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East Vs. West


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I'm just returning to the game after a long break. Recently in Voidstar, people began shouting "left" or "right" based on which door they determined needed the most defenders (I hope). The thing is, left and right are both relative to the direction you're facing.


As a fresh returning player this totally confused me. I asked the team if they meant East or West? They repeated "left!!!". I pointed out that 'left' on the minimap, and 'left' from the perspective from which you respawn are two opposite directions. This guy referred to me as 'The Dumbness', and several on the team threatened to ignore me in chat. ***?


I asked again "Do you mean left on the minimap, as in West?" ... Silence.


I know this community can be toxic, but for people to straight up cut me out of a WZ because of their fundamental misunderstanding of what the words left and right actually mean is absurd. So what am I missing here? Why don't people use cardnial directions to avoid confusion? Is 'left' East or West?

Edited by butforwhy
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I suspect a lot of players don't have the spare brain cells to cope with why "Left" isn't as useful or reliable as "West". I endeavor to hear "west" when they're hollering "left" and hope I don't have to deal with any... "WELL IT WAS MY LEFT WHEN I CALLED IT" malarkey. Obviously it's easier for the cardinally challenged when they can call "grass" or "snow".
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I'm just returning to the game after a long break. Recently in Voidstar, people began shouting "left" or "right" based on which door they determined needed the most defenders (I hope). The thing is, left and right are both relative to the direction you're facing.


As a fresh returning player this totally confused me. I asked the team if they meant East or West? They repeated "left!!!". I pointed out that 'left' on the minimap, and 'left' from the perspective from which you respawn are two opposite directions. This guy referred to me as 'The Dumbness', and several on the team threatened to ignore me in chat. ***?


I asked again "Do you mean left on the minimap, as in West?" ... Silence.


I know this community can be toxic, but for people to straight up cut me out of a WZ because of their fundamental misunderstanding of what the words left and right actually mean is absurd. So what am I missing here? Why don't people use cardnial directions to avoid confusion? Is 'left' East or West?


it comes down to what you are use to and how you think of it. A friend would try and help by point out enemies in a single player game, he was in the same room, if he said either left or right, I generally missed it. Because that isn't how I think of it, so he switched and it helped a lot.


In that situation I would assume it is left or right based on the minimap because the left and right stay the same that way. Just my guess.

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I learned rather quickly that in Voidstar, when they say "left" or "right", they mean the side the door is on if you're in the spawn point looking out waiting for the spawn barrier to drop. "East" or "west" direction would be better, but most of the time they are in the fight when yelling "left!", "right!" quickly and don't have time to peruse the mini-map to see what compass point they are on. And trying to be all logical about it in the midst of the match that you could possibly be losing because you're typing instead of fighting isn't going to net you any warm fuzzy responses.
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Suggest a number designation so that they can use a single keystroke to announce where help is needed.


This would be amazing, but I was in a PUG. Maybe I'm expecting too much. Should I have assumed that East/West would be too obscure to understand?

Edited by butforwhy
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I suspect a lot of players don't have the spare brain cells to cope with why "Left" isn't as useful or reliable as "West". I endeavor to hear "west" when they're hollering "left" and hope I don't have to deal with any... "WELL IT WAS MY LEFT WHEN I CALLED IT" malarkey. Obviously it's easier for the cardinally challenged when they can call "grass" or "snow".


^Very much this.

Thank god they call the sides on the battle of Alderaan, "Snow" and "Grass" rather than left or right, east or west. :p

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RIP, common sense. We knew her well enough. Even if others couldn't be bothered. Ugh.


are you guys done with your circle jerk yet? Honestly, when someone in voidstar say "Left" or "Right", i always check the map to see which side is clearly lacking forces.it is quite literally that simple, but please stick to your excuses.

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I don't do warzones much (haven't run them at all since a while before 4vs4 arenas and Quesh huttball were added, actually) but when I did try them out for a little while "direction to go from spawn point" was always the "common sense" that everybody was using in that particular map. Yes, this means that the meaning of left and right changes when your team switches from being the defenders to being the attackers (or vice versa). But you are the odd one out if you want an external non-situational reference point of east or west.


