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Producer Letter Livestream Wrap-up


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Give us something like cross-server queues, please.


You've already gotten SOMETHING BETTER THAN CROSS-SERVER, remember? Unsure what it was though. 10 million dollar costing, 2 minute lasting awesome CGI about daddy issues is prolly few year's worth of updates for GSF,WZs and OPS in cost. So maybe that was something better?

Edited by Stradlin
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Eric, again I'd like to thank you for not only the update and all of the information that was provided; but continuing to allow us to provide feedback as well as questions. With all of the info given I was left with a few questions still...


1. If we get the extra chapter where we play AS hk-55 does that mean for THAT chapter hk-55 isn't allowed as a companion? Also I assume the hk-55 part is ONLY good for that chapter and we'll be returned to our player looks after wards?


2. Will Theron have a bigger part to play in the upcoming chapters?


3. Is there any hope for the return of companion interactive story conversations? (like the conversations we used to get as we leveled up companions affection... it no longer exists i know it WAS an EXAMPLE!!!)


Thank you (and the rest of the team) in advance for any further info and or clarification you can provide!

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I'll make this brief…


Story is not content. To be clear, I started playing this game in the first place because of story. However, even with that enthusiasm and focus, I wasn't planning on playing for very long. Because story doesn't last. I played KOTOR I probably over 30 times, and ME1 almost that much, but that is dwarfed by the amount of time I've spent in SWTOR.


The time I've spent in SWTOR has not been because of its story. I've certainly played all of the story content, and I've enjoyed it… the first time through. But now it's over. I have no desire to re-play even the KotFE storyline, despite its excellence. Story doesn't retain ongoing activity in the game.


Story is flavor. Content is substance. Content is something that you do in groups, because people are what give meaning and variety to repetitive actions. PvP and GSF are the embodiment of this philosophy, but PvE (especially operations) are as well. Operations, GSF and warzone maps. These are content. These are what players have poured endless hours into repeating, despite the unchanging nature of the boss fights or objectives or terrain. Nobody is pouring that amount of time into any story.


SWTOR needs new content. Desperately. There hasn't been a single piece of new PvE content since 3.0. There hasn't been a single piece of new PvP or GSF content for even longer. Without content, communities have nothing to do. Guilds die and players leave. All you have left are solo players who log in for a few hours every week, trickle-consuming the story.


I'm not even sure there's a question in here, other than the obvious "when will you release any new content?" And don't say story, because story isn't content.


A lot of people here seem to identify with this statement. It is only partially accurate. Apparently, the type of content which has drawn many people to remain subscribers since launch is PvP and difficult group PvE. I respect that fully, and BioWare should as well. Don't throw away your loyalest customers.


However, the most unique content type offered in SWTOR is not raids or warzones. It is the cinematic story content. SWTOR is the promise of continuing to play as your KOTOR III character after the main story ends, and getting a new story for that character every so often. Story is definitely content, and extremely expensive and rare content, not-to-mention.


While I appreciate and sympathize with the long-term players who are aching for more of the group-oriented content which has sustained them for this long, be wary of dismissing the story content. Many of us left because there wasn't enough of it.

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Story is content.


This ^^^


Story is w hat makes a RPG an RPG .Story is what SWTOR has always been based on


re posting this even though there are some who live in thier own world even they said the world flat and you told them its round they would not belive it .


The sheer number of assumptions in this post is staggering.


A shorter version could simply read: "I firmly believe that Massively Multiplayer means grouping or PvP, and BioWare doesn't focus on those. I don't find any replay value in KoTFE, so no one else will, and players who play for story, quit, only PvPers and Raiders stick around."


... All of which are false.


I totally agree with this ^^^^^^^^


Ohh look other people who think MMO means you have to have ops pvp op and other such grouping activities


**double facepalm**


Here is a re-post although i doubt its even worth my time to put even this much effort into responding to either of you.


