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Just cancelled my sub, it feels great


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See I JUST started playing this game A week ago so everything is new to me and I am still learning what to do and how to do it. I'm just waiting for my new desktop PC to arrive so I can continue because my laptop cannot handle the graphics on corusant in the least little bit for my Jedi sentinel missions. I created a level 60 character just to keep playing in the meantime.


I've seen the posts on how this game won't be around for the years down the road like it has been for the previous years but I find it hard to believe that this game is going away anytime soon considering the kotfe expansion JUST came out a few months ago. Maybe bioware did fail to get on the episode 7 hype train but episode 7 is what drove me to WANT to play a story based star wars game that my ps4 does not offer and won't anytime soon hence why I bought a gaming PC to begin with. Sure this game may have its bugs show me a game out there that doesn't, but it won't stop me from enjoying this game for all its worth and for all of you who have been playing for years you should feel lucky. There's not many game that is this enjoyable that has been around this long. I am having a good time with it and I don't see that stopping anytime soon so I do hope this game stays around for a few more years yet. Just my 2 cents. :)

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See I JUST started playing this game A week ago so everything is new to me and I am still learning what to do and how to do it. I'm just waiting for my new desktop PC to arrive so I can continue because my laptop cannot handle the graphics on corusant in the least little bit for my Jedi sentinel missions. I created a level 60 character just to keep playing in the meantime.


I've seen the posts on how this game won't be around for the years down the road like it has been for the previous years but I find it hard to believe that this game is going away anytime soon considering the kotfe expansion JUST came out a few months ago. Maybe bioware did fail to get on the episode 7 hype train but episode 7 is what drove me to WANT to play a story based star wars game that my ps4 does not offer and won't anytime soon hence why I bought a gaming PC to begin with. Sure this game may have its bugs show me a game out there that doesn't, but it won't stop me from enjoying this game for all its worth and for all of you who have been playing for years you should feel lucky. There's not many game that is this enjoyable that has been around this long. I am having a good time with it and I don't see that stopping anytime soon so I do hope this game stays around for a few more years yet. Just my 2 cents. :)


There you go, if you are enjoying the game, keep enjoying it and don't let anyone elses opinion ruin it for you. :cool:

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Why would I convince him to stay? He's attempting to witch hunt the innocent cm since he can't get to the devs, all because his pvp fix wasn't pandered to. Outrageous. This game & he obviously aren't a good fit, so best he be on his way to a gain that actually specializes in his needs. That's just common sense.




That's your contortion of my point. That couldn't be further from what I was getting across.




^ I'm just saying it takes time to get a good grasp of the situation and form an informed opinion. It's no issue for me if people have problems with the game, as I don't presume to speak for anyone but myself.


Dang working overtime I see. You still haven't answered me question yet though. I could use some more cash tbh. :rak_03:

Edited by FerkWork
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The evidence points toward the OP having a valid point, though it is veiled behind a rant, and then diminished by an ongoing argument with a fanboy wearing rose colored glasses.

He does have a valid point though, this game has gone down a road that a great many don't feel like paying for anymore.


I like the game but not a fan boy. What gets me are these people that bash a game, say they cancelled their subscriptions and then get on the forums to continue bashing and complaining instead of just moveing on. I can imagine them in real life. They break up with someone but then continue to txt or call or stalk them to no end. Its pretty pathetic. If you have something else you like then go play it. Staying here to complain just shows how sad a person you really are.

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See I JUST started playing this game A week ago so everything is new to me and I am still learning what to do and how to do it. I'm just waiting for my new desktop PC to arrive so I can continue because my laptop cannot handle the graphics on corusant in the least little bit for my Jedi sentinel missions. I created a level 60 character just to keep playing in the meantime.


I've seen the posts on how this game won't be around for the years down the road like it has been for the previous years but I find it hard to believe that this game is going away anytime soon considering the kotfe expansion JUST came out a few months ago. Maybe bioware did fail to get on the episode 7 hype train but episode 7 is what drove me to WANT to play a story based star wars game that my ps4 does not offer and won't anytime soon hence why I bought a gaming PC to begin with. Sure this game may have its bugs show me a game out there that doesn't, but it won't stop me from enjoying this game for all its worth and for all of you who have been playing for years you should feel lucky. There's not many game that is this enjoyable that has been around this long. I am having a good time with it and I don't see that stopping anytime soon so I do hope this game stays around for a few more years yet. Just my 2 cents. :)


I don't disagree with you at all, SWTOR is THE most enjoyable game I have ever played and I LOVE it. this IS my hobby, it is what I do with the little free time I have had.

