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Time to Purge Character Names


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New character names are getting silly.


I know there will be some players stating that they have no problem whatsoever creating new names....

However, I'm tired of nearly every single character name in the galaxy containing an apostrophe or some goofy ascii characters....


And yes I know some players will freak that their accounts that have been dead for 3 years could lose character names. Well they haven't played in 3 years!

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If they have an active account, which means they have been paying for it, whether or not they have played or not they should not lose their names.


I know individuals that are in the service that cannot play and haven't because of that but yet they have kept paying for their sub so no they should not lose their names.

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If they have an active account, which means they have been paying for it, whether or not they have played or not they should not lose their names.


I know individuals that are in the service that cannot play and haven't because of that but yet they have kept paying for their sub so no they should not lose their names.


If it's like the last name purge, no sub will lose their name.

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New character names are getting silly.


I know there will be some players stating that they have no problem whatsoever creating new names....

However, I'm tired of nearly every single character name in the galaxy containing an apostrophe or some goofy ascii characters....


And yes I know some players will freak that their accounts that have been dead for 3 years could lose character names. Well they haven't played in 3 years!

Um, you do realize this is a game in the Star Wars Universe, right? Where apostrophes and any number of symbols are how most names are done.


If you really want a game where you can complain about how people are naming things go look at DCUO.

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This totally reminded me of a Cracked.com article - scroll down to #4 on their list. (In my head, OP is acting like Katy Perry)


My point - why should someone else have to give up their name just because you want it? Hyperbolic analogy: If I want to call my dog Mickey Mouse, could I ask Disney to delete his name, since I haven't seen him on TV for a while?

Edited by CrazyCT
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New character names are getting silly.


I know there will be some players stating that they have no problem whatsoever creating new names....

However, I'm tired of nearly every single character name in the galaxy containing an apostrophe or some goofy ascii characters....


And yes I know some players will freak that their accounts that have been dead for 3 years could lose character names. Well they haven't played in 3 years!



THis is the only way BW is not going to purge names just because you want scruffynerfherder




While you are tired of this method it the only way as even it they purge the names you may find out the person still has a active account and logs on.. So the name you want will still be taken. When BW purged the first time many active subs still kept the names as it went off of active sub accounts at the time. Not time logged in so you may be SOL

Edited by Neoforcer
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I'm all in favor of another name purge. As long as it follows established protocols. Primarily, any active subscription has all its names safe. Period. Exclamation Point.


For the rest, I think it was one year of account inactivity that put a name at risk (e.g., as long as I regularly play at least one character on my F2P account, all my guys' names are safe). But I don't really care if they make it one year, two years, three years, whatever.


The fact remains that garnering support for another name purge is unlikely to have any appreciable impact on available names.

Edited by Thoronmir
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I'm all in favor of another name purge. As long as it follows established protocols. Primarily, any active subscription has all its names safe. Period. Exclamation Point.


For the rest, I think it was one year of account inactivity that put a name at risk (e.g., as long as I regularly play at least one character on my F2P account, all my guys' names are safe). But I don't really care if they make it one year, two years, three years, whatever.


The fact remains that garnering support for another name purge is unlikely to have any appreciable impact on available names.

I completely agree with doing it this way!!!

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I completely agree with doing it this way!!!

My guest bedroom has a closet that runs the entire length of one wall. It is packed with boxes of clothes I never wear. Most, I haven't worn in over a decade. Many are either way too small or way too large for me to wear now (I've sort of settled into a comfortable midrange between fat Thor and skinny Thor). Each New Year, I resolve to clean out that closet. Then I start making a list of exceptions.


Well, I shouldn't toss out all the fat clothes (in case I get fat again). But the same holds true for the skinny clothes ... this may be the year I start exercising regularly. In which case, not only will I lose more weight (and need the skinny clothes), but I'll need to keep all the gym clothes I crammed into that closet ... and is there really a sweatshirt that's too big? I have at last count fourteen pairs of khaki shorts in the closet ... last I checked, I can only wear one at a time. But they're all so comfortable. Then there are the boxes of socks. I'll need the gym socks because ... ya know ... this is the year I start exercising again. Dress socks are independent of my weight (my size 13 feet have never fluctuated since high school), and keeping all those dress socks (like, 20-25 pairs accumulated over the years) just makes sound fiscal sense.


By the time I was done carving out exceptions to my 2016 Clothes Purge, I ended up with one small pile of stuff to take to Goodwill.


So, like I said, purge away! It won't have a noticeable effect.

Edited by Thoronmir
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This totally reminded me of a Cracked.com article - scroll down to #4 on their list. (In my head, OP is acting like Katy Perry)


My point - why should someone else have to give up their name just because you want it? Hyperbolic analogy: If I want to call my dog Mickey Mouse, could I ask Disney to delete his name, since I haven't seen him on TV for a while?


In real life I can name my Dog anythig I want to. I don't have to sit around trying 50 different names until I find one that someone who bought a dog 4 years ago gave his just before he ran it over in his garage and didn't tell anyone. In real life and rpgs and books and movies two different characters can share the same name. It's just in computer operating systems that everyone has to be unique. Mmo'ers have gotten used to it and think it's a feature but that's really just an example of how mmo'ers can get locked into stupid habits and paradigms.


BW has done a name purge before, I'm not sure why they haven't done one recently.


Special ASCII characters are a workaround and they break the main reason we can't share character names in the first place. Unless you happen to know all of the ascii codes like I am starting to you won't be able to /tell or mail or invite or report one Finn with an alt-141 "i" vs one with an alt-161 "i" without right-clicking on the name in chat (in which case the underlying character id might as well be a unique number and not a name).

