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Hate to say it, but...


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No matter what game I try (GW2,TSW, Repopulation, WOW, Wildstar) I keep coming back to Swtor. GW2 has great visuals, a unique grouping system and various ways to complete an objective. The Secret World has no classes and you can make any kind of character you want plus clothing is just appearance. Repopulation is sort of like SWG with open world capabilities but the graphics feel so outdated. WOW is too cartoonish for me. Wildstar has humor but there is so much ui clutter on the screen it makes it very hard to enjoy. Don't know how to truly explain it but no game has what this game has to offer. I think I'm spoiled by Voice over acting and cinematic cutscenes. However, it's mainly because I love Star Wars that I continue to play this.
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No matter what game I try (GW2,TSW, Repopulation, WOW, Wildstar) I keep coming back to Swtor. GW2 has great visuals, a unique grouping system and various ways to complete an objective. The Secret World has no classes and you can make any kind of character you want plus clothing is just appearance. Repopulation is sort of like SWG with open world capabilities but the graphics feel so outdated. WOW is too cartoonish for me. Wildstar has humor but there is so much ui clutter on the screen it makes it very hard to enjoy. Don't know how to truly explain it but no game has what this game has to offer. I think I'm spoiled by Voice over acting and cinematic cutscenes. However, it's mainly because I love Star Wars that I continue to play this.


Yep. Did the same thing. I tried them all. Well, all the AAA MMOs anyways. After that pitiful journey I returned to SWTOR.

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I completely agree. I've tried many games in the last four years (Wildstar, LOTRO, STO, TSW etc) but I always come back to SWTOR. It's the only game I am willing to subscribe to, even though I am a disappointed sometimes with it (wanting more FPs, Raids, etc and some of the decisions the Dev's make), I think it'll take a lot for me to finally put it down for good. Been here four years and I'm still truckin'!



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Yeah me too. I've tried others, but the lack of voice acting in the others is a bit irritating so I never left this game. Sure, there are annoying things about this game too, but the things I like about this game outweighs those. I'll be trying Blade n Soul in January as it looks pretty good and, if the PvP is as good as it looks, I may be able to overlook the lack of voice acting and grinding and make it my "other game", but I'll be playing Swtor until they turn off the lights.
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I was just talking to my son about this the other day. Him and I started SWTOR together but he has long since moved on from it and basically all MMO's. He asked me why I was still playing it and I said that there is nothing better out there right now. I have played WOW and GW2 and a couple others but always come back to this.


Even though I am not the most social player, I like that there are other humans in the game with me and the occasional teaming up to complete a task. i have been doing more FPs but still cant get into PvP like so many others do.

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No matter what game I try (GW2,TSW, Repopulation, WOW, Wildstar) I keep coming back to Swtor. GW2 has great visuals, a unique grouping system and various ways to complete an objective. The Secret World has no classes and you can make any kind of character you want plus clothing is just appearance. Repopulation is sort of like SWG with open world capabilities but the graphics feel so outdated. WOW is too cartoonish for me. Wildstar has humor but there is so much ui clutter on the screen it makes it very hard to enjoy. Don't know how to truly explain it but no game has what this game has to offer. I think I'm spoiled by Voice over acting and cinematic cutscenes. However, it's mainly because I love Star Wars that I continue to play this.


You are not alone, iam in the same boat, in fact this game spoiled every other MMO for me because they lack the things i like about SWTOR including the combat animations!

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Ditto, I'll add FF14 and Neverwinter to this mix here as well. Neverwinter just doesn't have the right feel to it, and gold spammers absolutely litter the chat everywhere you go, and it's near impossible to squelch. FF14 was quite good, however, and the Heavensward expansion was fantastic, but the raids there feel like they're missing something, PVP is pretty much non-existent (not that it was ever marketed to be a PVP game anyways) and pretty awful at that, and getting into player housing there is impossible to do now with land plots being filled up by inactive players.


SWTOR was my first MMO that I ever dedicated to, and it will probably remain that way.

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I think a lot of that and why SWTOR has people coming back is the concept, and layers of it. What is the player doing, where are they doing it, how and why are they doing it?

In SWTOR each world has a story, each class has a story, and there is room for characters within each class to have differing personalities. It works as a whole, while allowing some freedom.


I recently tried Tera due to a promotion, got through the starting area and was not hooked. There was nothing on a personal level as to why my character exists or should care besides some forced 'friendship' with a child.


I had a lot of enjoyment with Rift a couple years ago, but they had a totally forgettable setting and lore too. The initial hook of being sent back in time (and whatever happened with Guardian, rebirth I think), the use of source-stone and Defiant vs Guardians was cool, but gave way to "generic force from X plane is invading".


Warcraft has gone the same way for me, with so many of the changes between expansions being in books, changing the old world with cataclysm, and then this whole alternate realm time-travel thingy...

