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If you could have any ONE companion...?


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ok, not exactly a companion (but neither are Revan and Oteg as mentioned previously), but The Jedi Exile would be great. Also Thana Vesh on the Imp side to balance her out, or maybe the Sith Spirit from Corellia (if you play through a particular class, that is).


An Ortolan might be good, because I could then legitimately wonder about what colour it would go if you put your Ortolan in a food blender and switched it on.


Give me a crew with RIsha, Kira, Nadia and Light-side Jaesa, and I will also want a hot tub on my ship and a mud bath in my stronghold. That would not really help with all the "Galaxy-saving" that we need to do, so that is one that needs to stay firmly off the table, I think.

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If I could have any character as a companion?:

My alts

Thana Vesh



Zash in a clone body. Alternatively, Zash in a floating Mind Prison pyramid that shoots laser beams from its apex.

Every NPC voiced by Jo Wyatt

Satele Shan (provided she comes with that Battle Meditation buff that skyrockets my health, and it actually works)


If I could only have one companion per class (out of the stock companions)?

Knight- Kira

Consular- Can't decide between Nadia and Tharan/Holiday

Trooper- M1-4X

Smuggler- Risha


Inquisitor- Xalek

Warrior- Vette

Agent- Vector

BH- Mako


Companions I would donate:

Rusk, Iresso and Zenith can join Havok squad

Akaavi can join the BH

Qyzen, Gault, Broonmark and Pierce can go wherever they want.

Kaliyo and Skadge can go off a cliff

Quinn can go to hell


Companions I would melt down


Raina Temple


Other: I would sacrifice everyone in the donate/melt pile to a deity/demon of your choice if it enabled me to disintegrate other people's Treeks.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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If you could have any one character in the game as a companion, who would it be?


Bonus: If you could add one companion to a different class (i.e. Kira to Consular or Vette to Bounty Hunter), what would it be?


Ardun Kothe


Although I think many of the IA companions are well done, they don't fit my character. Of the available ones from other classes, Elara probably makes the most sense since I consider my Agent to be a Republic sympathizer. I'm hoping she will be available to other classes at some point.

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An NPC as a companion? Sanju Pyne would be one on my agent. So he and Vector could duke it out over who gets to have my female agent. :p


Now if it was one and only one companion and no one else ever?



Tharan Cedrax







Theron Shan (gotta have a shout out for my male toons)

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Deal! I take the Kaliyo..if you throw more Lana in there :o Oh and Take Corso! for free!!


I was planning on keeping my Lanas, but if that's a deal breaker, I'll spare one or two just to get Kaliyo off my ships. The extra farm boy muscle is appreciated though :)


If we are talking about bringing back some NPCs as companions, I'd like to spend more time with Cytharat and Jonas Balkar. They are my counters for Thana and Jaxo. I'll also propose a thawed out Thexan to counter Vaylin.

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Risha...my smuggler really wants her back.


If I could have any character as a companion?:

If I could only have one companion per class (out of the stock companions)?

Knight- Kira

Consular- Nadia

Trooper- Elara

Smuggler- Risha


On a class basis, I'd probably go for this, except I change the Trooper...


With the new system, I already have two of the companions I really like for everyone.

Edited by Ferretfur
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Well, looking over the thread, there are a few companions which may be difficult in story-context. Here is my views on how viable the existing companions may be, republic only for now.



Jedi Knight

Kira: Only makes sense if the main character is a Jedi, regardless of whether Consular or Knight. Has strong ties to the story, though, which may be used as hook to connect her to any character.


Lord Scourge: Only makes sense as companion to any Force user. Given the development in Knights of the Fallen Empire, he does have a strong connection to the story line as well and may get along very well with a Sith Inquisitor. I've never played through the Sith Warrior storyline, but I get that Lord Scourge basically had the Sith Warrior's old job, which might make the interaction between a Sith Warrior and Lord Scourge interesting..

(Spoiler for a Knights of the Fallen Empire and a mild spoiler for the Jedi Knight storyline)


It is difficult to say how he would react once he found out that The Emperor / Vitiate / Valkorian exists in your mind. He might be tempted and do some funny things to the player character, even though probably nothing as blunt as outright kill him. That would only set the Emperor free, q.e.d.



T7-O1: Already is a companion in Knights of the Fallen Empire.


