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If you could have any ONE companion...?


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I don't know, for me this is a hard question to answer. There are companions I really like, certainly. But i am not sure I would want them on any or all of my characters.


It might be kind of odd, but I am pretty happy with Treek and HK as "all class" companions. I would also like the idea of having one or two awesome animals....


Ok, I got it. A rancor. ;)

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Shae Vizla. The show girl. Created a gigantic base just to have a number of attractions, but is not up to actually engage a war. Created a particular room filled with lava to have every possible advantage and still lost the fight. Doesn't seem to take anything serious. Shae Vizla is not a warrior as far as I am concerned, but a glorified circus director.


She has an attitude typical for many NPCs in many games that I resent. She expects the player character to "prove their worth", but has absolutely nothing, nothing to show for herself. I respect other Mandalorian companions such as Akaavi and Torian a billion times over her.


I would think that a younger shae vizla would have been a great companion. Kinda being like a PT tank companion. I would make romanceible, and I think a personality like Harley Quinn would be super fun and less hardened warrior like akkavi

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I find it curious no one mentioned the characters introduced as Watcher 2 or Observer so for. They meant a lot more to me in the Imperial Agent storyline than my crew. Speaking of Imperial Agent side characters... there is Aristocra Seganu. And if you play a female Chiss Imperial agent on Hoth... well, sometimes things are just right.
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In terms of potential love interest I'd find it nice if they covered more species. So far there is...


For male characters the following possibilities (not counting mini-romances):

Human (lots of them, including Theron, thus a male one afaik)

Twi'lek (Vette)

Togruta (Asharra)

Zabrak (Akaavi)

if you want to count that as own species: Cyborg (Mako)

and one where I am not sure whether that counts: Rattataki (Kaliyo)


For females:

Human (including another female one with Lana)

Cathar (Aric)

and if we're thorough about distinguishments: Human Killik Joiner (Vector)


I would really like to see:

Lots of Chiss, both male and female. Both actually cold shrewd calculators with an imperial agent attitude and ones who are actually sweet like honey beneath the surface.

A male twi'lek.

More kittens Cathar.

And least one Miralan.

And if you have a Miraluka as sweet as Visas Marr I won't complaint either. Is Darth Marr a descendant? He always wears a mask - he might be Miraluka, I don't know. Does he have a daughter?


Besides the obvious choice of a lush and misbehaving Zeltron of course.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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So many NPCs all classes run into that have far more personality and interesting character than the originals..


Here's a few I'd like to see as a companion..

But #1 of all, I would like to have one of my own characters as a companion..

Anyway, looking at NPCs.. either 3 of the "Outer Rim Jedi Forces" from the Jedi Knight story..

Bengal Morr would make a good companion.. some story material there.. plus he's Nautolan

Unaw Aharo.. the Bith.. he really came into his own.. from Padawan when ya first meet to Master on Corellia

Lord/Padawan Praven... A Pureblood that was a Sith Lord that you help see the Light and goes to Tython to become a Padawan.. Loads of story material there..

Hallow Voice.. The Esh-kha from the Consular story line.. would make an awesome companion for anyone.. I think his dialogue was some of the best well-written in the game

A good plucky comic relief companion would've been.. Moff Broysc.. haha

Although the crazy old coot would probly end up shooting me..


Ahh.. didn't notice earlier.. someone already mentioned Praven and Bengal.. awesome


also another companion style request.. instead of that Combat Support Droid in Solo Mode FPs.. how about letting us bring a 2nd companion? I mean, they are our crew anyway.. only makes sense one of them would gladly come along to help out..

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Vette or mako. if only one then split my characters into two group with opne lot having Vette the other having Mako.



Out of the new KotFE then it would be Veeroa denz. She has been the last companion I have recruited and given whats happening with KotFE my last one I am going to recruit.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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