Edited by Savej
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My guest bedroom has a closet that runs the entire length of one wall. It is packed with boxes of clothes I never wear. Most, I haven't worn in over a decade. Many are either way too small or way too large for me to wear now (I've sort of settled into a comfortable midrange between fat Thor and skinny Thor). Each New Year, I resolve to clean out that closet. Then I start making a list of exceptions.


Well, I shouldn't toss out all the fat clothes (in case I get fat again). But the same holds true for the skinny clothes ... this may be the year I start exercising regularly. In which case, not only will I lose more weight (and need the skinny clothes), but I'll need to keep all the gym clothes I crammed into that closet ... and is there really a sweatshirt that's too big? I have at last count fourteen pairs of khaki shorts in the closet ... last I checked, I can only wear one at a time. But they're all so comfortable. Then there are the boxes of socks. I'll need the gym socks because ... ya know ... this is the year I start exercising again. Dress socks are independent of my weight (my size 13 feet have never fluctuated since high school), and keeping all those dress socks (like, 20-25 pairs accumulated over the years) just makes sound fiscal sense.


By the time I was done carving out exceptions to my 2016 Clothes Purge, I ended up with one small pile of stuff to take to Goodwill.


So, like I said, purge away! It won't have a noticeable effect.

Wow...ya know what I just figured out? You need a house with a bigger closet! Every reason you gave, is one I've justified keeping mine stocked for - double breasted suits WILL make a comeback, and when they do, I have a plethora I'll be able to bust out!

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In real life I can name my Dog anythig I want to. I don't have to sit around trying 50 different names until I find one that someone who bought a dog 4 years ago gave his just before he ran it over in his garage and didn't tell anyone. In real life and rpgs and books and movies two different characters can share the same name. It's just in computer operating systems that everyone has to be unique. Mmo'ers have gotten used to it and think it's a feature but that's really just an example of how mmo'ers can get locked into stupid habits and paradigms.


BW has done a name purge before, I'm not sure why they haven't done one recently.


Special ASCII characters are a workaround and they break the main reason we can't share character names in the first place. Unless you happen to know all of the ascii codes like I am starting to you won't be able to /tell or mail or invite or report one Finn with an alt-141 "i" vs one with an alt-161 "i" without right-clicking on the name in chat (in which case the underlying character id might as well be a unique number and not a name).


I DID say it was hyperbole :p.


You know you can just left click on the name and the '/whisper' with their name shows up in the text box. It's a MUCH faster way than type /w then their name or right-clicking, and saves you from mistyping a special character. And if you want to use their name for a guild invite or something, you can just change the '/whisper' to '/ginvite', or copy paste the name into the search window.I know it's not ideal for you, but it's a good (and faster) workaround.


And I can sympathise with wanting certain names for our characters, but even with a name purge, with people being more concentrated onto less servers, the name you want has a good chance of being taken AGAIN before you get it. Do you want them to keep purging until you get the name you want? And the more popular names (how many variations of Kylo Ren have you seen lately?) you're still going to have plenty of people using special characters in their names.

Edited by CrazyCT
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A better solution would be a total revamp of the naming process. A few people have mentioned this already. I remember playing a game years ago (Sword of the New World, I think) where you picked a surname that was locked to your account, then you could pick any first name you wanted (barring the usual filtered stuff). We already HAVE the legacy name in place. The only problem there is you would HAVE to display the Legacy name so people don't get confused with all the Ahsoka's running around.
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Ii's absolutely time. In fact, it should be an automated system anyway. Characters on accounts that haven't logged in for a couple of months and aren't subscribed should automatically have their names flagged as available again. Edited by DynamiCtagez
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A better solution would be a total revamp of the naming process. A few people have mentioned this already. I remember playing a game years ago (Sword of the New World, I think) where you picked a surname that was locked to your account, then you could pick any first name you wanted (barring the usual filtered stuff). We already HAVE the legacy name in place. The only problem there is you would HAVE to display the Legacy name so people don't get confused with all the Ahsoka's running around.


Unfortunately Legacy names are not unique anymore. They changed that a long time ago.


What would help a lot is if we could have two word names separated by a space. I almost never ran out of names on City of Heroes and I just started playing FF XIV and was able to get my first choice of name that way.

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Dress socks are independent of my weight (my size 13 feet have never fluctuated since high school), and keeping all those dress socks (like, 20-25 pairs accumulated over the years) just makes sound fiscal sense.


I see what you did there ... trying to pick up chicks with that slick, subtle reference to the size of your feet. Well played, sir. Well played.

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Unfortunately Legacy names are not unique anymore. They changed that a long time ago.


What would help a lot is if we could have two word names separated by a space. I almost never ran out of names on City of Heroes and I just started playing FF XIV and was able to get my first choice of name that way.




We don't really need a name purge. We need an overhauled character naming system.

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I am constantly creating alts and yet to have an issue of creating a name for that alt. No special characters ever used. Sometimes something pops in my head that fits. Other times I go thru the random name generator. See something I can work with and tweak it until I'm happy with name. Heck going with Latin words. Finding some that fits the character and then combining them to come up rather cool names sometimes. After a few letter tweaks.


So really a name purge is not needed. People being a little more creative is what is needed.

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While I certainly think some of the names can get a little out of hand, a couple of my characters have special accents in their names because it helps indicate its proper pronunciations. But when the special B symbols, and dots galore and everything are just there so that someone can look like they have the name they actually wanted, it's annoying.
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