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Just cancelled my sub, it feels great


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How about this then; This time last year most servers were listed as "Standard" or "Heavy" population from the times of 7pm EST till 1 AM est. Since November most servers are listed as "Light" population except the Harbinger which occasionally goes to "standard." Also, the fact that SWTOR went from being mentioned in the fiscal data as the top earner to not even being mentioned in the reports is telling. Yes the newest installments of The Sims and Sim City had so many problems that each were offered for free shortly after release AND being games that are still pretty young they are dirt cheap now. That is going to bring the category, as a whole down, but if SWTOR was still bringing in the $ it was they would mention that given how bad the other games in the category have done. Also 2 of SWTOR's top devs just left with in the past month and a half, they have allowed MAJOR bugs and issues to go unfixed since the launch of 4.0 other major issues are not going to be fixed till Feb 11th when Chapter 10 launches and they threw in the towel on trying to to get events to work at all in December. All match this with the column from December 10th and it paints a bad future for SWTOR. Add in the fact that the Devs are VERY quiet, live streams have nearly stopped, no cantina tour stops in a long time and they can't even take the time to jump on the forums except to talk about broken stuff that now one is gonna fix...


Tell me how to stay positive...


By taking a little notice of the present? Red eclipse & co have been so full lately that there have actually been wait times to get in server. So not seeing what you mean by most being light. Obviously kotfe has renewed interest in the game.


Visceral has been recruiting developers with Multiplayer and MMO experience. This tells me their game may go down that road. SW1313 was a first person Co-op RPG in concept. It wouldn't take much to spin it to an ESO style MMO. ESO is, essentially a Co-Op RPG at this point so it isn't a stretch for a talented team like what Visceral already has and is putting together.


Talented? Visceral? They're in just as much trouble as bioware with their dead space franchise. They were apart of the problem games too. The difference here is Bioware has more than a one hit wonder under its belt to reinforce its confidence.

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while i dont doubt the server pop has decreased, someone in another thread said that they can just change overall population limits on the servers, so it could be 30/50 saying heavy then 30/250 saying light.


smh... Why would they limit the number of people who can join servers, when the whole point of kotfe was to increase the influx of characters? Just pains you to recognize someone elses success doesn't it? For shame. :(

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Well you can also look at this earnings call by earnings call break down... and btw EA did say specifically in the Sims and SWTOR contributed to major financial headaches for them the year the Sims launched... but yeah... ignore facts.


Note I am not saying this = dying... but it sure as heck doesn't = healthy either. So yah not second rate conjecture at all... the link you were responding to is pretty much spot on if you bother to read the financials and not do


Your link is missing a source ._. I would hear this earning call for myself and cross reference data. Knowing the biased disdain you have portrayed for bioware, I can't really take your non-sourced material at face value. =/

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How about this then; This time last year most servers were listed as "Standard" or "Heavy" population from the times of 7pm EST till 1 AM est. Since November most servers are listed as "Light" population except the Harbinger which occasionally goes to "standard." Also, the fact that SWTOR went from being mentioned in the fiscal data as the top earner to not even being mentioned in the reports is telling. Yes the newest installments of The Sims and Sim City had so many problems that each were offered for free shortly after release AND being games that are still pretty young they are dirt cheap now. That is going to bring the category, as a whole down, but if SWTOR was still bringing in the $ it was they would mention that given how bad the other games in the category have done. Also 2 of SWTOR's top devs just left with in the past month and a half, they have allowed MAJOR bugs and issues to go unfixed since the launch of 4.0 other major issues are not going to be fixed till Feb 11th when Chapter 10 launches and they threw in the towel on trying to to get events to work at all in December. All match this with the column from December 10th and it paints a bad future for SWTOR. Add in the fact that the Devs are VERY quiet, live streams have nearly stopped, no cantina tour stops in a long time and they can't even take the time to jump on the forums except to talk about broken stuff that now one is gonna fix...


Tell me how to stay positive...


Visceral has been recruiting developers with Multiplayer and MMO experience. This tells me their game may go down that road. SW1313 was a first person Co-op RPG in concept. It wouldn't take much to spin it to an ESO style MMO. ESO is, essentially a Co-Op RPG at this point so it isn't a stretch for a talented team like what Visceral already has and is putting together.


Were you drunk when you read that Visceral is hiring people with multiplayer/mmo experience? And/Or were you drunk when you read that 1313 was a first person rpg?

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Your link is missing a source ._. I would hear this earning call for myself and cross reference data. Knowing the biased disdain you have portrayed for bioware, I can't really take your non-sourced material at face value. =/


Ummm first direct quotes... since you already refused to acknowledge that I proved you wrong in terms of latency contributing to falling through the world I can understand your disdain for facts and critical thinking. However since Google is apparently beyond you, for your reading pleasure. All you need do is "find" star wars in each one... I did this and everything I posted in that link is a direct, in context quote, quarter for quarter.