Doc: I see no constraints there. He is with the Republic but ultimately not above working for Hutts either. Might as well work for Imperial characters for the purpose of defeating Zakuul.


Sergeant Rusk: He's basically a trooper. That he is companion to a jedi already stresses it. Difficult to picture him as companion to anyone but a jedi or a trooper. He would follow Admiral Aygo, though, and heed his commands.


Jedi Consular

Zenith: Hmmm... might work. Zenith hates Imperials like hardly any other character and is, if I am not mistaken, a member of Balmorra's Government. But for the greater purpose he might work with Imperials. His entire attitude is actually pretty Imperial and he is basically a sniper.


Lieutenant Iresso: Another boyscout. Hm. Well, like Sergeant Rusk he's a trooper, but I see him working with Imperial Characters or Smugglers much rather than Sergeant Rusk. Might work.


Qyzen: Already is an available companion in Knights of the Fallen Empire.


Nadia: Hmmm... I am inclined to say "force users only". Makes little sense as companion to anyone who is not a force user, but I would not say that it has to be a jedi.


Tharan: Might work with anyone, but I find it difficult picturing him at the side of anyone who prefers dark side choices.



Corso: Might work for anyone. Like Lieutenant Irresso quite a boy-scout, but even worse at it. I was never sure whether he even noticed that the smuggler actually is a smuggler, and thus probably not a stranger to things like drug trade.


Bowdaar: I see hardly any constraints there. You just better not treat him like a slave.


Akaavi: Actually makes more sense for a Bounty Hunter than a smuggler. Works with any class.


Guss: I'd be curious to see him as companion to a jedi, that might be intersting. But he works with any class.


Risha: I adore Risha, the only companion who does not have a "XY disapproves" constantly popping up when I play my smuggler as an actual smuggler. Thus I may be a bit biased, but I think she might work with a member of any class. And I would totally give her the Eternal Throne once I dealt with Arcann and Vaylin. She is in fact in some ways similar to Vaylin, but unlike Vaylin she is not a sadist and prefers mercy as a tool. She still wants money, luxury and power, and she is shrewd at obtaining it, but she does not usually leave an ocean of dead bodies in her wake.



Trooper companions are mostly difficult for anyone who isn't a trooper.


M1-4X: Already is an available companion, as long as the main character is Republic. Does not and likely will not work for Imperial characters.


Aric Very Republic a character, but then again, he might follow Admiral Aygo and thus the main character. It's difficult to picture him at the side of a Sith, but it should generally be possible for him to work with a member of any class.


Elara Very difficult to picture her at the side of an Imperial character, given her background. Other than a bounty hunter who isn't really Imperial.


Tanno Works with everyone without complications. Especially if they are fond of blowing things up.


Yuun Already is a companion.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Both question one answer .....Kira ...drops mic


I had to cheat and get her back. Right after they said chapter 10 was gonna be put off for another month ... Ive been waiting ... and since I started at launch and Ive always mained a Guardian ... Ive never gotten to use her because I always used Doc. I need dem heals as DPS. But I always wanted her to be the companion I used. I like my Masters and Padawans ... So this week I said the hell with it and got her back early. Kira ftw!

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my first, main, and only fully complete toon is an imperial agent. i never needed a healer companion, so i stuck with the first companion given. as a result, i have far more time invested in kaliyo than any other comp in swtor. if i could only choose one companion to use on all toons, it would be kaliyo.


now if i got to take any character in the swtor universe and make them my companion? beyond any doubt i would choose the pompous darth baras. that voice work is just too good to say no to!

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Shae Vizla even though it wouldn't make any sense for her to become a companion to someone else.

Shae Vizla. The show girl. Created a gigantic base just to have a number of attractions, but is not up to actually engage a war. Created a particular room filled with lava to have every possible advantage (and the show effect of course) and still lost the fight. Doesn't seem to take anything serious. Shae Vizla is not a warrior as far as I am concerned, but a glorified circus director.


She has an attitude typical for many NPCs in many games that I resent. She expects the player character to "prove their worth", but has absolutely nothing, nothing to show for herself. I respect other Mandalorian companions such as Akaavi and Torian a billion times over her.

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Hmm the only way I am taking an Ashara companion ever again is if I can put Zash in her body.


Seriously. I would do that. Give me Zash, in Ashara form.


But best companion across the board? Guss Tuno. He heals you with Jedi powers! and then shoots you with a kolto dart.

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