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Where are the flashpoint decorations since the launch of 4.0?

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I have a question, Why aren't flashpoint decorations dropping? Before 4.0 I use to farm Flashpoints for certain decorations like the cryogen med tank from Lost Isle, or the Statue of the Emperor from False Emperor, The Slave Statue from Korriban Incursion, etc. Before 4.0 I was solo farming 50's, had a friend for the 55's, and ran a guild group for the 60's which I noticed the lev(60) flashpoints at the time had a much lower drop rate in comparison to what felt like a 75% drop rate in the older flashpoints.


Since the patch and the recycle of all flash points I've not seen a single decoration drop from the last boss or bonus. I've run so many, and not a single decoration. If a dev reads this or a player who knows more, does someone know what happen to these decorations on the loot tables?


Also the forgotten relics/manaan token don't drop either from the last boss, can't finish my armor set or buy the large obelisk. Oddly enough I see a few of these decorations in the GTN and have been tracking the names of the sellers since 4.0, and one in particular is selling 2 slave statues for 10m each, and since the early access of 4.0 he's been the only one selling them. So I have to assume this guy is lucky or not a single one has dropped for anyone else since the release of 4.0

Edited by ChrisCap
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If you find out, please let me know. My guess is that they wanted to make the drop chance similar to the decorations from Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi but it still is strange. It seems like they want to punish new players after the decorations were so easily farmable prior to 4.0. And for me, something being a low drop rate is no motivation nor does it make those decorations more exclusive since some players already have 50 of them. I rather want it to be a 50% or even 100% chance so I have a motivation to queue up for group finder.
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Hope this issue is addressed, because there is no way i am shelling out 10m on the gtn for an item that was somewhat common before. Just another for the trash pile of 4.0 problems. This, lvl scaling, orange gear removal from heroics, no planet vendors, npc removals, dialogue removals. 4.0 took out more than it added lol.
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Are you talking about HM or SM ?


SM always had a much smaller chance to drop decorations, maybe they moved that completely to HM ?


Always on HM, even before 4.0 I was always running them on HM. The SOR Flashpoints had a lower drop rate but I did see them. As of 4.0 I've now ran every FP to date in HM and not a single decoration has dropped.

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I used to get Decorations off the Bonus Boss in Story Mode Flashpoints, too. Occasionally from the last boss, but not usually.


PLEASE put Decorations drops back into all Flashpoints, including Tactical and Solo Mode! The decorations are fun souvenirs, and with the Star Fortress decorations & so many other ways to get others, there's no need to make the Flashpoint decorations so rare anymore.

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