Now please note until this very expac I said that the other source you dismiss, Swtoreconomics, while factually accurate was still, imo, a tad pessemistic. However I actually went back and looked at all the prior earnings calls myself the end of November and said "damn he was right and I was wrong."


Why? Because people who engage in critical thinking can actually change their minds when presented with actual evidence.

Edited by Ghisallo
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smh... Why would they limit the number of people who can join servers, when the whole point of kotfe was to increase the influx of characters? Just pains you to recognize someone elses success doesn't it? For shame. :(


what are you talking about? thats a complete non-sequitur. im saying they increase and decrease maximum server size based on demand on the servers at different points in time. youre not even trying anymore, youre just pulling stuff out your *** to try and prove some imaginary point.

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Ummm first direct quotes... since you already refused to acknowledge that I proved you wrong in terms of latency contributing to falling through the world I can understand your disdain for facts and critical thinking. However since Google is apparently beyond you, for your reading pleasure. All you need do is "find" star wars in each one... I did this and everything I posted in that link is a direct, in context quote, quarter for quarter.


Now please note until this very expac I said that the other source you dismiss, Swtoreconomics, while factually accurate was still, imo, a tad pessemistic. However I actually went back and looked at all the prior earnings calls myself the end of November and said "damn he was right and I was wrong."


Why? Because people who engage in critical thinking can actually change their minds when presented with actual evidence.


You didn't prove me wrong in our previous tango, you just didn't bother to read the whole page (second to last comment). It was a broken map causing the error, not latency. Not to mention that still doesn't explain the warping. I was simply attempting to conserve energy, rather than point it out and go scorched earth in the discussion. But thanks for the link, I'll get back to you on this after I finish going over it. :)

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-no new pvp maps in over 2 years

-only 2 operations (that are ranged focused and still buggy), in 2 years

-open world pvp is kill

-broken events

-buffing and nerfing classes that dont need it

-pvp devs clearly dont play pvp alot

-musco lied about never going 14 months without ops

-musco lied about 'better than cross server coming soon' all we got was some vague announcement of an announcement at NYCC

-single player story content where i pay for each part of the story

-obviously everyone should just unsub then resub at the end of the season to get everything. the sub rewards are pathetic


-no communication at all, just vague announcements of announcements as i said before





Eh, leaving country next week and undecided if I want to get a laptop than can run this or just internet basics ( meaning a long break of sorts ) ...


Could use some announcements ...


Ranked 7 for example... or something more than " sub for hk-51 stuff ( in august ) and chap.9 or bust "


but maybe it's just me :)

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-no new pvp maps in over 2 years

-only 2 operations (that are ranged focused and still buggy), in 2 years

-open world pvp is kill

-broken events

-buffing and nerfing classes that dont need it

-pvp devs clearly dont play pvp alot

-musco lied about never going 14 months without ops

-musco lied about 'better than cross server coming soon' all we got was some vague announcement of an announcement at NYCC

-single player story content where i pay for each part of the story

-obviously everyone should just unsub then resub at the end of the season to get everything. the sub rewards are pathetic


-no communication at all, just vague announcements of announcements as i said before





What kind of argument do you want?


Almost everything here stated is fact (Almost). The opinion parts you stated aren't necessarily shared by everyone, however it's good that BW knows why you are leaving. You don't find these flaws/issues to be worthy of continuing to pay money for them. Thanks for the feedback and have a nice life.

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You didn't prove me wrong in our previous tango, you just didn't bother to read the whole page (second to last comment). It was a broken map causing the error, not latency. Not to mention that still doesn't explain the warping. I was simply attempting to conserve energy, rather than point it out and go scorched earth in the discussion. But thanks for the link, I'll get back to you on this after I finish going over it. :)


Oh so you didn't say...


Baloney. High latency only causes you to look like you're moving faster, superficially. Your toon is not actually moving any faster than normal in-game....


And then I didn't show you a game that is specifically asking for people to send them the pings of players around them when they fall through the world because latency CAN can people to fall through the world? Right. If you would have not accused me of lying and immediately assuming another of such (which you did) I would be half as damn mad, but the example I gave of EQ2 was a 100% fact on a Maluus Imbued fight. Maybe you have not played a game where such things can happen but I have and I even showed a "newer" online game that suffers from the same issue.


As such I did not say that the player who started that other thread was 100% telling the truth BUT it is more than technically possible as it happened to me in another game.

Edited by Ghisallo
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By taking a little notice of the present? Red eclipse & co have been so full lately that there have actually been wait times to get in server. So not seeing what you mean by most being light. Obviously kotfe has renewed interest in the game.




It makes sense now, you are on the EU mega-server so you don't notice that a healer can sit in group finder for 2 hours and never get a pop. That one can sit in GSF or Star Fighter que all night and never get to play. You aren't experiencing the extremely light populations that Shadowlands, JC and many other US servers are experiencing. You are on that one European server that most players in Europe have flocked to.

