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Develop for future, not for lazy people!


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I liked the original game a lot. I play it since Beta and spent far more than 5000€ into it. I devoted, as many others, my life to the game.


I loved how detailed the maps were, how much secret areas there were and of course the datacron hunt was very entertaining all the time. Through the years I became something like a jump and run master of the game through exploring and so on. It is in fact the only reason why I, and many other players are still playing.


Now you geniuses bring out new expansions, maps, ... that totally suck. Alone from the story side that removes people you admired and loved. Then centralizing everything to those three kinds of crystals, removing every other vendor in the game, getting boxes as rewards for missions. Adding level sync that killed every last planetary RP that I loved so much, ... and so on, I could continue this list until you fall asleep.


Even before 4.0 you made the game for lazy people only. Every taxi unlocked right away, quick travel unlocked when you enter an area.


You can not expect from new players to explore without making them explore. Through running around you see new things that will get your fantasies working, you will start to explore the history of the things and this is the basement of new RPers. Instead you make a pure PvE game that just relays on leveling, leveling and having "fun".


Make new planets, like this new green one, Oddessen, .... but make them more expanded like Makeb. Put tricky easter eggs like Datacrons in it, add new beautiful landscapes that you can only reach through jump and run. As a kind of reward for us, the people that play for a long long long time. There is nothing else that you can reward us with and keep us playing. Exploring and RP are the only things that can keep people play for a longer time and still keep them entertained. And only people that keep playing, can keep the game running in longer terms, you see that now.

Edited by LordSodos
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I mean... look at Battlefield 4.. It is EA too, and DICE....


at their new map Dragon Valley 2015 they implemented a massive easter egg that leads you through the entire game, with morse codes, .... and it leads to a uniform that only DICE members usually have... And it took only ONE single developer to implement it.


SWTOR could have such nice things, like the old HK quests where you had to explore, learn how it works, ... just bigger and better.


Some very hard stuff that is spread on every planet of the galaxy... perhaps just some terminals that blink in a certain way.. with some big hints, but still hard to solve, and with a code that changes from player to player, so no one can just type in a code and "here we go!".


And then some armor as reward, that you can really show other people. I explored since Beta and I am still exploring -> And then to get something where you need to combine all your jumping, running, thinking skills and a lot of Star Wars history knowledge... would be very nice and would be a new incentive for people to explore and learn about history.

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I mean... look at Battlefield 4.. It is EA too, and DICE....


at their new map Dragon Valley 2015 they implemented a massive easter egg that leads you through the entire game, with morse codes, .... and it leads to a uniform that only DICE members usually have... And it took only ONE single developer to implement it.


SWTOR could have such nice things, like the old HK quests where you had to explore, learn how it works, ... just bigger and better.


Some very hard stuff that is spread on every planet of the galaxy... perhaps just some terminals that blink in a certain way.. with some big hints, but still hard to solve, and with a code that changes from player to player, so no one can just type in a code and "here we go!".


And then some armor as reward, that you can really show other people. I explored since Beta and I am still exploring -> And then to get something where you need to combine all your jumping, running, thinking skills and a lot of Star Wars history knowledge... would be very nice and would be a new incentive for people to explore and learn about history.


thats an FPS - and this is Bioware NOT EA

additionally dont like the leveveliing go play something else but i doubt ull find as story driven immersive gameplay as here even though many have forgotten this and need to be reminded this is a good game and u CHOSE to keep playing so...like it or leave it but it aint lazy anymore than any other game is these days

and TBH a map in an FPS is vastly different from what ur asking of an MMORPG

go play DCUO or WoW ur opinion will change of this thats for sure from 'lazy game' to 'hey they bring things to the table"

and honesty ur listing things u want in the game that are in the game already

HK missions = Microbinocular missions

Armor = Adaptive go lok at the 100's of models on GTN

Lore n exploration - yeah thats tehre go get it lol

if uve been here since beta and u still are exploring as u said what the issue then cause thats 4 yrs now of exploration

jumping and thinking skills during exploration - have u gotten the corners datacron? or the jawa balloon?

Hard planetary lore objects and rewards and terminals - ya we got those they r called Heroics WB and Solo FP's go do them too


ya dude all these things u feel they r lazy for not having in they do have in so if ur a founder from Beta n u havent done this stuff or wasnt aware of it thats a larger issue


im a founder as well and took a break for a few years and them came back and they added conquest GSF strongholds Alliance Comps Handler Licenses they refined Classes they added utility for the pvp/pve mechanics in an emerg like what exactly did u want more of?

cause u didnt say species or class like most us would have u said things in game.....then said they need to add them maybe u just need to look in ur L screen more and Y screens

Edited by Dawnscar
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Level Sync does not kill RP. It actually enhances my roleplay. I am not sure about you I don't expect my Sith or Jedi to go to a planet with enemies and not be attacked. Those enemies attacking make our guild immersion better as we expect to be attack by enemies, not ignoring us. Enemies should never ignore you, no matter the level.


