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Does anyone really want to play as HK-55?


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I thought HK-55's demise was perfectly poignant and should've been left as it were. That they're bringing him back in this silly kind've Nico Okarr fashion is tacky enough...But what's worse is them spending time and resources to create a whole mission around him.


I don't want to play as HK-55 in a new mission. I'd rather play as my own character. I hope this doesn't become a thing they're going to start doing. 'Play as Lana' is probably going to be next.


Yes, I'm very interested in what they have planned for that bonus chapter.

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New mission will just be "kill X, kill Y, kill Z" most likely, anyway.


Most likely that but I put playing as a companion very similar to when WOW made you use a vehicle or use a dragon in the Oculus.


You lost all your abilities for a new set of things that were very specific. It sounds good on paper to have they vehicle feature but in reality is just sucked. Took away from the game more than anything it could ever hope to add when it come to fun and entertainment.


All it did was make sure the learning curve was extended in a way that just wasn't fun. Clear the place and then learn all these new abilities for a few mins and on one boss only. It's was one of those things that sound good but was just bad.


I think HK will be very similar. BW seems to be copying wow rather heavily with this play a companion (aka vehicle) as well as the brawlers guild type stuff coming in February.


I don't see it panning out very well. It was never a big catch in WOW and SWTOR doesn't have strong enough game development to pull it off any better.


Do I really want to play as HK-55? Nope. I can't say that I do given just how generic all those companions are. Nothing to get excited about in that area.

Edited by Quraswren
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Sure. It's not something I was asking for (I was definitely asking for his return, however) but I'm very interested by it all the same. It's not something I would have asked for because I can't remember anything where you got to play as a different character throughout the history of the game, so I wouldn't have even considered it an option to ask for. It sounds fun, though, and considering it's a bonus chapter (ie, optional) I see no issue with it on that level. If you don't want to play as another character, don't. Skip the chapter. If you don't want HK-55 as a comapnion, don't get him. He has a recruitment mission as they mentioned (and I can already envision how that will go) so you don't have to get him anymore than you have to get the SF companions or Qyzen or Forex. It's completely optional.
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I find all Hk' very boring. No desire to play as one.


I'll second that.


HK-47 was good. HK-51 was a decent easter egg, something I enjoy having. HK-55 was just downright useless. Just another try to cash in on this HK-47 easter egg hype that's been going on.

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Sure, why not.

I assume it'll just be scenery we've all seen before, with models we've all seen before, so it's not like a lot of work will go into making something fun and gimmicky for the subscribers.


It's something to keep the mission designers busy while the art teams work on stuff.

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IMO, the best part about The Fade in DA:O was the shape shifting, especially when you get to play as Golem. I was reminded of that during the Imperial Agent's missions where you get to play in droid disguise. Ever since then I wished for droids as a choice for playable characters (the biological parts on the cybernetics armor creep me out) and while playing HK-55 is not quite the same, it's probably the closest to what makes somewhat sense, and I'm looking forward to it.
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I think it would be pretty cool. It will likely only be around 30 minutes of easy combat and several cutscenes though. It won't be worth 8 months of subs and I can see quite a lot of disappointment when it drops due to unreasonable expectations.
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I think it would be pretty cool. It will likely only be around 30 minutes of easy combat and several cutscenes though. It won't be worth 8 months of subs and I can see quite a lot of disappointment when it drops due to unreasonable expectations.

It's a good thing that it would just be an extra added bonus for those 8 months of subscription.


Some of you people are just ridiculous. You make it sound like you're paying $15/month just to get another companion or some extra, meaningless gameplay. Nothing else, just that. And -- beyond even more senselessness -- you claim that you really don't give two flips about getting HK or playing as him, yet make it sound like you STILL have to pay $15/month despite that for.... uhm, reasons?


Seriously. Those of you complaining about that crap really need to see a psychologist.

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It's a perk, and one I think I'll enjoy playing at least once.


As for the people complaining that HK-55 is "being brought back" - why are you so sure it just isn't another model from the same production line? If I wreck a Mustang it isn't as if I couldn't go buy a new one after all. Why shouldn't HK-55 be the same?


Since we've moved away from class-specific stories (sigh) I too would like to see more playable classes added. Knights of Zakuul would be a fun one, as would Droids (everything from astromech to protocol to wardroid to hk to...). I'd love to see "Republic Bounty Hunter" and "Imperial Smuggler". Give them a single chapter's worth of introductory story and make them free for subs and some insane amount of CCs for non-subs and you've got a ready stream of new content to put out.

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I've played other MMOs where there are specific missions where you play as someone else to get some story from their point of view. As long as it's an optional mission it seems fine to me, and probably will be a neat little distraction. Edited by MaximusRex
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I'll check it out if I'm still subbed, but I won't extend my sub just for it. And since there's little chance of not getting bored before Aug 1, I probably won't be playing as the droid. Edited by nagada
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Yeah, I think I will enjoy it, it sounds fun and slightly different PvE content, I remember stuff like this from KOTOR 2 where you had to run missions from a companions point of view.


This is my thought as well. I loved that character and maybe they'll bring him back in the next KotFE chapter in a creative and satisfying way. Here's hoping.

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Yeah, I think I will enjoy it, it sounds fun and slightly different PvE content, I remember stuff like this from KOTOR 2 where you had to run missions from a companions point of view.




I do want to play as HK-55.


One of my favourite Agent missions is walking around as a droid.

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I concur in that this is an excellent option! Though the price wall is indeed a little high (9 months subscription is like giving birth to a baby lol) its still cool, and immersive, adding a fun level to this game which desperately needs it. This game and mmo's in general are not supposed to be endless grinds or hamster wheels (think pvp), but rather an enjoyable, immersive experience.


The content data difference between hk47, hk51 and hk 55 is fun at the very least, and makes for an interesting playthrough. The fact that bioware adjusted to the mass feedback about the loss of hk55 is another step in the right direction as well, playing as hk for a while is in fact a new concept for mmos, taking us out of our main character HUD and avatar to play as something else will be an interesting twist and they may very well be onto something.


Imagine down the road, being able to take on side journeys that have story impact through various unlocked companions? That has extreme potential that is barely being tapped.

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To be fair, playing a chapter as a companion character is definitely a departure from the norm. Granted, it is also something that I have zero interest in, but it certainly is, ah, different.


Honestly, when I first saw the "play as HK-55!" thing, it reminded me of one of their April Fool's pranks ("be the ship droid!"). Funny, novel, and good for a few minutes of amusement . . . but not much beyond that. It is a potentially fun idea, but IMHO it is not good enough (and does not have wide enough appeal) to be the BIG sub reward they seem to consider it to be.

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