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making your companion a healer turns 1-50 content into a movie and not a video game


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why play a video game if literally the only effort required is to load the game. what's the point?


also, by definition, a video game is this:


a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.


when "skill, strength, or luck" become irrelevant.. whats the point?


Your point is moot. Just because you find it pointless doesn't mean others do, nor do you get to decide for others what is and isn't appropriate or "right". That being said, you do get to voice your opinion (as you are). But my point still stands - you don't get to decide for others what's right or wrong.


Also, I'm not sure where you got your definition of "video game" but that's hilariously not true nor would anyone define video games as such. Some best selling and critically acclaimed video games amount to nothing more than "walking simulators". Good example: Stanley Parable, Gone Home, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, etc. And there is literally no such thing as "strength" needed for video games.


As everyone else has said, if you want more of a challenge, there are ways to do so, just like in single player games where you can choose your difficulty, you can do so here in this game as well. Easy, Medium, Hard, Hell, Impossible, etc.


ITT: People being happy for being able to faceroll / AFK during any sort of combat circonstances during their "journey"


I would suggest to all those happy facerollers that you could also just watch a movie or read a visual novel or book instead of "playing" this video "game".


Oh well. Now that you can be lv50 after the 3rd planet and still rock on with lv10 gear with 0 difficulty ever (making gear collecting 100% boring and useless, that's the RPG part for ya) all the while being alone 24/7 (that's the MMO part :p ) people can see the glaring flaws of this "story-driven where choices matter" roadmap when everyone attains "endgame" (more like The End) and realize there is nothing left to do :D


Same thing goes for you. I recently came back - I'm having a ton of fun with the game and I'm doing barely any actual "MMO" content. I'm actually having fun with the facerolling because the BH story is fun as hell. If I'm playing a game for the story (as Bioware tends to do), then fizuck the difficulty - I want to see the story, not have to fight my way to the story.


Could I go watch a movie? Of course I could! (And I have. TFA twice). But there isn't a movie called "Star Wars The Old Republic Bounty Hunter". So instead, I come here and play my bounty hunter and faceroll through content and don't miss part of the story because I'm going from one part of it to another quickly and easily.

Edited by BrienBear
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most of the 1-50 content pre-4.0 was pretty simple. make no mistake.


that said, there were always at least 1 or 2 class bosses, and a few bosses during the world arcs that required you to know what an interrupt was if you didnt min/max.. the boss in the jedi temple for consular at launch required a bit of effort, one of the bosses on the voss world arc was pretty tough, the last boss for the SI storyline, the jedi boss for smuggler, etc..


obviously if you min/maxed both your character and companion, im sure the bosses i mentioned were easier.. but even then, i highly doubt you could AFK them. the point is.. now you can.

Do you happen to have a video of yourself afk'ing a boss fight? If so, please post it. I'd also like to know what buffs you've got going and what level your companion is. Please be sure it's an actual BOSS, not just gold trash...and make it on a later planet, not crap like Ord Mantell. Try it on Makeb or Voss. Try it with only one class buff too.


See, I think you're confused...pre 4.0, EVERY world, except the most current one, was AFK'able because you had out leveled it. Once you got 5+ levels above the planet, nothing would kill you. Now, it's still easy, but at least there's some resistance.


I hate level sync myself, but I think you're whining over a non issue. The game has to be beatable 'at level' because there's no ability for a new player out level something they find difficult, like you probably did in the past.

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Do you happen to have a video of yourself afk'ing a boss fight? If so, please post it. I'd also like to know what buffs you've got going and what level your companion is. Please be sure it's an actual BOSS, not just gold trash...and make it on a later planet, not crap like Ord Mantell. Try it on Makeb or Voss. Try it with only one class buff too.

, granted it's at lv43, but vs a primeval boss and naked with a rank1 influence companion :D
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, granted it's at lv43, but vs a primeval boss and naked with a rank1 influence companion :D

That was a trash gold NPC - it was a DPS companion who was healed the entire fight by the player...


What am I missing exactly? What was I supposed to see?


Naked or not, players are bolstered...you know that right? Little bolster icon...3rd one on the bottom row.

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Not sure if you saw this vid already, granted it's at lv43, but vs a primeval boss and naked with a rank1 influence companion :D


That's actually just an elite, but it does illustrate how all the story quest combat will play itself. And how all the fun and reward has been removed from getting new powers and gear. : \


You know something's wrong when making the numbers go up stops mattering in an RPG.

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That was a trash gold NPC - it was a DPS companion who was healed the entire fight by the player...


What am I missing exactly? What was I supposed to see?


Naked or not, players are bolstered...you know that right? Little bolster icon...3rd one on the bottom row.


I guess ill have to rewatch it because I didn't see the marauder healing his ship droid as it beat the crap out of a gold mob. If you are arguing that this game has some sort of challenge in combat outside of operations then you are just flat out wrong, this game has zero challenge to it.

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You know there are still players that start and do not have all 4 class buffs:cool:


And i did not see a BOSS, 1 elite trashmob is not a boss:D


come on, his ship droid beat it while he was naked, sure he threw a few punches but regardless if it was a elite "trash" mob it still should be nowhere near that easy.....answer me this, do you believe that the combat in this game outside of operations and WZ's has any challenge to it?

