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making your companion a healer turns 1-50 content into a movie and not a video game


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I am thinking about other people.


They won't get to experience the fabulous game I experienced.

The game that was easy/normal depending on class you played, with occasional hard missions -mostly advertised by story. I knew beating Baras or Emperor will be hard. I braced myself for hard battle. I felt great when I finally won. Now you fight them on low level planet and from what I read here -they don't stand 1 decent rotation.


That game is gone, and isn't likely to return. The changes made, the work put in to make them, are not likely to be reversed.


I've been here for nearly 4 years, I remember what you remember, but the focus of the game is on a different customer now. The new people don't want to play that game, or they likely would have.

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You can make the game as challenging as you want it. When I want a challenge, I either dismiss my companion or use my companion in another role. I will do things that make things a challenge for me, but I don't expect everyone to play like me.


I can and will adjust to make things a challenge for me without requesting that things be changed to suit my playstyle realizing that there are other players that don't want the challenge


Yea I know rite,

When I really want a challenge I tie both my hands behind my back and push the keys with my tongue. Really makes me feel like I've earned it.


Edited by goodnamebro
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For you. Now how about thinking about other people for once? If you want more difficulty, change companion role, turn off abilities or just dismiss it altogether. There is no problem here other than some players being completely inconsiderate and/or lazy.




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Statement of fact.


The entire leveling process was MUCH easier prior to 4.0. If you found it too much of a challenge, a simple push of 3 or 4 levels would push you above the content and render it into easy mode. Or you into god mode, whichever you wish.




Enough with the hyperbole people.


Right now the leveling process, if you are in the proper level is a BIT easier than before, if you are properly geared. It takes less EFFORT to get properly geared for that level because companions no longer require gear. Also, tanking companions actually tank....certainly better than they did before.


So yes, with the quick travel changes, lack of companion gear, etc it is a bit easier to level at proper level.


Just like before, it is much easier if you OVERLEVEL the content, the difference is that you are downleveled so it is no longer a FACEROLL.


So any claims that the game is substantially easier now, or perhaps poses far less of a challenge now than it did before 4.0 are simply ludicrous.


You have obviously not played through a class story since 4.0 dropped. It's sad how faceroll it is. Level synch does nothing to change that.

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Statement of fact.


Just like before, it is much easier if you OVERLEVEL the content, the difference is that you are downleveled so it is no longer a FACEROLL.


So any claims that the game is substantially easier now, or perhaps poses far less of a challenge now than it did before 4.0 are simply ludicrous.


That *might* be the case for new players. Might be. But for veteran players your logic simply doesn't hold water. Yes, we get downleveled .... but we basically get capped on Mastery/Endurance/Power/Crit. I am level 65 standing on Hutta right now and my gear still reads as 216/220 with 3676 Presence, 542 Mastery, 306 endurance, 83 Power, 1330 Crit, 312 Alacrity and 260 Accuracy.


Sure, I'm downleveled to "12" ....


I actually tested a hypothesis similar to yours a few days ago on a Euro server (TRE) where I have very limited legacy perks. I facerolled everything I touched.


In fact, I decided to level a toon on TOFN just now while writing this. Got him up to level 10 using only what the game gave me, no legacy perks at all. No difficulty at all (maybe took 20 minutes). I did it because I wanted to see the difference in stats/gear. This toon has Mastery 107, endurance 109, and Zero in all other stats. He has the "starter" Rating 2 chestpiece, reward boots, looted (medium) pants and a reward blaster - all other slots empty.


I did use Nico Okar (heals) starting at level 1, because he was available to me, just as he is available to the vast majority of the game's population and I would have picked up Mako through story progression prior to doing the H2s under normal circumstances anyway. Again, faceroll - to include the H2 where you have to fight the Ecovii champion dude in the basement and on the roof. Note: I only used Rapid Shots and Missile Blast. Did not train until I reached level 10 and selected my AC. All facerolling was conducted prior to this.


So, to say that being down leveled to 12 really hampers my level 65 is flat out untrue across the board.


We can still over level (we get downleveled to 2 levels over the planetary "goal"). The major difference is in terms of stats, gear and abilities.

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I am going to give your challenge a try. I would counter with giving MY challenge a try.

Solo a WB. Choose any WB you wish.


Fight more than 7 mobs at a time, a mixture of golds and silvers on any planet north of Tatooine at above level 50 in greens and survive.


Solo any of the group flashpoints (not solo mode) when ten to fifteen levels higher than the suggested level and make it to the end without dying.


Solo the end boss (Dread Guard Legion Commander) for Aurora Cannon in Section X and kill him.


That is the short list...You could do ALL of these things prior to 4.0. I challenge anyone to attempt them now.


You are better than this, LA. Most of your "challenges" are asinine.


Why would I be running around in greens if I have purples? Why would anyone be running around in greens, at all, when blues rain from the H2 heavens?