Whether the taxi's unlocked automatically or not will not stop people from exploring. If I am in the mood to explore, I will no matter if my taxi's are unlocked but then there are days I don't feel like exploring.


Roleplaying is best done with other people and I am not sure about you but I have fun roleplaying with my guild and my boyfriend and in fact we still have our roleplaying going and even our forum roleplay still and we been doing that since launch.


Sometimes it falls on us to help the new players to discover things that we know about . Some will like that, some will not.

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It is both EA. Just that the developers are different.


And no, I devoted my entire life to SWTOR and won't just quit it. I want our developers to work for the money I give them, sorry, I give EA, for it.


ya cause they r bioware devs.....lucasarts devs even EA is like saying walmart makes my clothes no they dont i get it from there tho cause they r the umbrella


and fine dont quit but dont flame the forums cause u want more things in cause unlike most people u seem to be the ONE person whos played for 4 years straight through 20h hours a day and did it all right?

btw if uve 'devoted ur life to swtor" then ud know all the things u complained they need to add r there....

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Level Sync does not kill RP. It actually enhances my roleplay. I am not sure about you I don't expect my Sith or Jedi to go to a planet with enemies and not be attacked. Those enemies attacking make our guild immersion better as we expect to be attack by enemies, not ignoring us. Enemies should never ignore you, no matter the level.


Before level sync you were able to one-hit them in most cases, which was rather realistic than annoying. I don't want to PvE fight during RP. And I will EVER stick to planetary RP, because if you experienced a full planned society built up of RPers in Kaas City, RPing citizens, soldiers, .. sith acolytes, ... you know why.


Whether the taxi's unlocked automatically or not will not stop people from exploring. If I am in the mood to explore, I will no matter if my taxi's are unlocked but then there are days I don't feel like exploring.


No, it does not stop people, but people can escape it. And I first hated the running too, but then I fast saw, what amazing thing you are able to see. The game needs to kill laziness and FORCE people to explore, only through that people get a taste of it. Else they will always choose the easy path.

Edited by LordSodos
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Must seem fresh for you. ;)


tbh not at all haha just like been back 3 mnths already but like there is still lots to do i mean when u look at other MMO's or even offlne games - offliune games have a difinitive end to them and do not evolve

MMO's evolve and do not end so difinitively, additionaly MMO's tend to have alot more busy work that being said this is very much a game with the premise 'i want you to play all sotries once' - hence legendary status n legacy

so IMO if oen hasnt done it all on ALL then u aint don lol ur just bored n bein picky lol

so dow hats MANY others have done! you go to a fresh server and start from square 1 all over again besides they dotn lie about what the game is its int he description everywhere "Story driven MMO"

theres countless hours of PvP/arena/GSF plus all the FP's/OPs/Missions/Explores/Lore/Collections/Conquest/Strongholds/ Datacrons

liek the lsit is legit lengthy and if uve done all of it then u clearly love the game so there is absolutely nothign wrong with a fresh server and if u cant do that then your too focused on the PvP 'I'm the Best' thing othrwise youd enjoy the story


People put 500+hours in like Skyrm and that has like 50% less to do than this game just in comparison the issue isnt the game then its the player

Besides in modern day one has one question to ask themselves "What MMO THEME do i want" and theres no shame in playing other games lol variety keeps things fresh and ncie sub for a mnth then sub to a dif game then come back a mnth worst case u dont get HK55 but lets be honest here He'll be like 2kCC in September lol

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No, it does not stop people, but people can escape it. And I first hated the running too, but then I fast saw, what amazing thing you are able to see. The game needs to kill laziness and FORCE people to explore, only through that people get a taste of it. Else they will always choose the easy path


One thing I am going to say no game should Force a person to do anything as that is not what a game is for. Some people hate exploring, so no they shouldn't be forced to do it. Everyone has something they like or don't like and no one should ever be forced to do something they don't like.

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No, it does not stop people, but people can escape it. And I first hated the running too, but then I fast saw, what amazing thing you are able to see. The game needs to kill laziness and FORCE people to explore, only through that people get a taste of it. Else they will always choose the easy path. .