The shout out isn't really for the people who are already in place. If you're there you can see whether your door is quiet or chaotic, or you can see the same incoming enemies that a teammate's shout out is warning about. The shout out is for people re-spawning and deciding whether they need to go to the left or to the right.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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are you guys done with your circle jerk yet? Honestly, when someone in voidstar say "Left" or "Right", i always check the map to see which side is clearly lacking forces.it is quite literally that simple, but please stick to your excuses.


Congrats, you pretty much proved the OPs point about what toxic nincompoops are constantly polluting pvp. Well done on that front. :cool:

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Congrats, you pretty much proved the OPs point about what toxic nincompoops are constantly polluting pvp. Well done on that front. :cool:


Whatever you need to use as the scapegoat for baddies I guess. He is correct, use some situational awareness and the answer to the OP question becomes fairly obvious.

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Congrats, you pretty much proved the OPs point about what toxic nincompoops are constantly polluting pvp. Well done on that front. :cool:


news flash: everyone is toxic to a degree. everyone trash talk everyone. for example, the OP and another poster proceed to **** talk other players who used "left/right" over "east/west". i am just honest and not trying to mask my intentions at all. Also, PVe'ers is just as toxic as PVP'ers. just please get over your holier than thou attitude punk.

Edited by astrobearx
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I'm not looking for a warm fuzzy response, just a clear unambiguous one.


In that case. West and East is the way to call in VS. The cardinal points of a compass do not change based on your perspective of where you are standing at any one time.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Unfortunately, being a blunt person isn't acceptable in society anymore :(


Yes, using "East", "West" makes sense, but some don't use it. They will use "Left", "Right" based on where the door is if you're leaving the spawn point. Very, very, rarely have I ever seen someone use "Left", "Right" based on the minimap. So arm yourself with that knowledge, and when you go into a Voidstar match and you see someone saying "Left", "Right" for direction, now you know where to go. Or do like Astrobear suggested: glance at the minimap, look around yourself, and judge accordingly. If you are on the West door with no enemies, and someone yells "LEFT!!!!", then you know you need to high-tail it to the other door. If you're in the spawn point, and you have time, someone yells "LEFT!!!" look at your map to see where your teammates are or where the enemy is running to. Or waste time typing, it's up to you really. But if you behave in a way that's causing the match to go in the ******* , don't be surprised and offended about being called out on it. It's not always toxicity when you're being *****ed at for derping **** up. Common sense isn't just using east, west in Voidstar. It's also being able to look around and figure out on your own just *** is going on.

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Unfortunately, being a blunt person isn't acceptable in society anymore :(


Yes, using "East", "West" makes sense, but some don't use it. They will use "Left", "Right" based on where the door is if you're leaving the spawn point. Very, very, rarely have I ever seen someone use "Left", "Right" based on the minimap. So arm yourself with that knowledge, and when you go into a Voidstar match and you see someone saying "Left", "Right" for direction, now you know where to go. Or do like Astrobear suggested: glance at the minimap, look around yourself, and judge accordingly. If you are on the West door with no enemies, and someone yells "LEFT!!!!", then you know you need to high-tail it to the other door. If you're in the spawn point, and you have time, someone yells "LEFT!!!" look at your map to see where your teammates are or where the enemy is running to. Or waste time typing, it's up to you really. But if you behave in a way that's causing the match to go in the ******* , don't be surprised and offended about being called out on it. It's not always toxicity when you're being *****ed at for derping **** up. Common sense isn't just using east, west in Voidstar. It's also being able to look around and figure out on your own just *** is going on.


ALL OF THIS. you can't be blunt these days.

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I admit I use left and right and have since day one, based off the team starting position. Players lament the usage of it for the reasons stated above, but I contend that those players are thinking too much, and as is always the case in combat, simplicity in directives works best.


I suspect a lot of players who also use "left and right" in Voidstar base it off the starting point. So either its a case of differing perspectives or possibly OP, you and others are overthinking the situation.

Edited by StrangeDais
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