Soloing a WB 15-40 levels beneath you was never a measurement for difficulty. Ever. Same holds true for SM FPs.


Wait, since when could you get through the doors in AC solo?

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You seem just want to push buttons at this point, rather than contribute anything useful. I'm not shocked, as that tends to the the refuge of the intellectually impoverished and simply add you to the ignore list. Maybe one day you'll figure out how to make a substantive argument instead of trying to be cute and ignore almost everything that refutes yours.

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and still it was way better before 4.0


There is 'not difficult', there is 'easy' and there is 'face-roll'


Now we got face-roll


the game is sooo easy..it sent me an email and told me I won before I logged in....enough with the hyperbole, we get it, you want to micromanage every players experience. maybe you should apply with bioware for the position of "difficulty czar"

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It's been said, ad nauseum (although invariably by the same small subset of the population.


1) Story content isn't supposed to be difficult.

2) Many players are still having difficulties with story champion bosses - it's important to remember there are HUGE variables in level of player skill, up to and including physical disabilities.

3) The option exists for every player to tailor their individual experience by switching off one or more companion abilities - and saying "I shouldn't have to, that's the devs' job" is the sanctuary of the indolent and selfish, who seek to make things too difficult for other players because they can't be bothered to click a couple of buttons.


Selfish? How was it not selfish and indolent for those who wanted the game to be easier? I shouldn't have to gimp myself or my companion to experience a modicum of difficulty.


Newsflash: Champion mobs are SUPPOSED to be challenging at level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am physically disabled (partial paralysis in both hands - and that is just as it applies to the game), life isn't fair, get a helmet.


By your logic there should be NO silvers, golds or champs. Everything should be one-shotted because difficulty.


Post Script; I actually run a DPS companion 99% of the time. Regardless of whether I am playing a DPS, Tank or Healer.

Edited by ekwalizer
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I can make any content challenging for me. I don't need the devs to do it. I been here since way before launch and know how to do things. By now I can solo a lot of things new players can't.


If I want a challenge I will create a way for it to be a challenge for me. I don't expect the devs to make something so hard that some people might have a problem. I have dismissed my companions to see if I can do something on my own without the companions.


When I want a challenge I can do the hard mode flashpoints, operations. Try those if you are looking for a challenge.


This is a game, nothing in this game is really that important to earn it. You can lose those when a game closes. I played swg and I had a lot of things I had done and things I had and guess what I don't have them anymore for the simple fact SWG closes. If you place value on things on things inside a game, you are placing value on the wrong thing.

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Oh please. That looks great on paper, but, it's simply not true. People have made it to "endgame" (ie completed 1 - 50 content) and still not known their ******es from their elbows since this game launched. The current level of content won't stop a person from correctly learning their class if they want to do so. For instance, I've never played a Vanguard/Powertech like... at all. Couldn't even begin to tell you what any of their abilities are- as a results, as I level through the Trooper storyline, I'm teaching myself how to play the class correctly. Level, my companion and/or the "abilities" of the mobs have very little to do with it. The same people that don't understand their class now are the same people that wouldn't have known how to play their class at level 50 four years ago.


People need some personal accountability.


There's a difference between knowing enough to stay alive leveling, and being about to run ops or hard modes. Nobody said leveling used to make players good, just that they had to play. There was a skill requirement, however low, to leveling before 4.0. Now the game will literally handle the combat for you. There's no way to spin this so that fact isn't true.

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This game was never hard. Not during 1.x days and not during 4.x days. You can't ask Bioware to redo the entire game because you've learned to play, have legacy unlocks, gave your companions enough gifts to get them to rank 50, or you make your own gear perfect.


If you want a challenge, turn companions off. Or go to a server where your legacy is 0 and you have no money or unlocks. Or delete and restart.


It's YOUR responsibility to make the game harder or easier.


I like facerolling through content, so I get all datacrons, unlocks, boosts, companions to 50, whatever.


When I want a challenge, I go to another server where I have none of the above.

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This game was never hard. Not during 1.x days and not during 4.x days. You can't ask Bioware to redo the entire game because you've learned to play, have legacy unlocks, gave your companions enough gifts to get them to rank 50, or you make your own gear perfect.


If you want a challenge, turn companions off. Or go to a server where your legacy is 0 and you have no money or unlocks. Or delete and restart.


It's YOUR responsibility to make the game harder or easier.


I like facerolling through content, so I get all datacrons, unlocks, boosts, companions to 50, whatever.


When I want a challenge, I go to another server where I have none of the above.


the problem is.. since 4.0.. you can go to another server.. use ZERO gear currency or legacy unlocks.. and if you set your companion to healer.. you can literally go AFK and let your companion play the game for you. thats not an exaggeration.. ive done it.


and as others have said.. i shouldnt have to gimp myself or set my companion to a different role. ALL companion roles should be balanced to the point where the game is still fun and at least requires you to try. right now, thats not the case with a healer companion.