THIS! that is the rudest statement ive ever seen...why is it u get to FORCE me in a game instead of being CONVENIENT and leaving me ( A HUMAN) with a CHOICE to do something I PAY FOR.......

u understand thats WORSE than what ur issue is atm which is people are lazy cause we have options.....

it truly seems like now ur just frustrated cause we wont accept ur premise but in all reality all the things r in game u just dont wanna do em or u wanna make everyone - why dont u just start an RP guild? try an EU server for RP? i hear they r actually way better for RP NA serves do tend to be end game based.


but i do agree the worlds r getting smaller there and it would be nice to keep the size consistent with what he had in vanilla that being said that wasnt as hardcore story as it is now in KotFE or even SoR but since theyve added many a feature that wasnt there before allowing the world to seem more tangible so u know give n take

Edited by Dawnscar
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THIS! that is the rudest statement ive ever seen...why is it u get to FORCE me in a game instead of being CONVENIENT and leaving me ( A HUMAN) with a CHOICE to do something I PAY FOR.......

u understand thats WORSE than what ur issue is atm which is people are lazy cause we have options.....


The problem starts with the current generation who has no time at all, are stressed and never learned to enjoy and use fantasies. And the game must support it (Perhaps forcing was a bit rude), but the game must support exploring, currently it's like it never existed.

You can even QUICKTRAVEL to heroics now.

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The problem starts with the current generation who has no time at all, are stressed and never learned to enjoy and use fantasies. And the game must support it (Perhaps forcing was a bit rude), but the game must support exploring, currently it's like it never existed.

You can even QUICKTRAVEL to heroics now.


dude...all this is Moot - your no just making massive generalizations and expressing your frustration with younger players...ya sorry this convo is done your not bringing anything to the table but complaining about 'kids these days' now

n btw if u r so hardcore over SWTOR like u say u r then why rnt u on right now doing the things u r posting the game needs....

ur mad cause it can be convenient dude

when it comes down to it MOST issues people have anymore are simple fixes in game, too easy? dont cllick it

ppl troll too much? close chat

QT is stupid - dont click it

Worlds r small - dont mount


see all fixable n not needing to be mad complained about little own ya bringing generational things into this cause all it does is make U seem 65+ n well lets face it thats a troll/flame waiting to happen

frankly the devs should just go thru forums deleting threads - specifically any1 complaining to complain like this one cause its been on way to long for a premise that was "how dare you make my single player MMORPG convenient

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Look in the suggestion box. Then you see how many ideas I bring in, and I want only the best for the people who play and of course mainly the game itself. People who just click their way through the game will not stay in it long, because they never experienced what it is like to BE in the galaxy.


And no, I have nothing against kids, why should I, I have something against people who just want to click their way through the game. You can't click your way through life too, everything I have in the game was earned by hours and hours of playing. I have over 420 INGAME days. That is about 8h per day if you calc it out. And now people who play the game since.... a month have the same things than me, because they just click their ways through, while I had to earn it.

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Look in the suggestion box. Then you see how many ideas I bring in, and I want only the best for the people who play and of course mainly the game itself. People who just click their way through the game will not stay in it long, because they never experienced what it is like to BE in the galaxy.


And no, I have nothing against kids, why should I, I have something against people who just want to click their way through the game. You can't click your way through life too, everything I have in the game was earned by hours and hours of playing. I have over 420 INGAME days. That is about 8h per day if you calc it out. And now people who play the game since.... a month have the same things than me, because they just click their ways through, while I had to earn it.


o so ur butt hurt u didnt get anything special ahhhh the truth!

and uh im sorry if ur jelly of me or other people but thats a u problem not an us or generational or even an EA/bioware issue thats u.

cause u JUST said ur issue is with people who started a mnth ago n have the same stuff as u.....


is this related to your thread " I find the lack of knowledge many players have, ... disturbing. "

cause imo ur just in a bad mood n need to stop trolling forums cause what ur showing is u dont care u dont make constructive criticism ur showing u r sitting there at ur pc complaining the game is here inbstead of playing it.....

so once u read the other thread u see ur real issue "the game is too easy so people who arent fans of star wars play and they screw me up RP-ing and that makes me sad and bitter and imma fan n they rnt so they shouldnt be allowed to do what i do cause i like star wars and they dont know what ti is".


and lets be real here ALL video games r u in a chair looking at a screen hitting a sequence of buttons repeatedly and being entertained by images moving infront of your eyes - thi is ALL games not just star wars not just lazy ones all of em - fun or not ur just a dude in a chair hitting a button 1k times or for 8 hrs straight hitting a series of buttons.

