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The major problem with a pvp player is the constant moving around to the point I can't target them to heal them. If you are running out of my healing range that creates a problem. PVP you have to move around a lot but not so much in pve so please please do not move out of my healing range.


We move around a lot because we will get bored otherwise....which is probably why I don't pve that often.

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The major problem with a pvp player is the constant moving around to the point I can't target them to heal them. If you are running out of my healing range that creates a problem. PVP you have to move around a lot but not so much in pve so please please do not move out of my healing range.


Why are you clicking on people to target them? Group frame clicking and keybinds work much better.

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Why are you clicking on people to target them? Group frame clicking and keybinds work much better.


I thought the same thing until the last line about people moving out of range. Tough to keep the yolo melees from diving the other team and still being in range to heal them.

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Noob PvP'er question:


I have done some PvP and used the Warzone Comms to buy the Cynosure Survivor's Gear. It gives me better stats than any of the PvE gear I have. Is there any reason not to wear this for my general PvE play?


The stats are the same in and out of PvP content right?


You'll be fine for anything up to HM ops. It IS possible to do HMs in 208's but it requires the group to be pretty good.

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