Edited by SithInitiate
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There's a difference between knowing enough to stay alive leveling, and being about to run ops or hard modes. Nobody said leveling used to make players good, just that they had to play. There was a skill requirement, however low, to leveling before 4.0. Now the game will literally handle the combat for you. There's no way to spin this so that fact isn't true.


glad to see there are a couple people with some sense.


again, i understand the 1-50 content used to be easy. but it wasnt AFK easy. and as you and a couple of others have stated.. it IS that easy now.

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I am sure that all of us disabled players out there are well aware that our ability to fail is our problem, and you're a pretty miserable excuse for a human being if you feel the need to point it out.


The fact of the matter is the difficulty is currently at a level where you can choose how tough you want your gameplay. If you don't want a face-roll, simply use one of the many, many tactics suggested in this thread and countless others made by people like you. You get to play the game at an appropriate challenge, and countless other players who aren't capable of playing at that challenge level still get to play the game. If you don't think that's fair, well, then... as you said, "there is a player problem."


Very well said

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glad to see there are a couple people with some sense.


again, i understand the 1-50 content used to be easy. but it wasnt AFK easy. and as you and a couple of others have stated.. it IS that easy now.


So the question is - why do you care? If you DON'T want it to be AFK easy, then make it not-afk easy for yourself. Saying "It shouldn't be that way" isn't an answer.


Why do you give a ***** how easy it is for others?

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i just went through a perfect example to illustrate this..


i was on taris and going through my bounty hunter story. the only legacy unlocks i have are the character buffs (which existed pre 4.0) and the ability to travel to my starship. THATS IT.


as for gear, ive only put on what ive gotten from quests.. havent used a lick of gear courrency.. keep in mind i used to do that pre 4.0.


the only additional buff i have is the experience buff you get from the cartel consumables and leveling.. it should be noted ive only used ONE cartel consumable.. otherwise, its just been the leveling experience consumable you get from completing quests.


im level 38 and the champion was 33,which, yes, makes the mobs green in level.


anyway.. thats my setup.


on taris there is this champion robot that patrols a small area with a bunch of silver mobs. you basically have to go at least near that area to get to one of the missions.


i decided to fight through it. normally when i do this, i have to avoid the champion and be careful as i kill the rest of the mobs. this time i decided to let the champion come towards me and attack. it eventually did.


i kept killing all the silver mobs and attacking the champion level robot. i killed them all. my health NEVER got below halfway and in fact was nearly topped out the entire time. that encounter required zero effort whatsoever.


and you can dismiss this because the mob was green in level.. but i promise u.. if it were yellow.. it would have been no different.


pre 4.0.. it wouldnt have mattered if the mob was 5 levels below me and green.. there would have been no way i could have taken that group of mobs along with the champion and not gotten below half health.. especially if i wasnt geared (which im not in this case).


now, you could be equal level and not break a sweat. thats what im upset about.


there is a difference between "easy" and AFK easy. the game has become AFK easy. again, it shouldnt matter what role you set your companion to. it should still take at least a little bit of skill to play. with a healer companion, skill is no longer a requirement.

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there is a difference between "easy" and AFK easy. the game has become AFK easy. again, it shouldnt matter what role you set your companion to. it should still take at least a little bit of skill to play. with a healer companion, skill is no longer a requirement.


Who are you to make that determination?

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yes, i realize if i want a challenge.. make my companion a tank or damage dealer.. but it should be said.. the healing companion pretty much makes you unkillable at levels 1-50. i dont mind the content "easy".. but i do mind that the bosses pretty much become irrelevant and no different than the common mob.

Did you find them difficult before 4.0??

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Did you find them difficult before 4.0??


most of the 1-50 content pre-4.0 was pretty simple. make no mistake.


that said, there were always at least 1 or 2 class bosses, and a few bosses during the world arcs that required you to know what an interrupt was if you didnt min/max.. the boss in the jedi temple for consular at launch required a bit of effort, one of the bosses on the voss world arc was pretty tough, the last boss for the SI storyline, the jedi boss for smuggler, etc..


obviously if you min/maxed both your character and companion, im sure the bosses i mentioned were easier.. but even then, i highly doubt you could AFK them. the point is.. now you can.

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Who are you to make that determination?


why play a video game if literally the only effort required is to load the game. what's the point?


also, by definition, a video game is this:


a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.


when "skill, strength, or luck" become irrelevant.. whats the point?

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ITT: People being happy for being able to faceroll / AFK during any sort of combat circonstances during their "journey"


I would suggest to all those happy facerollers that you could also just watch a movie or read a visual novel or book instead of "playing" this video "game".


Oh well. Now that you can be lv50 after the 3rd planet and still rock on with lv10 gear with 0 difficulty ever (making gear collecting 100% boring and useless, that's the RPG part for ya) all the while being alone 24/7 (that's the MMO part :p ) people can see the glaring flaws of this "story-driven where choices matter" roadmap when everyone attains "endgame" (more like The End) and realize there is nothing left to do :D

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