I, however, have played since December 26th of 2011 and have done nearly everything there is to do in this game. I don't care for PvP so the things I haven't done I won't do. 3.0 (2014) gave us buggy Ops that get stale real fast and we didn't get any new Ops with 4.0 (2015) and nothing in the way of Ops on the horizon for 2016 either. So no new End game content for a year now and no hope to get any this year either. Many of us who have been playing for a long time are a little bored of doing the same old stuff we have been doing forever.


No I'm not leaving, I'll stay till the end cause I still love the game, but I'll be Playing WoW and ESO more than I will SWTOR. I'll let my Sub lapse and I'll come back when the new chapter gets released then leave again.


BW will lose tons of money because so many game veterans have already done what I'm going to do in February.

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It's direct feedback.


Though BW's record of going on the forums isn't great.. :rolleyes:


No it isn't. Direct feedback is the form you fill out when you unsub. This is just a guy looking for a cookie. I'm firmly in the "just leave" camp. I've never come onto the forums to gripe after I left a game.


Dollars to doughnuts (and I'm sure he'd never admit it) is that he's a sad panda and he wants the world to feel his pain. He wants customers (new and old) to come to the forums and see that the game has clearly "been set on fire" and people that post like this do so because- in typical internet fashion- they don't understand why other people don't see what they see.


Why don't they hate the game, too?


Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Edited by Calinaph
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Nice argument, try making an actual rebuttal, pleb.


no need to make a rebuttal as this thread soley exist for people who is dissatisfied with bioware to ********** their anger and hate. any points i could make will end in me being label as a white knight or just flat out ignoring my views altogether.



keep on jerking off though

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No it isn't. Direct feedback is the form you fill out when you unsub. This is just a guy looking for a cookie. I'm firmly in the "just leave" camp. I've never come onto the forums to gripe after I left a game.




when i leave a game, i just send in a message to the development team and write whatever i feel at that time. i DON'T GO TO THE FORUMS AND LOOK FOR PITY.

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That may not have been your intended point to make, but that was what it came across as.


And the community manager is the one who takes the heat, it is his job, he is the point of contact between community and bioware, so he should be able to handle people being upset with him for things that bioware does.


It only takes a short time to see if something isn't working, and then if you read some you see they have a history of over promising their devs in the end can't deliver on and then not bothering to communicate with the community the facts.


If the want us to accept the fact that things happen, keep us in the loop.


Mr. Musco acts as an ambassador between the developers & the community. He brings their news to us and he gives our feedback to them. He is the middleman mouthpiece for both sides of the spectrum, just delivering the letters he's given. Nothing more. When people have complaints about the state of the game, they should act civilized & tell Mr. Musco (respectfully) to let the developers know that they're unhappy that something didn't come to pass and they'd like a response as to why it was so. But going directly for the throat of the mailman because he just happens to be a representative of the people one is truly unhappy with is audacious. It's not his fault his bag was filled with bad letters or no letters to send.


As for the length of time it takes to accumulate an informed decision, we'll have to agree to disagree. Sure it takes very little time to see the obvious surface problems, but the cracks in the foundation take time & research to get a grasp on I believe.

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Mr. Musco acts as an ambassador between the developers & the community. He brings their news to us and he gives our feedback to them. He is the middleman mouthpiece for both sides of the spectrum, just delivering the letters he's given. Nothing more. When people have complaints about the state of the game, they should act civilized & tell Mr. Musco (respectfully) to let the developers know that they're unhappy that something didn't come to pass and they'd like a response as to why it was so. But going directly for the throat of the mailman because he just happens to be a representative of the people one is truly unhappy with is audacious. It's not his fault his bag was filled with bad letters or no letters to send.


As for the length of time it takes to accumulate an informed decision, we'll have to agree to disagree. Sure it takes very little time to see the obvious surface problems, but the cracks in the foundation take time & research to get a grasp on I believe.


This would be true, if Mr. Musco didnt work at Bioware, its his job to let developers know about things like OP is saying.


So yes, OP is direct feedback

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Dang working overtime I see. You still haven't answered me question yet though. I could use some more cash tbh. :rak_03:


Actually I was thinking that your previous post was on point. I'm not getting paid and here I am arguing about Biowares issues while my own sub is simply ticking down stagnantly. To the void with this humdrum, I'm going to enjoy my playtime. Thanks for open my eyes, Ferkwork. Good day.

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Actually I was thinking that your previous post was on point. I'm not getting paid and here I am arguing about Biowares issues while my own sub is simply ticking down stagnantly. To the void with this humdrum, I'm going to enjoy my playtime. Thanks for open my eyes, Ferkwork. Good day.


May the Dank Memes be with you. :)

Edited by FerkWork
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No, what you showed me was a company with a hunch as to what the problem was. What a I just showed you was the solution that blows that theory out the water. But the sake of good tidings, I apologize for calling you a liar and concede to your point. If you say it happened, it happened.