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It is a nice change to have the companion healer for all classes early on regardless of them feeling overpowered and I think Bioware has some tough content heading our way that wont be so easy "soloed" by many so all these players complaining about overpowered companions and the game is to easy will do a 180 and start complaining that things are to hard so the haters can hate all they want but this game wont turn into super duper easy mode like world of pandacraft did where you just 11111+loot=beat the game! in a couple three hours.
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Rather than regurgitate some valid points already made here, that seem to be conveniently ignored to extend this thread into more walls of text, I'm replying for the sole purpose of giving a 'yay or nay' response from a relatively 'quiet' soloist sub currently enjoying the game...


I disagree with the OP, and agree with the counterpoints. That is all; carry on. :D

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That was a trash gold NPC - it was a DPS companion who was healed the entire fight by the player...


What am I missing exactly? What was I supposed to see?


Naked or not, players are bolstered...you know that right? Little bolster icon...3rd one on the bottom row.


1/ The player is a Marauder, didn't know Marauders could heal their companions :eek:


2/ Bolstered or not, the player stats has no impact on companions' prowess, they just scale with level (and I only see the Sith Warrior buff icon as third one on the bottom row :rak_02: , also the dude has basically 0 stats everywhere :rolleyes: )


3/ Companions can basically deal as much if not more dps than the player all the while being more tanky and can also heal themselves :D

Edited by Eltohan
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1/ The player is a Marauder, didn't know Marauders could heal their companions :eek:


2/ Bolstered or not, the player stats has no impact on companions' prowess, they just scale with level (and I only see the Sith Warrior buff icon as third one on the bottom row :rak_02: , also the dude has basically 0 stats everywhere :rolleyes: )


3/ Companions can basically deal as much if not more dps than the player all the while being more tanky and can also heal themselves :D

What was the move he was performing exactly? I saw the healing numbers and assumed it was him healing. I don't have a Marauder, so what move is it he's doing?


Why would player stats matter for the companion exactly? They never have...why did you think they would now?


Companions in DPS stance, DPSing, can deal a lot more damage than a player can who's not doing anything...but no companion will out DPS a player who's trying to do DPS.


Companions are useful...they can kill trash...YAY?! Is there something wrong with that? That's a trash gold mob...what would you prefer to happen on trash? When I went back to Belsavis at 60, pre-4.0, my companions could 1-shot golds...were they too powerful pre-4.0 too? Players will never out-level anything again, that has to be taken into account...and I can't stress enough that all that video shows is a companion beating a TRASH NPC...nothing meant to be difficult anyway.

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What was the move he was performing exactly? I saw the healing numbers and assumed it was him healing. I don't have a Marauder, so what move is it he's doing?


Why would player stats matter for the companion exactly? They never have...why did you think they would now?


Companions in DPS stance, DPSing, can deal a lot more damage than a player can who's not doing anything...but no companion will out DPS a player who's trying to do DPS.


Companions are useful...they can kill trash...YAY?! Is there something wrong with that? That's a trash gold mob...what would you prefer to happen on trash? When I went back to Belsavis at 60, pre-4.0, my companions could 1-shot golds...were they too powerful pre-4.0 too? Players will never out-level anything again, that has to be taken into account...and I can't stress enough that all that video shows is a companion beating a TRASH NPC...nothing meant to be difficult anyway.


after all that answer this 1 question...do you find the combat in this game outside of operations and wz's challenging?

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after all that answer this 1 question...do you find the combat in this game outside of operations and wz's challenging?


I do in certain areas of the planet(s). It seems like there are certain areas where the mobs hit harder and I've died a couple times, even with a healer companion as a bounty hunter. I've got my bounty hunter to 51 so I don't know anything beyond that. My legacy level is level 5 at the moment if that makes a difference.

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after all that answer this 1 question...do you find the combat in this game outside of operations and wz's challenging?

Depends...on Makeb, yes...too much so. On Ord Mantell, no. Why should trash be "challenging"? It's meant to keep me from getting "X" too quickly is all.

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Depends...on Makeb, yes...too much so. On Ord Mantell, no. Why should trash be "challenging"? It's meant to keep me from getting "X" too quickly is all.


well I guess if you want to run as fast as possible from one cut scene to another the easier the better, but with story being pushed as end game content then you have to make the "trash" challenging otherwise what else are you doing? might as well just watch a movie....

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well I guess if you want to run as fast as possible from one cut scene to another the easier the better, but with story being pushed as end game content then you have to make the "trash" challenging otherwise what else are you doing? might as well just watch a movie....


That appears to be the point. Per the patch notes for 4.0:




New 1-60 Leveling Experience! Leveling from level 1 has never been more exciting! You can now reach Level 60 by doing Main Story Arc Missions and Planetary Arc Missions.


I'm thinking they basically just want you to bump to 60 as quick as possible to get to the new content.


Also, most of us "new" people are glad for this :)

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It's almost like you can pick your own relative level of difficulty by modifying your companions role or something.


If I load up Fallout 4 and set the difficulty to Easy, can I then cry and whine somewhere that it's not Survival mode and that I want more challenge?

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It's almost like you can pick your own relative level of difficulty by modifying your companions role or something.


If I load up Fallout 4 and set the difficulty to Easy, can I then cry and whine somewhere that it's not Survival mode and that I want more challenge?


:rolleyes: Modifying companion roles does not add any level of difficulty that makes the boring solo content any less boring. Got any other suggestions?

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