"MMO" is not a TYPE of game its an ENVIRONMENT. LOL


RPG , Moba, FPS, RTS are types of games


As long as more than one person can connect to the same environment at the same time its a MMO regardless of the content. meaning a MMO does not REQUIRE group or PVP content to be considered a "MMO"


You could have a completely solo able game and it would still be a "MMO"


As for replayablility... I am planning on multiple Kofe runs and as for the OLD wolrds.i have not done any raids or pvp ..yet i don't seem to run out of things to do .... I completed ALL planets multiple times , lost track of the daily and weekly and many other random things... reached Legacy Level 50


Really my personal opinion as well as a stat that's been floating in the forums from somewhere ( 10 % pvp and raid) I believe you are on the minority side of the opinion.

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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So I put some lukewarm praise of the rewards in another thread, and if the bonus chapter is both good and substantial, then I'll be pretty pleased with that as a subscriber bonus reward. If it works well, and you can get 1-2 bonus mini-chapters out per year in the future, that'd be a really top notch reward program.


I do have some concern about the base game though. I tend to do a bit of everything, but solo PvE grind is what I do when I'm o.k. with doing things that aren't really much more fun than watching paint dry. It's the new story content and repeatable group content ( FPs, Ops, GSF, WZs, and yes even world PvP and RP events) that occupies the bulk of the time in SWTOR that makes SWTOR worth playing to me.


Right now SWTOR is sort of in a grace period and/or on probation with me. You rebuilt a lot of the mechanical underpinnings of the game in a way that makes the overall quality of the game much, much better. You also introduced a crap-ton of bugs that degrade the playing experience, and effectively transitioned SWTOR from an adequately mature product back to a Beta testing state. I can handle that if there's good cleanup of bugs and substantial high replay value content going forward.


I'm bearing with you for the complete overhaul of the delivery truck as it were, but if substantial deliveries don't resume in the next 2-3 months I will eventually leave for greener pastures. I left WoW for SWTOR because I was getting bored of what they were putting out, and story combined with a lot of replayable content was very appealing. The story is still good, better than WoW's to my mind, but if there's just a few drops of story per year, and nothing that has significant replay value, then it's hard to see spending a month's worth of subscription each month. A week worth of story content each month is great, but if the remaining 3 weeks of each month is, "nothing new in the last 2 going on 3 years," then it's hard to see sticking around.



I don't know, with a really zealous bug fixing campaign I might extend the grace period for SWTOR out as far as March, but if new content other than story never comes along I'll finally stop getting distracted from learning how to calculate orbital transfers for KSP. Or to put it another way, if SWTOR doesn't step up the content delivery a bit, a refresher course in Calculus and Differential Equations is going to start sounding like more fun than logging in to play SWTOR. I'm guessing that this isn't one of your development goals.



I'm being patient because I see the big improvements in the fundamentals of the game, but that patience is finite, and if you want me as a continuing customer playable content deliveries big enough and replayable enough to keep me occupied will be a necessity. Sooner would be better than later, as I'm an abnormally patient person and I don't see most people being that patient. Before 4.0 hit my guild typically had 10-25 online during weekend evenings. Now we typically have 2-5, and people are starting to let their subscriptions lapse to preferred on the grounds of, "tired of alliance grind, but there's nothing else to do."


I'm hoping replayable content will hit before those who have lapsed quit permanently.

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A lot of people here seem to identify with this statement. It is only partially accurate. Apparently, the type of content which has drawn many people to remain subscribers since launch is PvP and difficult group PvE. I respect that fully, and BioWare should as well. Don't throw away your loyalest customers.


However, the most unique content type offered in SWTOR is not raids or warzones. It is the cinematic story content. SWTOR is the promise of continuing to play as your KOTOR III character after the main story ends, and getting a new story for that character every so often. Story is definitely content, and extremely expensive and rare content, not-to-mention.


While I appreciate and sympathize with the long-term players who are aching for more of the group-oriented content which has sustained them for this long, be wary of dismissing the story content. Many of us left because there wasn't enough of it.


Yeah, this probably sums it up. I find the announcement uneventful aside from the entertainment of the forum melt downs. I really wish there was more balancing and actual content, particularly in PvP but its par for the course here that those things are few and far between. I saw no reason to expect anything to be announced on that and I think deep down; most people who are mad knew better. They just hoped that they would be surprised and got themselves carried away.

Edited by Technohic
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I thought by subscriber rewards, you were going to reward subs for HOW LONG we've subbed....but apparently you don't care about us long term subscribers and just want to give new players stuff.