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o so ur butt hurt u didnt get anything special ahhhh the truth!

and uh im sorry if ur jelly of me or other people but thats a u problem not an us or generational or even an EA/bioware issue thats u.

cause u JUST said ur issue is with people who started a mnth ago n have the same stuff as u......


Why exactly do you want to somehow prove me wrong? I experienced the game through RP, side missions and storylines... I want others to experience this Star Wars universe aswell. Only through that we get new people to RP. And only through RP the game stays alive, because RPers do not quit the game that easily, because we know the history of this universe and we are fascinated, that we are inside it.


To come back to your "jelly". You say you are one of those, who choose the easy path, the quick path. Why should I be jealous about you? I am explorer, RPer and do not focus on PvE things. I just find the fact funny, that these people who play for a few weeks have the same things that I have with my four years of playing. But I have something that you people do not have. We have the knowledge, the experience, the glorious times in our brains that we remember. You people say that this does not count, and it reflects our current society. "Only touchable things have worth."


And about your.. constructive critics... is it not constructive, when I tell the forum what I see is going wrong? Is it not constructive if I work months on one idea that I publish then, like my alliance network idea, my grand guild update idea or in the past my galactic stronghold idea, that I had months before they even pronounced it. I help people where I can, check the different posts. Keep your insultings to yourself.

Edited by LordSodos
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I liked the original game a lot. I play it since Beta and spent far more than 5000€ into it. I devoted, as many others, my life to the game.
So... I'm gonna pick your post apart, because this is such an overwrought declaration that it requires a rolled-up newspaper to the nose. I mean, let's have some perspective, ok? You must be an adult if you are putting that kind of cash into the game... it's only been around 4 years so you can hardly say you "dedicated your life" to the game, when you're been an adult longer than the game has existed. I assume you also have a job, some sort of social life, and do some sort of self-care (you know... eat and sleep). "Dedicated your life" to the game? Hmmm... no. I don't think so. Someone who works at Bioware during the day, and relaxes by playing the game at night can say that. You can't.


I loved how detailed the maps were, how much secret areas there were and of course the datacron hunt was very entertaining all the time. Through the years I became something like a jump and run master of the game through exploring and so on. It is in fact the only reason why I, and many other players are still playing.
There are also a LOT of players who hate Jump & Run platform gaming. We do NOT play MMOs for this kind of thing; if we wanted that, we would be playing Super Mario on a console instead (and my console hasn't even been plugged in for about 3 years).

....I hope that they do expand the Zakuul and Odessan maps. I'll agree that they're nothing compared to Coruscant or Makeb, but the story is still being told. When they expand those maps, I hope you do get Datacrons, because while I've resigned myself to not being able to get them all, I don't begrudge you the chance to find and acquire them.

Now you geniuses bring out new expansions, maps, ... that totally suck.
Ehrm. Again... still being developed, the story isn't finished. There is a fair amount to the Zakuul maps, so I would dispute the validity of this claim.


Alone from the story side that removes people you admired and loved.
Easy now, tigger... these are just fictional people. If you mean your own companions, they will be coming back to you eventually. If you mean Darth Marr, well, he's still around. His story isn't done yet... although he's gone on to a decidedly less visceral chapter of it.


Then centralizing everything to those three kinds of crystals
Data Crystals are exactly (EXACTLY) the same as commendations. This is so baseless a statement, I need to pause to laugh in your face, thusly:

Hahahahahahahahahaha > :eek: (that being your face there)


removing every other vendor in the game
You mean vendors for level gear? That is one perspective... everyone has access to a full range of Orange Gear from the level 8 vendor, and a few different Orange gear vendors (security key, social advances, Light/Dark side advances) as well as quest rewards.

...Primarily, what this has done is to create a market for Player Crafted Orange gear, and an improved market for Cartel Market Orange Gear. Like... do I really want to spend 300K buying a Czerka XL-420 Blaster Pistol when I can by a Rancor Suppression Blaster for 8 common data crystals? Hmm.... nope. But, since the vendor who sold that there Rancor blaster is gone, suddenly that Cartel Czerka piece has a bit more appeal.


getting boxes as rewards for missions.
Boxes that give you more Orange gear options? Or class & level appropriate gear?

...what, exactly, is the problem with this?


Adding level sync that killed every last planetary RP that I loved so much
This is just Whining and Cheese. Being level synced does not kill any planetary RP. You have made an indefensible statement here. You can't defend this; try if you must but I will happily dissect your feeble attempts to do so.