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No matter what game I try (GW2,TSW, Repopulation, WOW, Wildstar) I keep coming back to Swtor. GW2 has great visuals, a unique grouping system and various ways to complete an objective. The Secret World has no classes and you can make any kind of character you want plus clothing is just appearance. Repopulation is sort of like SWG with open world capabilities but the graphics feel so outdated. WOW is too cartoonish for me. Wildstar has humor but there is so much ui clutter on the screen it makes it very hard to enjoy. Don't know how to truly explain it but no game has what this game has to offer. I think I'm spoiled by Voice over acting and cinematic cutscenes. However, it's mainly because I love Star Wars that I continue to play this.


GW2: Played Beta for like 30 hours. Had absolutely no desire to buy game as I actually liked GW: Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall MUCH better. Am I alone in strongly preferring GW1 over GW2?


WoW: Played during Cataclysm, never did any current Heroic content bosses. I liked exploring Azeroth, but aside from lots of fun mechanics - portals hidden in whirlpools, interactive environment events, OPEN WORLD PHASING*


WildStar: Created a Mechari Engineer Scientist when it went F2P, and have played it so little that he's only level 20.


TSW: I have played Illuminati and Templar in Issue 1-7, but haven't bought any issues outside the base game yet. Also, I haven't played Dragon past the prologue (was too grossed out by the whole non-consexual thing).


*I know that BW loves their instanced phasing, but I really do miss Open World phasing. Nothing like Sentinel Hill pre and post Defias.

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I've never posted on this site before, but reading all of these messages kinda prompted me to weigh in :p

I've played many MMO's myself, and still do play WoW now and again, but I, too, keep returning to TOR. I'll admit, I am not at all happy with the direction that they've chosen to take with the game (making it basically a single-player experience), but I have some hope that they'll see the light heh. What gets me is the roleplaying capacity that this game has. I've been roleplaying on MMO's for over a decade now (Jesus...) and this game allowed for the best RP experience that I've ever had. I even got my best friend and my college roommate both to start RPing, even though they'd had no previous interest in doing so. I've never played a game that had that kind of appeal, even for those who usually don't care for story.

I think it's an absolute shame that the newest content is stuff that is not open to group play as the old stuff was, and I'm still waiting to see what the fallout will be in the RP community. If that aspect of the game goes, I think I'll move on, but as long as I can shuttle down to Tython and see forty or fifty Jedi and their padawans training with lightsabers, this game will always have a strong pull on my heart

Speaking of heart, I didn't mean to pour mine out like this lol, but I love this game so much, and I've been surrounded by (and participated in) so much negativity about the recent changes to the game that it was refreshing to read all of your posts about the game. I hope y'all continue on in your quests throughout the galaxy, and may the force be with you all :)

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Me too.


I am an old timer, was around long before even simple computer games existed ( pong and the like).


I went nuts with gaming right from the start, and have done a lot.


But SWTOR is my mainstay, definitely my favorite game. Every game has things I'd change or tweak, but that's just how it is. As far as SWTOR is concerned, I am very happy with it and have a lot of fun.

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Yes, I'm the same way. This game and LOTRO are the ones I keep coming back to.


If LOTRO put in companions other than the skirmish soldiers, I'd probably play that more. (I never liked the Captain class.) I feel so alone out there after playing SWTOR.

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No matter what game I try (GW2,TSW, Repopulation, WOW, Wildstar) I keep coming back to Swtor. GW2 has great visuals, a unique grouping system and various ways to complete an objective. The Secret World has no classes and you can make any kind of character you want plus clothing is just appearance. Repopulation is sort of like SWG with open world capabilities but the graphics feel so outdated. WOW is too cartoonish for me. Wildstar has humor but there is so much ui clutter on the screen it makes it very hard to enjoy. Don't know how to truly explain it but no game has what this game has to offer. I think I'm spoiled by Voice over acting and cinematic cutscenes. However, it's mainly because I love Star Wars that I continue to play this.


ikr? even though its not flawless game we always come back. :p

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i have 5 mmos on my pc but the most i play is wow STO and this.


Sto im kind of sick of, while i love star trek as much as star wars its just not fun enougth and the lack of any decent development for any other faction except starfleet has finally gotten to me, but im a lifer so i go back when i feel like it.


WoW i actually returned a few months ago from leaving right before cata hit so for a while i had loads of new stuff to do, and i do like how they are trying to add a bit more story to it like TOR (more voice acting ect) they have made a mess with a lot of things (for example the new post cata azeroth npc talk of how the litch king is dead yet you still go and fight him at 70) there world phasing isn't used enough.


TOR well the content can dry up as the new chapters did so i do get bored but as others have said ive always wanted to start rping and i think TOR may be the best place to try.

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I think I'm spoiled by Voice over acting and cinematic cutscenes. However, it's mainly because I love Star Wars that I continue to play this.


Good because you won't get anything else from this game for a while now :D


Frankly, if this game wasn't about Star Wars it would have failed big time :p

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Good because you won't get anything else from this game for a while now :D


Frankly, if this game wasn't about Star Wars it would have failed big time :p


This post shows you just how good SWTOR really is, and the hold it has on its player base. I give you Eltohan. This dude has cancelled his subscription, deleted the game from his computer, amd yet is still compelled to participate in the forums.


Bravo Bioware....Bravo.

Edited by Klarick
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