A 3 month gap between chapters is rediculous. Not sure how you think 3 months of nothing is going to keep people playing.

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Can you make it so HK-55 can equip either blaster or a tech blade/staff, right now every droid companion in game is range except pre-KOTFE SCORPIO. I was planning to use SCORPIO as my main combat companion, till i saw she was range now.


I love that Scorpio is ranged but I think most companions should have a option between ranged and melee

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This ^^^


Story is w hat makes a RPG and RPG .Story is what SWTOR has always been based on


re posting this even though there are some who live in thier own world even they said the world flat and you told them its round they would not belive it .



Ohh look other people who think MMO means you have to have ops pvp op and other such grouping activities


**double facepalm**


Here is a re-post although i doubt its even worth my time to put even this much effort into responding to either of you.


You're a little behind the conversation if you're digging this far down the page...


Ask yourself this, if nobody else played this game, could you still enjoy it? If the answer is 100% yes, then that is not a MMORPG, that's an RPG. While there are aspects of a MMORPG that you can (and probably should) enjoy solo, the MMO portion is what long term players sink their time into. These people pay the bills. The new story content is nice. Great story, characters, etc. Great for a few hours a month (I'm being generous). How many hours do you play (new story) a month? 5? That's $3/hour for your sub. Me? I pay a lot less per hour because I group with Guildmates doing FPs, and Ops mostly. Others enjoy PvP. All of these things are MMO oriented, less so story driven.


I like the story, but do not want MMO to get ignored. They are clearly ignoring the MMO portion.

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A lot of people here seem to identify with this statement. It is only partially accurate. Apparently, the type of content which has drawn many people to remain subscribers since launch is PvP and difficult group PvE. I respect that fully, and BioWare should as well. Don't throw away your loyalest customers.


However, the most unique content type offered in SWTOR is not raids or warzones. It is the cinematic story content. SWTOR is the promise of continuing to play as your KOTOR III character after the main story ends, and getting a new story for that character every so often. Story is definitely content, and extremely expensive and rare content, not-to-mention.


While I appreciate and sympathize with the long-term players who are aching for more of the group-oriented content which has sustained them for this long, be wary of dismissing the story content. Many of us left because there wasn't enough of it.


I generally agree with KBN's statement but you bring up a good point. I've always been a big fan of the story in this game and genuinely enjoyed the first 9 chapters of KOTFE. There are undoubtedly many people who have come back just because of the renewed focus on story and i'm happy about that. I just wish they could provide the story without completely ignoring everything else that veteran players enjoy.

Edited by WhiteOsprey
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So, books have no content? movies? Story is content.


Last time I checked, I buy the complete book, and the complete movie for a very reasonable price.


A book last me more than 10+ hours, a movie 1 1/2 to 3 hrs long.


Subs are being bribed to remained subbed for what is the equivalent of 25-30 mins of content, dripped feed over 7 months for the low low price of 104.93 USD.


Is there some other content to do during this time? Sure. If you've not been, there done that. Is it it worth that sub. No, just flat out no.


People need to differentiate the term 'content' by medium in which its set. The standard for any online game, 'content' does not mean drip feed story, it means actual new things to do.


SWTOR did not loose all those original subs two-three months after launch because of lack of story. Repeatable content was the problem. And once again BW is doubling down on 'story'.

Edited by Dropfall
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Story is content, it may not be the content you want, but that doesn't change that it is content.


Fine, story is content.


Story is not the ONLY content. Better?


They told us before the launch of KOTFE (and flat out to my face at a cantina) that "we haven't forgotten the veterans, the ops guys, the PvPers." Yes, yes they have.

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How about an explanation as to why you hit sorcs with a 20% damage nerf, and never bothered to getting around putting it in a patch note somewhere? there has been a thread on the sorc/sages forum that has been going on for over a month now. You want to hit a class with a nerf bat? Fine, I got no problem with that, but maybe next time, put it in a patch note somewhere to let us know about it.
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No ops, no pvp, story is good, but you can finish it in less than 12 hrs, please devs do something better for the comunity, incluiding improving guild assets and events, make the game social for God sake, if you are focus in the story, stop asking for subscription and sell the game as a standalone rpg as KOTOR.

Greetings and I am an angry player, as the german one.

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