No you showed no solution... You just said all latency does is give the appearance of warping, that it has no real effect 5his however is simply not the case in a Universal sense. Is it rare? Yeah it is rare...I had what I described happen twice in like 6 years at playing EQ2, but it does happen.

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This is ,sadly,100% correct.

All those that say - shut up and go, vanish silently and do not disturb the calm waters of comfortable pond actually damage the community. There are real issues with SWTOR of lately and people need to be aware of it just as developers are. However sending message to developers that know the state of game better then us and yet cannot do a thing about it for months - no doubt for valid reasons - is absurd and not going to achieve anything.


Warning community that SWTOR is not in healthy state right now at least will make more people aware of it and may help them in the decision-making.

People were saying the same thing in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. So, I can understand that it doesn't seem like much is happening right now but to keep saying the "community" (which is mainly the minority of posters on the forums that keep repeating the same thing over and over in different ways) is in a lowly place and swtor is in a bad place right now is just getting..tiresome. It really gets old after a while.

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People were saying the same thing in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. So, I can understand that it doesn't seem like much is happening right now but to keep saying the "community" (which is mainly the minority of posters on the forums that keep repeating the same thing over and over in different ways) is in a lowly place and swtor is in a bad place right now is just getting..tiresome. It really gets old after a while.


Wasnt there at start of 2012, bought the game just several months before it went FTP so i remember perfectly well when i looked as noob for stuff on forums lots of people warning game is sinking and it will go ftp,and lots of people were in full white knight mode saying that nothing is wrong with it. We both know that it went the way Chicken Littles predicted. And the funny thing same white knights that were ridiculing them defended the move to ftp when it became official. Was it tiresome then too,i wonder....

Never since those months (dying servers ,with my sentinel with high endurance and defense gear trying in vain to find people for heroics on empty planets) i saw such an uproar on forums and such a mess game wise with leads leaving. So when now people say SWTOR is going into maintenance mode and given deja-vu of complete mess of bugs that are not fixed for months and half-baked illogical decisions and developers leaving ,support moving to generic EA one, please excuse me for trusting them more then you.

As for dying - this game will die when license will run out. Not prior to it and not 1 second after it. But subscribing to maintenance game is not for me ,sorry.

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Mr. Musco acts as an ambassador between the developers & the community. He brings their news to us and he gives our feedback to them. He is the middleman mouthpiece for both sides of the spectrum, just delivering the letters he's given. Nothing more. When people have complaints about the state of the game, they should act civilized & tell Mr. Musco (respectfully) to let the developers know that they're unhappy that something didn't come to pass and they'd like a response as to why it was so. But going directly for the throat of the mailman because he just happens to be a representative of the people one is truly unhappy with is audacious. It's not his fault his bag was filled with bad letters or no letters to send.


As for the length of time it takes to accumulate an informed decision, we'll have to agree to disagree. Sure it takes very little time to see the obvious surface problems, but the cracks in the foundation take time & research to get a grasp on I believe.


I will go with he is in a way their ambassador, but ambassadors take the heat from what their governments do or tell them to say because they are the official that is present. It isn't like a mailman, and yes, people should be a bit more polite, but musco and company should also be more involved and helpful in "managing" the community since he is the community manager.


Have you ever seen a house that was tilted, even just a bit, you don't need to take months to years to figure out that something is wrong with the foundation. But, this is a game, and the development department see the "foundation" and don't seem (appearances matter in situations like this) to care as long as they can keep us distracted with other things.


There will always be people who yell fire, but a lot of the people who complain because they care about the game would be more inclined to patience with better communication. Tell us whats happening, let us know what you are planning. As it stands we (others that feel the same, no not all by a long shot I am sure) feel like we, the customer, don't matter to them. Not the best way to encourage customer loyalty.

Edited by Lord_Sleepy
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This game has always been promoted as having a priority on story. If you didn't know that your pvp addiction was a side dish here, then that's your fault, not biowares.


This. Anyone who has played pretty much ANY Bioware game knows that their games are mostly story driven. It's what they're famous for. If you're one of those players whose focus is primarily on raiding and/or pvp, you've come to the wrong place to find it.

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And why not email the company directly. When I am upset about something that is what I do. I was taught that the best solution is deal with the company itself not on the forums when everyone has 3 different opinions depending on their mood.


Emailing the company is next to worthless. The best way to affect a company is to get your opinion public and hope that many others share your opinion. If you email them chances are it won't even be read. At least in a public forum some people read it. Many people have disagreed with it, but others have agreed. It got a heck of a lot more attention than an email would have done.

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