... and so on, I could continue this list until you fall asleep.
Your list of entirely imagined complaints? Please do... it's these random flailing, baseless complaints that really show where you're not thinking critically about your criticisms of the game.

...and to be clear, there is room to criticize the game, but if you're going to do it... do it right.


Even before 4.0 you made the game for lazy people only. Every taxi unlocked right away, quick travel unlocked when you enter an area.
There are maps (such as Makeb and Voss) where you really can't get to certain zones without a Taxi... and to be honest, there's no sensible reason to force us to unlock Taxis. Really; all the taxi pad operators would have a clear knowledge of where they can send Taxis, regardless of whether the players know where the taxi pad is.

I mean, I've never been to New York City, but if I wander out of the airport, get into a Yellow & Checker Cab, I can confidently say "Take me to Times Square" without knowing how to get there myself, and trust that the Taxi Driver does.


You can not expect from new players to explore without making them explore. Through running around you see new things that will get your fantasies working, you will start to explore the history of the things and this is the basement of new RPers. Instead you make a pure PvE game that just relays on leveling, leveling and having "fun".
As others have said... shut up.

You don't get to dictate how I play the game. If I want to be forced to do anything.... well, that's just a dumb statement I'm going to squash right there. When game designers force players to do something, they fail. Probably still plenty of threads about M1-4X/Lt. Pierce on the first few pages. Consider how popular forced PvP turned out to be.


Make new planets, like this new green one, Oddessen, .... but make them more expanded like Makeb. Put tricky easter eggs like Datacrons in it, add new beautiful landscapes that you can only reach through jump and run. As a kind of reward for us, the people that play for a long long long time. There is nothing else that you can reward us with and keep us playing. Exploring and RP are the only things that can keep people play for a longer time and still keep them entertained. And only people that keep playing, can keep the game running in longer terms, you see that now.
Ok... you finally said something constructive.

...except the part about RP. The Devs can't mandate RP or put RP into the game. This is a player driven activity.

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So... I'm gonna pick your post apart, because this is such an overwrought declaration that it requires a rolled-up newspaper to the nose.


<snip to not fill the page>


The Devs can't mandate RP or put RP into the game. This is a player driven activity.


+10, Very well said.

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"Lord" Fell. I wrote it as I see it. You see it from a very clear PvE side who does not love exploring, only given PvE content as story or the new expansions.


About the new story... I can say that it is bad, because it shows Vitiate as another being, that can't be him. I studied him in real life and learned to think how he did in the years, and he would never think this way, this is ridiculous. So no matter what happens, they screwed everything up.


About they removing the gear vendors.... I wrote two.. no.. three different threads about this topic. Players lose the feeling that they earn something special through what they are doing. Now they get boxes with gear that looks the same. Or even only crystals from what you can buy another same looking gear. That is centralising and that is bad. Same as in real life. Small shops close and big concerns take over the market. If you get the same for every mission, no matter if you get the mission from an old grandpa or a high-tech Imperial ministry... all you get are green crystals. This does not make fun!


And no, the devs can not put RP in the game, but they can advertise it and pull people to it, instead of pointing in the opposite side.

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I too have been in the game since launch with a recent 6 month break when i returned i must admit i find the level sync a bit much, i started a new toon on ord mantell and not only have they taken away the characters and opening cut scenes for the heriocs and put them to a terminal but due to the level sync i was level 23 before leaving the planet which made the heroics so easy you dont need to group anymore (even though they synced me to lvl 12) and surely that is the idea of an mmorpg, also why are they hiding most side quests, you have to click the box in the map screen which caught me out and also why can you no longer gear your comp with useful gear. Not trying to sound like a hater as i love this game but to me they seemed to be focusing on trying to rush levelling to get to endgame.
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I too have been in the game since launch with a recent 6 month break when i returned i must admit i find the level sync a bit much, i started a new toon on ord mantell and not only have they taken away the characters and opening cut scenes for the heriocs and put them to a terminal but due to the level sync i was level 23 before leaving the planet which made the heroics so easy you dont need to group anymore (even though they synced me to lvl 12) and surely that is the idea of an mmorpg, also why are they hiding most side quests, you have to click the box in the map screen which caught me out and also why can you no longer gear your comp with useful gear. Not trying to sound like a hater as i love this game but to me they seemed to be focusing on trying to rush levelling to get to endgame.


You don't sound like a "hater" if you say what you don't like. That is your right and this is why the community exists. To discuss about these things. And yes, indeed. They even hide side missions, another thing that drags people away from it. The game is based on pure rushing now, instead of slowly leveling and enjoying it.

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