You are the one living in their own little bubble, not us.

Thank you, have a great day.

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What kind of argument do you want?


Almost everything here stated is fact (Almost). The opinion parts you stated aren't necessarily shared by everyone, however it's good that BW knows why you are leaving. You don't find these flaws/issues to be worthy of continuing to pay money for them. Thanks for the feedback and have a nice life.


Wow. I think I've just seen a unicorn. Was that a POLITE ANSWER right there?

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Oh so you didn't say...




And then I didn't show you a game that is specifically asking for people to send them the pings of players around them when they fall through the world because latency CAN can people to fall through the world? Right. If you would have not accused me of lying and immediately assuming another of such (which you did) I would be half as damn mad, but the example I gave of EQ2 was a 100% fact on a Maluus Imbued fight. Maybe you have not played a game where such things can happen but I have and I even showed a "newer" online game that suffers from the same issue.


As such I did not say that the player who started that other thread was 100% telling the truth BUT it is more than technically possible as it happened to me in another game.


No, what you showed me was a company with a hunch as to what the problem was. What a I just showed you was the solution that blows that theory out the water. But the sake of good tidings, I apologize for calling you a liar and concede to your point. If you say it happened, it happened.

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No, what you showed me was a company with a hunch as to what the problem was. What a I just showed you was the solution that blows that theory out the water. But the sake of good tidings, I apologize for calling you a liar and concede to your point. If you say it happened, it happened.


How much does BW pay you to write these posts and how can I get in on the pie?

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It makes sense now, you are on the EU mega-server so you don't notice that a healer can sit in group finder for 2 hours and never get a pop. That one can sit in GSF or Star Fighter que all night and never get to play. You aren't experiencing the extremely light populations that Shadowlands, JC and many other US servers are experiencing. You are on that one European server that most players in Europe have flocked to.

You are the one living in their own little bubble, not us.

Thank you, have a great day.


No, that doesn't make sense at all, seeing as I don't play on red-eclipse. I have a certain disdain for massive servers like that. I just notice the full que timer of the other servers as I'm heading to freedon nad. I'm not in my own bubble, I'm just more observant as to what's going on around me. :o

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It makes sense now, you are on the EU mega-server so you don't notice that a healer can sit in group finder for 2 hours and never get a pop. That one can sit in GSF or Star Fighter que all night and never get to play. You aren't experiencing the extremely light populations that Shadowlands, JC and many other US servers are experiencing. You are on that one European server that most players in Europe have flocked to.

You are the one living in their own little bubble, not us.

Thank you, have a great day.


Shadowlands? I've seen the population at peak time as heavy on that server this past weekend.

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lol I'm not a plant nor am I pulling down a paycheck from bioware or its affiliates. My views & opinions are strictly my own. :p


So is it real money or CC cause I prefer real dollars if I'm gonna to put as much effort as you have into this.

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lol I'm not a plant nor am I pulling down a paycheck from bioware or its affiliates. My views & opinions are strictly my own. :p


Ok, but I'm not sure I understand the purpose of your posts. Do you think you will change the OP's mind by telling him his opinion doesn't matter because he hasn't been here long enough? Do you think your expectations that "story focus" means a complete removal of new end game content will convince him to stay?


I assume you are just posting to argue at this point. The only point you've attempted to make so far is that players who have been here longer are more important. Ironically, they are the ones who are most unhappy with the lack of new content.

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Ok, but I'm not sure I understand the purpose of your posts. Do you think you will change the OP's mind by telling him his opinion doesn't matter because he hasn't been here long enough? Do you think your expectations that "story focus" means a complete removal of new end game content will convince him to stay?


Why would I convince him to stay? He's attempting to witch hunt the innocent cm since he can't get to the devs, all because his pvp fix wasn't pandered to. Outrageous. This game & he obviously aren't a good fit, so best he be on his way to a game that actually specializes in his needs. That's just common sense.


I assume you are just posting to argue at this point. The only point you've attempted to make so far is that players who have been here longer are more important. Ironically, they are the ones who are most unhappy with the lack of new content.


That's your contortion of my point. That couldn't be further from what I was getting across.


Sure. Atleast you've actually take time to form a perspective of the situation. Not that I'm in a position to agree about their financial state of affairs.


^ I'm just saying it takes time to get a good grasp of the situation and form an informed opinion. It's no issue for me if people have problems with the game, as I don't presume to speak for anyone but myself.

Edited by Aeristash
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That's your contortion of my point. That couldn't be further from what I was getting across.






That may not have been your intended point to make, but that was what it came across as.


And the community manager is the one who takes the heat, it is his job, he is the point of contact between community and bioware, so he should be able to handle people being upset with him for things that bioware does.


It only takes a short time to see if something isn't working, and then if you read some you see they have a history of over promising their devs in the end can't deliver on and then not bothering to communicate with the community the facts.


If the want us to accept the fact that things happen, keep us in the loop.

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